Olá meus queridos amigos e leitores do Marisa's Closet! Pensem neste post como um mero exercício de imaginação inspirado nesta linda registadora - peça de museu - que aparece nesta primeira foto! Quero que imaginem não uma registadora comercial, mas numa entidade metafórica que regista todas as nossas acções ao longo da nossa vida. Esta registadora, aparentemente simples, tem um propósito profundo e místico: determinar o destino da nossa alma após a nossa morte. É que eu penso muito neste assunto e gostaria de saber a vossa opinião! Apresento-vos a registadora celestial!
Hello my dear readers and friends of Marisa's Closet! Think of this post as a mere exercise in imagination inspired by this beautiful register - a museum piece - that appears in this first photo! I want you to imagine it not as a commercial register, but as a metaphorical entity that records all our actions throughout our lives. This apparently simple register has a profound and mystical purpose: to determine the fate of our soul after our death. I've been thinking about this a lot and I'd like to know what you think! Meet the celestial register!
A cada boa acção que realizamos, a registadora celestial emite um registo positivo, contribuindo para um saldo favorável que, eventualmente, nos conduzirá a um destino de paz e iluminação, assim como num espaço como este, onde me encontro! Estas boas acções podem ser gestos de bondade, compaixão, empatia, ou qualquer outra forma de amor e respeito pelo próximo e ao meio ambiente. Assim, quanto mais actos de bondade acumulamos, mais brilhante e própera se torna a nossa alma!
With every good action we do, the celestial register emits a positive entry, contributing to a favourable balance that will eventually lead us to a destination of peace and enlightenment, just like in a space like this one, where I am! These good actions can be gestures of kindness, compassion, empathy or any other form of love and respect for our neighbours and the environment. So the more actions of kindness we accumulate, the brighter and more prosperous our soul becomes!
Por outro lado, cada má acção registada - seja ela resultado de egoísmo, maldade, ou desrespeito - pesa negativamente no nosso registo. Este saldo negativo pode levar a nossa alma a enfrentar consequências dolorosas. Acredito que isso significa ser castigado numa dimensão espiritual de purificação, isto é, o destino da alma é o regresso à Terra, reencarnando para aprender e corrigir os erros cometidos!
On the other hand, every bad action registered - whether it's the result of selfishness, malice or disrespect - weighs negatively on our record. This negative balance can lead our soul to face painful consequences. I believe that this means being punished in a spiritual dimension of purification, i.e. the soul's destiny is to return to Earth, reincarnating to learn and correct the mistakes made!
Estas questões despertam a minha curiosidade: o que realmente acontece após a nossa morte? Iremos para uma outra dimensão, repleta de mistérios e desafios? Ou a nossa alma encontrará morada num lugar celestial, como este, talvez no coração do sol, fonte eterna de luz e energia?
These questions arouse my curiosity: what really happens after we die? Do we go to another dimension, full of mysteries and challenges? Or will our soul find a home in a heavenly place like this one, perhaps in the heart of the sun, the eternal source of light and energy?
Lembro-me de uma época da minha vida em que imaginava esta registadora como uma máquina divina, criada por Deus para reflectir a Sua imagem e semelhança em cada um de nós. Afinal, se fomos feitos à Sua imagem, seria natural que a justiça divina também se manifestasse de maneira ordenada e justa.
I remember a time in my life when I imagined this register as a divine machine, created by God to reflect His image and likeness in each of us. After all, if we were made in His image, it was only natural that divine justice should also manifest itself in an orderly and fair manner.
Tudo isto que escrevi até agora, faz-nos pensar na profundidade das nossas acções diárias. Cada escolha, cada gesto, pode ter um impacto duradouro no nosso destino espiritual. A registadora celestial não é apenas uma metáfora, mas um modo de vida feito de boas e más acções, cabe-nos escolher qual o resultado do nosso balanço espiritual! Vou dar uma volta com o meu melhor Amigo... aka Deus!
