The Looks of the Week #107

 Olá, bem-vindos a mais um fabuloso post dos Looks da Semana! Hoje, quero abordar um tema muito forte para todos nós que já o sofremos na pele, falo da TRAIÇÃO! Quando descobri que alguém muito próximo de mim me prejudicou gravemente na minha vida profissional, foi avassalador, foi uma mistura de decepção e incredulidade. Recordava-me todas as vezes em que ajudei essa pessoa, oferecendo o meu tempo, o meu conhecimento e claro a minha confiança. Descobrir que essa pessoa agiu contra mim, deixou-me uma sensação de traição e desamparo. Enquanto lutava para processar a dor, também me questionei no que poderia ter feito de diferente, terei confiado demais? Apesar da dor e da traição que experimentei, a chamada facada nas costas, escolhi seguir em frente, sabendo que o perdão é um caminho que beneficia mais a mim do que a quem me magoou. Essa pessoa não faz ideia que eu descobri tudo, só foram 2 anos da minha vida deitados ao lixo! E, vocês já experimentaram algo semelhante?? Contem-me tudo nos comentários, estou curiosa em saber!

Hello and welcome to another fabulous Looks of the Week post! Today I want to tackle a very strong subject for all of us who have experienced it, I'm talking about BETRAYAL! When I discovered that someone very close to me had seriously damaged me in my professional life, it was overwhelming, a mixture of disappointment and disbelief. I remembered all the times I had helped that person, offering my time, my knowledge and, of course, my trust. Discovering that this person had acted against me left me with a sense of betrayal and helplessness. As I struggled to process the pain, I also asked myself what I could have done differently, had I trusted too much? Despite the pain and betrayal I experienced, the so-called stab in the back, I chose to move on, knowing that forgiveness is a path that benefits me more than the person who hurt me. That person has no idea that I've found out everything, just two years of my life thrown away! Have you experienced anything similar? Tell me all about it in the comments, I'm curious to know!



Explorando o poder de tweed, é o que faço com estas 4 propostas de look! Este vestido é um must-have para todas as estações, adaptando-se com elegância e estilo. Dos dias ensolarados da Primavera aos dias frios do Inverno, a sua versatilidade é incomparável. Qual o look que mais gostam?

Exploring the power of tweed, that's what I'm doing with these 4 looks! This dress is a must-have for all seasons, adapting with elegance and style. From sunny spring days to cold winter days, its versatility is unrivalled. Which look do you like the most?




 Então, digam-me lá qual é o vosso look preferido? Qual o dia da semana que preferem?

So, tell me what is your favorite look? What day of the week do you prefer?






32 comentários

  1. Todos lindos. O de quarta feira é um arraso. Cumprimentos poéticos

  2. You look great, thanks for your sharing

  3. Oh, so elegant in that headband! Love the lime jacket too. Awesome retro look in the pink. You look fabulous in white!💕❤️🧁🐉I really feel it is hard to have female friendships as the years go by. Although, when I was young I was always left out in the girl group. I almost broke my nose once at the playground with I was bullied, so when I was little I had two friends who were guys. We might have the odd ones in class, but I always remember J telling me I should smile more. Even now, it is hard to say if have ever been anyone's best friend. Yet, I've heard a lot of secrets. Sometimes, it is hard knowing too much. However, we are all a bit moody, and we do evolve. And it can be the worst when you find out at Christmas that a friend who liked to have lunch with you once a month is bipolar and tossed all the presents you gave her on your driveway just because you told her she needed to be nicer to her teenage son.

    1. Hello!!
      Thank you for this comment, you're absolutely right, female friendships are very difficult to achieve and maintain. I'm so sorry you were bullied, I can't believe your nose was broken and I'm sure your heart! hugs!!!

  4. My dear Marisa, I experienced those feelings in that precise situation and not only that but seen it happening with another person I cared about, hurted me even more. Even if I tried to worn the other person about the "evil collegue", she thought I was exagerating. Furthermore, she still thinks that what happened to her afterwards was just a case.
    Now I would like to congratulate you again for these outfits. I saw all of them on Instagram and I really liked them. You know how to inspire people!

    1. You're absolutely right, my dear Flo, friendships at work with women are even more complicated to maintain. I'm sorry for what you've been through. Another thing I've noticed is that if a woman looks better, dresses better, takes care of herself, then that arouses even more hatred and envy in other women at work! Thank you for your opinion, it's very valuable to me!

  5. The Friday look is definitely the best :)
    I think each of us has experienced this feeling of betrayal and it is not pleasant, but also, as you mentioned, painful.

    1. It's even more painful when that person was supposed to want the best for us, just as I wished that person the best too! There really are some evil people!

  6. Lindos atuendos mi preferido es el del jueves. Te mando un beso.

  7. All of them are wonderful!! The flower power one, reminds me I used to wear scarfs life that :D

    1. So get those scarves out of the wardrobe and start wearing them again! Okay?

  8. I like Tuesday this week.

    We all risk betrayal every day. It is the danger in every relationship, really. Is the risk worthwhile? Impossible to know unless you're in the situation yourself. But to never take that risk with anyone would be a live half-lived.

    1. Tuesday is a beautiful choice! I wasn't talking about a romantic relationship! Let's just say that what this person did to me was a wilful act, it seriously prejudiced me. I would never do such a thing to that person, even now knowing the truth!

  9. Welcome! Betrayal is a very unpleasant experience, I know something about it when someone you trust turns out to be untrustworthy. Any of your outfits are beautiful, but I love red, so Thursday wins. have a great weekend!

    1. It's very sad when a person stoops so low and commits such an act! Thursday is a very daring look, I like it too!

  10. Claramente o casaco verde captou me a atenção 🙂

  11. Todas elas são muito belas. Impossível a escolha!:)
    Olho o horizonte com saudade...
    Beijos. Bom fim de semana.

  12. Todos os looks são lindos, mas gostei especialmente do de segunda, é fantástico.
    Quanto às traições, sei bem como dói, pois também me aconteceu exatamente assim comigo.

    1. Não se pode confiar em ninguém! Mundo cão este. Também gosto do look de segunda, boa escolha🥰😍

  13. Arrasou nos looks. Todo mundo já sofreu uma traição na vida, não é mesmo? Mas que bom que a gente está superando e seguindo em frente.

    Boa semana!

    O JOVEM JORNALISTA está no ar cheio de posts novos e novidades! Não deixe de conferir!

    Jovem Jornalista

    Até mais, Emerson Garcia

    1. Mas mesmo assim é difícil de compreender tanta maldade e tanto rancor contra a minha pessoa!

  14. So sorry to hear that you felt betrayed by someone close to you - that's such an upsetting experience. I love all these looks, but especially Tuesday's
    Julia x

    1. When those who are close to us and supposed to protect us are the ones who stab us in the back, imagine what those who aren't close to us would do! Tuesday is a beautiful choice!


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