Look Nº 818 - Animals

Bem-vindos meus queridos amigos e leitores deste meu blog! Neste post, apresento-vos a mais nova residência universitária em Coimbra, que tem na sua fachada uma obra de arte urbana do artista Bordalo II. Este artista português é conhecido internacionalmente pelas impressionantes esculturas feitas de materiais reciclados e objectos encontrados nas ruas. As suas obras contêm mensagens ambientalistas através da representação de animais, destacando a importância para a conservação da natureza e a sustentabilidade dos recursos naturais! Mas qual terá sido o verdadeiro significado desta obra?? É isso que eu vou tentar descobrir???

Welcome, my dear friends and readers of my blog! In this post, I'll introduce you to the newest university residence in Coimbra, whose front features a street art by the artist Bordalo II. This Portuguese artist is known internationally for his impressive sculptures made from recycled materials and objects found on the streets. His works contain environmentalist messages through the representation of animals, emphasizing the importance of nature conservation and the sustainability of natural resources! But what was the real meaning of this street art? That's what I'm going to try to find out?

Como este edifício é uma residência universitária, este post vai ser uma aula de Economia com crítica social. Aliás, é uma música que é a própria aula, a música é "Animals" dos Muse! A mensagem desta música aborda temas como a ganância, corrupção e desigualdade social, com críticas ao sistema económico e político!

 As this building is a university residence, this post is going to be an economics lesson with social criticism. In fact, it's a song that is the lesson itself, the song is "Animals" by Muse! The song's message addresses issues such as greed, corruption and social inequality, criticizing the economic and political system! 

Coimbra é uma cidade universitária, estudantes de todo o país vêm fazer os seus estudos superiores na sua conhecida Universidade, só que os estudantes têm enfrentado um problema, não conseguem arranjar casa para morar enquanto fazem os seus estudos, e porquê? Porque Portugal abriu as suas  portas ao investimento estrangeiro na habitação, dando mesmo vantagens fiscais a estes estrangeiros que queiram vir viver as suas reformas douradas para Portugal! Chineses, americanos, franceses, ingleses e outros, com o seu poder de compra substancialmente superior ao dos portugueses, simplesmente, esgotaram as casas em Portugal e inflacionaram o preço das mesmas, que agora, estão inacessíveis à bolsa dos portugueses! Ora sem casas, os estudantes não conseguem vir fazer os estudos para Coimbra, pelo que o Estado tem vindo a construir este tipo de residências, mas que, ainda, são em número insuficiente!

Coimbra is a university city, students from all over the country come to do their higher studies at its renowned University, but students have been facing a problem, they can't find a house to live in while they do their studies, and why? Because Portugal has opened its doors to foreign investment in housing, even giving tax advantages to these foreigners who want to come and live out their golden retirements in Portugal! The Chinese, Americans, French, British and others, with their substantially higher purchasing power than the Portuguese, simply sold out of houses in Portugal and inflated the price of them, which are now unaffordable to the Portuguese! Without houses, students can't come to Coimbra to study, so the state has been building these types of residences, but there are still not enough of them!
A música "Animals" dos Muse aborda a questão da ganância e desigualdade, temas ligadas à especulação imobiliária. A letra reflecte a exploração e a procura do lucro desenfreado sem preocupações com os impactos sociais. A especulação imobiliária, especialmente quando alimentada pelo investimento estrangeiro, conduz à inflação dos preços, excluindo os portugueses do mercado, a música faz referência a uma elite privilegiada que beneficia às custas dos menos afortunados, neste caso os estudantes!
The song "Animals" by Muse addresses the issue of greed and inequality, themes linked to property speculation. The lyrics reflect exploitation and the pursuit of unbridled profit without concern for social impacts. Property speculation, especially when fueled by foreign investment, leads to price inflation, excluding the Portuguese from the market, the song refers to a privileged elite that benefits at the expense of the less fortunate, in this case the students!