Everything I've written so far makes us think about the depth of our daily actions. Every choice, every gesture, can have a lasting impact on our spiritual destiny. The celestial register is not just a metaphor, but a way of life made up of good and bad actions, it's up to us to choose the outcome of our spiritual balance sheet! Come with me on this adventure! I'm taking a ride with my best Friend... aka God!
Algumas fotos foram alteradas pela IA / Some photos have been altered by AI
I'm taking a ride with my best friend I hope he never lets me down again He knows where he's taking me Taking me where I want to be
O mundo podia estra repleto de muitas registadoras que emitisse muitos sons da bonda e da ajuda para que as +pessoas refletissem e tornassem este mundo mais aprazível, com menos ódio e guerras. Isabel Sá Brilhos da Moda
You give me lots to think on with this post. I feel our faith evolves, the world changes us to as trends begin to bend our thoughts from time to time, but staying true to you is where the faith lies. Thanks so much for the beautiful post! Such a fantastic place you visited. Lovely in white..and you wear that hat so well! Thanks so much for your words and the post!
Thank you so much Ellie for your comment! It made my day! I think a lot about these questions, why in this world there are people who are so lucky and others who are born in Africa to die of hunger, this has to have a much greater purpose. I think that in the Universe there has to be a certain order and justice, things can't be by chance and everything good or bad that is done has consequences!
Oh, Marisa, how I like such posts, such thoughts and reflections! And by the way, in this white dress you look like an angel who came from the Land of Light. I have been trying - for many years - to live in such a way that no one would ever cry because of me. But it varies, as in life. I believe in reincarnation and I would like to find myself after this life in a place of some soul cleansing, which I imagine as bright and beautiful. Best regards, have a nice week! PS On Monday I'm flying out to a beautiful country by the Ocean... This country is called Portugal. :)
I don't know if I believe in reincarnation, this exercise I've done is a simple reflection of what I'd like it to be, that things aren't random, that the Universe has a Law, an Order and a Justice! I don't like to think that everything ends with death! So I hope your stay in Portugal is marvellous, the food is very good, the country is beautiful and the people are very friendly. If you visit Coimbra, the university city, send me an email and maybe we can meet up! Happy holidays!
I understand your comment and see it as a cultural issue, you Americans are much more pragmatic than us Europeans who have a much more Judeo-Christian matrix in our culture and education! Thank you for this comment, I love the varied points of view in the comments!
Bem-vindo Luíz, sabes foram os portugueses que descobriram o Brasil, foram eles que levaram entre muitas coisas a arquitectura, é natural que existam semelhanças, afinal de contas estamos a falar da mesma arquitectura!!!
What a profoundly written post! The ancient Egyptians had a similar concept I think. After our death, our soul would come in front of a judge who would weigh our actions, both good and bad ones. Those who did more bad were punished by being devoured by crocodiles or something of the sort. I'd prefer to believe that people are given another choice in the form of purgatory or reincarnation. One life doesn't seem enough to fairly judge someone- especially if it is a life cut short. I enjoyed reading your reflection and I think you make excellent points. Indeed, every action we make is significant. Every sarcastic, jealous or mean comment has the power to potentially poison our view and approach to life. Every time we do something wrong and try to justify it, we're increasing the chances we'll do this wrong thing again. Everyone makes mistakes, but we must try to correct them...and try to be aware of them. This is all easier said than done....but it's important to try. After all, we create ourselves with the choices we make. We must make more good ones than bad ones.
I love your photography. Beautiful location and photos. I really like your long white maxi dress and orange sandals. Gorgeous hat as well...It makes your styling tres chic. You look stunning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I loved your comment, it made me think too! When you talk about lives that are short, and I think about that too, I think that maybe it's a reincarnation with a punishment from another previous life! Because we don't know if this life we're living is the first one we're living or not, or if we're in a process of evolution of our soul or spirit! I have respect for this register (God) and that's why I try to live my life without harming anyone, without envy, I try to be happy and I am because I'm well resolved with my soul. Thank you so much for sharing your views on this complex subject!
I had to go and read a review of that Christmas story to understand your comment! I see similarities between my post and that Christmas Carol. The moral of the story is the same, we must always live our lives with integrity because our spirit will evolve and walk in the light!
