The Looks of the Week #122

 Bem-vindos a mais um fabuloso post dos Looks da Semana! No dia em que Portugal enfrentou a França no Europeu de futebol, algo inacreditável aconteceu no meu blog! Normalmente, sou visitada por pessoas de 15 a 20 países por dia, mas naquele dia mágico... tcharam! Fui agraciada com visitas de... 76 países! Sim, 76! O meu blog parecia uma conferência da ONU😁! Não sei se foi coincidência ou não, mas suspeito que Cristiano  Ronaldo, o nosso craque português que tem 633 milhões de seguidores no Instagram e, é a personalidade com mais seguidores em todo o mundo, levantou a curiosidade, devido ao facto de o meu blog ser português! Apesar de termos perdido o jogo, fiquei radiante com a explosão de visitantes. Foi quase como se tivesse ganho o campeonato de blogs😁!Mas, se alguém ficou triste com a derrota, podem sempre apreciar os meus looks inspiradores para levantar o astral, nada como um look arrasador para esquecer as tristezas do futebol😁!

Welcome to another fabulous Looks of the Week post! On the day that Portugal played France in the European Football Championship, something unbelievable happened on my blog! Normally, I'm visited by people from 15 to 20 countries a day, but on that magical day... I was honoured with visits from... 76 countries! Yes, 76! My blog was like a UN conference😁! I don't know if it was a coincidence or not, but I suspect that Cristiano Ronaldo, our Portuguese star who has 633 million followers on Instagram and is the personality with the most followers in the world, aroused curiosity because my blog is Portuguese! Even though we lost the game, I was thrilled with the explosion of visitors. It was almost as if I'd won the blogging championship😁! But if anyone was saddened by the defeat, they can always enjoy my inspirational looks to lift their spirits, there's nothing like a killer look to take your mind off the footballing blues😁!


Neste campeonato de estilo, vale tudo para vos impressionar, até transformar uma saia de tule que estava demasiado comprida num lindo vestido! O que acharam desta transformação? 

In this style competition, anything goes to impress you, even turning a tulle skirt that was too long into a beautiful dress! What did you think of this transformation? 





 Então, digam-me lá qual é o vosso look preferido? Qual o dia da semana que preferem?

So, tell me what is your favorite look? What day of the week do you prefer?



       STOP WARS


25 comentários

  1. Me gusta el look del miércoles. Te mando un beso.


  2. Congrats on the diverse visitors to your blog, that's great!
    Your outfits this week are gorgeous again. Love the Sunday dress <3

    Happy Friday, hugs

  3. Congratulations! Oh, these lovely summer dresses! So elegant. You are very inspiring. Love the glam pants too! I guess we are in for a heatwave this weekend. Although, I feel we have had enough heat and humidity already. So great to see your lovely days of the week. You look fabulous everyday! Thanks for being here! & Thanks for your comments!

    1. Thank you, you're very creative in your comments, a reflection of what you do on your blog!

  4. Escolho o de quarta... 👏👏👏
    Bom fim-de-semana 😘

  5. Sunday is my favourite look. I really like how you turned that long tulle skirt into a dress. Very creative way of styling it.
    Gorgeous outfits, all of them...but the tulle outfit wins my heart because it's so romantic.

    1. I agree with you too! I love this transformation, the skirt has gained volume and movement! I think I've reinvented this skirt and it's taken on a whole new life!

  6. So colorful :)
    I like Monday's styles the most (the one from 2019 is great)

  7. All these looks are beautiful. I especially love Friday's dress
    Julia x

  8. Charme e beleza em delicioso movimento.
    Saudações amigas. Domingo feliz.
    Poema: “ Lágrimas de Amor “

  9. Adorei os looks, e fiquei muito feliz por esse aumento de visitas, os meus parabéns!

    Ontem é só Memória | Facebook | Instagram

  10. Parabéns pela conquista! Você merece isso e muito mais. Adorei todos os looks que você apresentou aqui no post.

    Boa semana!

    O JOVEM JORNALISTA está no ar cheio de posts novos e novidades! Não deixe de conferir!

    Jovem Jornalista

    Até mais, Emerson Garcia

    1. Obrigada JJ pelas suas palavras! Elas significam muito para mim!


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