 Assim, ao abordar a especulação imobiliária, a música "Animals" dos Muse e a obra de arte urbana de Bordalo II alertam para as complexidades e as injustiças presentes no mercado imobiliário português, fazendo um convite à reflexão sobre o equilíbrio entre o desenvolvimento económico e a justiça social! Sob pena deste mundo onde vivemos se tornar numa verdadeira selva onde só vencem os mais fortes... neste caso os mais ricos! Mas atenção para a parte final da música, pode querer referir-se ao rebentamento da bolha imobiliária, o que poderá ser fatal para muitos destes especuladores!
"Kill yourself
Come on and do us all a favor"
Thus, by addressing property speculation, the song "Animals" by Muse and the urban artwork by Bordalo II alert us to the complexities and injustices present in the Portuguese property market, inviting us to reflect on the balance between economic development and social justice! Otherwise, the world we live in will become a real jungle where only the strongest win... in this case the richest!!  But watch out for the final part of the song, it could refer to the bursting of the property bubble, which could be fatal for many of these speculators!
"Kill yourself
Come on and do us all a favor"

A desumanização e a exploração presentes no mercado imobiliário, em que se dá prioridade ao lucro em detrimento do bem estar dos moradores locais, faz destes actores económicos verdadeiros primatas, que me desculpem os macaquinhos! Terá sido este o significado da obra de street art de Bordalo II? O que é que faria um macaco feito de lixo numa residência universitária??
The dehumanization and exploitation present in the property market, in which profit is prioritized over the well-being of local residents, makes these economic actors real primates, if you'll excuse the monkeys! Was this the meaning of Bordalo II's street art? What would a monkey made of rubbish be doing in a university residence?



Thanks for reading!!!
Marisa Cavaleiro Torres



60 comentários

  1. Parece que ninguém tem interesse em parar a especulação imobiliária. Os preço praticados são assustadores num país em que o salário mínimo é francamente baixo.
    Isabel Sá
    Brilhos da Moda

    1. É verdade, os preços da habitação são proibitivos! Uma vergonha!

  2. What an interesting artpiece! Oh, at least these aren't caged apartments like in some countries. More fields are being shredded down here to create homes and apartments seem to be popping up in the most unexpected places in our hometown and it isn't even the big city. Love the Pink! Hope you get a good sight of the eclipse today.

    1. At least where you live they're building, here what's built is very expensive, the Portuguese can't afford it and there's very little building going on!

    2. Unfortunately, some of these big plans to start something have fallen through, yet these building have been torn down in "old town" as they call it..and lots of empty spaces would be great for gardens and the arts, but not yet.
      Thank you for your comment on parents, etc. I think Em might have some guilt since she didn't stay with the father but opted to be with her partner Yuki. Still, she is lucky to have two people supporting her so she can stay home with the baby. Unfortunately, that is not the case with many families I know, and I have seen youngster barely in grade school becoming latch-key kids, already. As they say, it takes a village to raise a child. Also I see less young families these days at the library. All the best to your projects and content.

    3. Thank you for giving me these explanations about your narrative, I confess I was a little confused! What a pity that young families don't frequent your library as much, here women are becoming mothers later and later!

  3. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Housing was a major part of the consideration for our child in picking a college. Of course, the system is different in the States but even so, your dwelling is a major element of your life experience. I'm glad the city of Coimbra is trying to do something to help students.

    And I love the mural.

    1. Yes, I just hope that the students who will benefit from this residence will be economically needy and not others!!! Thanks!

  4. Artistic pic, creative, and good article. Have a nice day

  5. Raising awarness, I hope. I mean the monkey. By the way - a wonderful mixed -media painting.
    I.... am really tired because of this profit issue. Food.. there is food everywhere, all king of. But is poisoned with lots of unhealthy ingredients. And not only that. The earth is so damaged, that even if you want to buy from the market place... it is like a russian rulette. You can get lucky, and come to enjoy fresh vegetable, or you can get sick...
    It is not pessimism. I am an optimistt by nature. It is reality, unfortunately. In my country, some years ago (before the pandemic, at least) you could still find healthy food relatively easily. Now it became a nightmare..


    :) But... I do hope, there is still.. hope :). I really love the outfit you chose for this article.
    Hugs :*

    1. Thank you! That's why there are more and more people diagnosed with cancer at a younger age, I'm sure it's the food we eat!