Primeiro: adorei este lugar das fotos, que belo e colorido cenário! Segundo: seu look maravilhoso, vestido leve para o verão. Terceiro: acho que Deus é a máquina registradora de nossas vidas. Beijos! 😘
The idea of a celestial register recording our actions is inspiring and makes me reflect on the importance of kindness and empathy. Your white dress and the serene surroundings perfectly complement the message of peace and enlightenment. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and sparking such meaningful contemplation.
Thank you very much for your comment. It's my aim to inspire my friends and readers with stories that make us think, regardless, in this case, of the beliefs and religions we profess!
This is such an interesting and thought provoking post. I totally believe in karma and the importance of kindness and empathy. On another note, these photos are so beautiful. You look gorgeous and I love the location. Julia x https://www.thevelvetrunway.com/
That's exactly it, it's a thought-provoking post! I think we should think about our daily actions and how they sooner or later have consequences, it's Karma! And as they say in Portuguese, Karma is a bitch! Thank you for this comment!
What an interesting construct. I imagine if a cha-ching sound went off every time a good deed was done, it would be positive reinforcement to continue those good deeds and the world would be a happier place for all.
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Lindo atuendo. Te mando un beso.
ResponderEliminarGracias! Besitos!
Eliminari love your bag!! :)
ResponderEliminarxoxo, rae
Thanks Rae!
EliminarO mundo podia estra repleto de muitas registadoras que emitisse muitos sons da bonda e da ajuda para que as +pessoas refletissem e tornassem este mundo mais aprazível, com menos ódio e guerras.
ResponderEliminarIsabel Sá
Brilhos da Moda
Tens razão, mas sabes eu acho que há certas pessoas que se estivessem no lugar do Putin ainda eram piores do que ele!
EliminarThis place looks so nice!
Curated By Jennifer
Yessss!! You're right!
EliminarYou give me lots to think on with this post. I feel our faith evolves, the world changes us to as trends begin to bend our thoughts from time to time, but staying true to you is where the faith lies. Thanks so much for the beautiful post! Such a fantastic place you visited. Lovely in white..and you wear that hat so well! Thanks so much for your words and the post!
ResponderEliminarThank you so much Ellie for your comment! It made my day! I think a lot about these questions, why in this world there are people who are so lucky and others who are born in Africa to die of hunger, this has to have a much greater purpose. I think that in the Universe there has to be a certain order and justice, things can't be by chance and everything good or bad that is done has consequences!
EliminarGreat Post! I believe in karma and also in doing good.
ResponderEliminarI really like your style, I love your outfit. You look beautiful <3
You're right, for those who believe in karma, everything we do has consequences! So we'd better do good!
EliminarI love your hat!
Curated by Jennifer
Thank you Jennifer!
EliminarOh, Marisa, how I like such posts, such thoughts and reflections! And by the way, in this white dress you look like an angel who came from the Land of Light.
ResponderEliminarI have been trying - for many years - to live in such a way that no one would ever cry because of me. But it varies, as in life. I believe in reincarnation and I would like to find myself after this life in a place of some soul cleansing, which I imagine as bright and beautiful.
Best regards, have a nice week!
PS On Monday I'm flying out to a beautiful country by the Ocean... This country is called Portugal. :)
I don't know if I believe in reincarnation, this exercise I've done is a simple reflection of what I'd like it to be, that things aren't random, that the Universe has a Law, an Order and a Justice! I don't like to think that everything ends with death!
EliminarSo I hope your stay in Portugal is marvellous, the food is very good, the country is beautiful and the people are very friendly. If you visit Coimbra, the university city, send me an email and maybe we can meet up! Happy holidays!
It's an interesting queston. I think it's best to do good things so as to have a more meaningful life in THIS world.
ResponderEliminarI understand your comment and see it as a cultural issue, you Americans are much more pragmatic than us Europeans who have a much more Judeo-Christian matrix in our culture and education! Thank you for this comment, I love the varied points of view in the comments!
EliminarBoa tarde de terça-feira Marisa. Seus looks são sempre maravilhosos. E algumas construções, lembram a arquitetura brasileira, das cidades históricas.
ResponderEliminarBem-vindo Luíz, sabes foram os portugueses que descobriram o Brasil, foram eles que levaram entre muitas coisas a arquitectura, é natural que existam semelhanças, afinal de contas estamos a falar da mesma arquitectura!!!
EliminarWhat a profoundly written post! The ancient Egyptians had a similar concept I think. After our death, our soul would come in front of a judge who would weigh our actions, both good and bad ones. Those who did more bad were punished by being devoured by crocodiles or something of the sort. I'd prefer to believe that people are given another choice in the form of purgatory or reincarnation. One life doesn't seem enough to fairly judge someone- especially if it is a life cut short.
ResponderEliminarI enjoyed reading your reflection and I think you make excellent points. Indeed, every action we make is significant. Every sarcastic, jealous or mean comment has the power to potentially poison our view and approach to life. Every time we do something wrong and try to justify it, we're increasing the chances we'll do this wrong thing again. Everyone makes mistakes, but we must try to correct them...and try to be aware of them. This is all easier said than done....but it's important to try. After all, we create ourselves with the choices we make. We must make more good ones than bad ones.
I love your photography. Beautiful location and photos.
I really like your long white maxi dress and orange sandals.
Gorgeous hat as well...It makes your styling tres chic.
You look stunning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I loved your comment, it made me think too! When you talk about lives that are short, and I think about that too, I think that maybe it's a reincarnation with a punishment from another previous life! Because we don't know if this life we're living is the first one we're living or not, or if we're in a process of evolution of our soul or spirit! I have respect for this register (God) and that's why I try to live my life without harming anyone, without envy, I try to be happy and I am because I'm well resolved with my soul. Thank you so much for sharing your views on this complex subject!
EliminarQue boneca mais linda, num lugar mais lindo ainda
Uau muito obrigada pelo elogio!
EliminarThis is so true. Have you ever read or seen a production of A Christmas Carol? I think Charles Dickens was way ahead of his time with this story.
ResponderEliminarAllie of
I had to go and read a review of that Christmas story to understand your comment! I see similarities between my post and that Christmas Carol. The moral of the story is the same, we must always live our lives with integrity because our spirit will evolve and walk in the light!
EliminarPrimeiro: adorei este lugar das fotos, que belo e colorido cenário!
ResponderEliminarSegundo: seu look maravilhoso, vestido leve para o verão.
Terceiro: acho que Deus é a máquina registradora de nossas vidas.
Beijos! 😘
Quarto: Acertaste em cheio!
EliminarThe idea of a celestial register recording our actions is inspiring and makes me reflect on the importance of kindness and empathy.
ResponderEliminarYour white dress and the serene surroundings perfectly complement the message of peace and enlightenment.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and sparking such meaningful contemplation.
Thank you very much for your comment. It's my aim to inspire my friends and readers with stories that make us think, regardless, in this case, of the beliefs and religions we profess!
EliminarAbsolutely love these photos, and your look is perfection! Such a chic beauty, hope you have an amazing summer!
ResponderEliminarxoxo, Midori
Welcome to this blog, thank you for your comment!
EliminarAchei super interessante esse conceito da registadora!
Ontem é só Memória | Facebook | Instagram
Eu também acho! E esta registadora é uma linda peça de museu!
EliminarThis is such an interesting and thought provoking post. I totally believe in karma and the importance of kindness and empathy.
ResponderEliminarOn another note, these photos are so beautiful. You look gorgeous and I love the location.
Julia x
That's exactly it, it's a thought-provoking post! I think we should think about our daily actions and how they sooner or later have consequences, it's Karma! And as they say in Portuguese, Karma is a bitch! Thank you for this comment!
EliminarWhat an interesting construct. I imagine if a cha-ching sound went off every time a good deed was done, it would be positive reinforcement to continue those good deeds and the world would be a happier place for all.
ResponderEliminarThank you, you made me smile with that comment, it's great to have a sound to accompany every positive entry on the cash register!
EliminarWow! That place is indeed interesting and I love your outfit. It is fabulous :*!!!