  6. Great art, i really like it. We have the same problem in Vienna. Students can only live at horrendous prices. Living has also become extremely expensive for us Viennese in recent years.

    Wonderful Outfit Marisa, i love the color.

    1. Thank you! Lisbon prices are exorbitant, but in other cities the problem is also serious, mass tourism has also exacerbated the problem of the housing market!

  7. É uma ótima crítica e cabe a reflexão. Talvez o governo devesse intervir e criar políticas para equilibrar o mercado.

  8. This monkey may actually have the same meaning as you mentioned in the last sentences of the post...
    It is terrible when the state cares about the citizens of other countries, but has its own citizens... next to its tail.
    You look beautiful in this dress :)

    1. You're right, foreign money has more value than domestic money, it seems!!!

  9. The dress is fantastic! It looks so good on you, especially with your hair color!

  10. It's disheartening to see how housing speculation affects communities, especially students who are trying to pursue their education.
    BTW, you look fabulous in pink, Marisa.

    Happy Tuesday!

    1. Thank you, and it doesn't just affect students, young couples can't buy a house either!

  11. This pink is beautiful on you!



  12. Hola! me gusta mucho el look y el mural

  13. Pretty in pink -Christine cmlk79.blogspot.com

  14. So beautiful.

  15. The building looks amazing! I love your dress :) Beautiful!

  16. you look very chic!


  17. Gosto do look e adoro a arte do Bordalo! 🩷😘

  18. Great introduction! You've effectively set the stage for discussing the university residence in Coimbra and its significance, particularly in relation to social and economic issues facing students in Portugal. The comparison to the song "Animals" by Muse adds an interesting layer of depth to your analysis.

    1. Thank you for your comment. I think this song is great for this post! It's a real economics lesson!

  19. Muito interessante e reflexiva a obra de Bordalo II e elegante e lindo look.

  20. Bem interessante a obra do artista. É algo que cabe muita reflexão. Espero que o governo consiga construir mais prédios como esse para ajudar os estudantes.
    Look lindo, como sempre.

    1. Sim, este edifício apesar de ser grande é insuficiente 😩

  21. Look rosa belíssimo! Adoraria usar!
    O governo, que criou o problema, deveria baixar
    medidas que ajudassem os Portugueses.

    1. Exactamente, e os emigrantes para conseguirem viver nas grandes cidades, vivem 4 num só quarto! E nós precisamos desses emigrantes!!

  22. Very nice pictures! I went to visit Coimbra long time ago. It is a nice city, I love it! Have a nice day!

    1. Yes, Coimbra is lovely city, city of love and the students, thank you 🥰

  23. Dear Marisa, I'll write in English because it will be easier for me. Thank you for this post because it is very important. We have a similar problem in Poland and a terribly greedy developer. Real estate prices are very high. When my daughter was studying, she didn't have a place in a dormitory, we had to rent her an apartment for a lot of money. Now, in order to buy her an apartment, we would have to take out a high-interest loan. Renting an apartment also costs a lot in Poland. I didn't know the song, I'll listen to it. You're beautiful in that pink dress. Cheers, have a good week.

    1. Housing, which is a fundamental right, seems to have been forgotten by those who govern us. And I thought that Portugal was a serious case, but it turns out that other countries are experiencing the same problem!!!

  24. That's a very intriguing write up girl! I am immersed by your thought process regarding the injustices from economic imbalances fueled by profit greed. It's the same thing that happens here too in my small town with the more 'urban' sides are actually for those more privileged than the townies who are excluded from that property's target market. When I look at the primate art that decorates the building for the students, I feel a kind of playfulness that is reflected from the colors and textures. As you said, bits and bobs are used from the streets to give that textured look to the art. I think there's a touch of optimism too because monkeys can be quite naughty and curious, kind of like what one would hope in a young person setting out into the world ;) Well, that's just what I think...Thanks for this fun post, you look chic as always and I hope you will continue to write your thoughts with passion!

    1. Thank you dear Reverie, I'm always surprised by your comments. I also loved your interpretation of the street art, of course the young students who will be living in this university residence, what is expected of them is the irreverence of youth, just like monkeys, as you said, they are naughty and curious! That's why art provokes us to think about its various meanings!


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