Look Nº 848 - It's Raining Men #2

 Olá! Hoje não há a rubrica Looks da Semana. Peço desculpa, mas foi completamente impossível. Como compensação, apresento-vos um look ainda de Verão, mas que pode muito bem ser vestido num dia de Outono, pois o tempo que fazia neste dia é em tudo semelhante a um dia de Outono. Feita esta pequena ressalva, passo à história deste post que é muito engraçada!

Hello, there's no Looks of the Week today. I apologise, but it was completely impossible. As compensation, I'm presenting you with a look that is still summery, but which could very well be worn on an autumn day, as the weather on this day is very similar to an autumn day. Having said that, I'll move on to the story of this post, which is very funny!

No último post do blog, falei sobre o fascínio das brasileiras por homens asiáticos, muito inspirado pelos doramas. Aqulas cenas fofinhas em que eles são amorosos, gentis, fiéis e protectores, basicamente o pacote completo do príncipe encantado versão asiática!! O que eu não esperava era que, depois de compartilhar esta história, o universo fosse agir tão rapidamente. Porque, não é que o Facebook resolveu fazer-me uma surpresa!!
In the last blog post, I talked about Brazilian women's fascination with Asian men, much of it inspired by K-dramas. Those cute scenes in which they are loving, kind, faithful and protective, basically the complete Prince Charming package Asian version!!! What I didn't expect was that, after sharing this story, the universe would act so quickly. Because Facebook decided to surprise me!!! Yes, that's it!

Para minha grande surpresa - e risos - começaram a pipocar solicitações de amizade no Facebook de homens asiáticos! A sério!! Parece que o algoritmo do amor, ou talvez o próprio Mark Zuckerberg, leu o meu post e pensou: Vamos surpreender a Marisa!
To my great surprise - and laughter - friend requests started flooding in on Facebook from Asian men! Seriously! It seems that the algorithm of love, or perhaps Mark Zuckerberg himself, read my post and thought: Let's surprise Marisa!

O mais engraçado? Se no dorama o casal se encontra na chuva ou tropeça um no  outro num jardim como este. Na minha vida, o primeiro encontro está a acontecer via solicitação de amizade no Facebook. Ah os tempos modernos... quem diria que o cupido agora é um algoritmo do Facebook! Hahahahaha!!
The funniest thing? If in the K-drama the couple meet in the rain or stumble across each other in a garden like this. In my life, the first date is happening via a Facebook friend request. Ah modern times... who would have thought that cupid is now a Facebook algorithm! Hahahahaha!!!

De qualquer forma, fica a dica, cuidado com o que escrevem, porque pode parecer que os astros, ou talvez os algoritmos, estejam prontos a realizar os vossos desejos, mesmo os mais estapafúrdios! Agora, se me derem licença tenho que ir conferir as solicitações de amizade no Facebook, quem sabe se o príncipe encantado asiático já esteja lá à minha espera!😁😁😁😁
Anyway, here's the tip: be careful what you write, because it may seem that the stars, or perhaps the algorithms, are ready to fulfil your wishes, even the most outlandish ones! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go check out the friend requests on Facebook, who knows if Asian Prince Charming is already waiting for me! 😁😁😁😁




Thanks for reading!!!
Marisa Cavaleiro Torres

16 comentários

  1. My mom is obsessed with Kpop and Asian men these days too. Hope your Asian prince charming sweeps you off your feet soon!

  2. Like you said, be careful of those requests. Lovely Looks. Wishing you a beautiful October. Don't let it get tooo scary with toooo many dates.🍁🍂🎃

  3. Fabulous top!


  4. I love the outfit and your sense of humour is brilliant!! :D I laughed so much... and now, I wait to see how the online universe will make my wish come true :)))))
    hugs :*


  5. The photos are beautiful, the location is great.
    You look adorable as always <3

  6. Adoro este recanto conimbricense!
    Belas fotos 👏😘

  7. Lindo atuendo. Bello lugar. Te mando un beso.

  8. Always so pretty dear! Loved the whole look and the handbag is love. Have a great day!

  9. Elegante e lindo look ❤️
    Quanto à história do Facebook não me admiro nada, pois por exemplo, se nós formos pesquisar no Google um artigo qualquer para comprar e formos mais tarde ao Face, aparecem montes de anúncios relacionados com o que pesquisamos na outra plataforma. São os algoritmos a funcionar 😁😁

  10. Os óculos deram um up ao look, amei :)
    Um beijinho,

  11. Yes, K-dramas are very influential!
    Maybe the algorithm heard you... or vice versa...some Asian men spoke to the algorithm. Who knows?
    I haven't watched any yet, but I general I think Asian men are very polite- and to me this is an important quality.
    You look adorable in this matching suit.
    Business chic Barbie!

  12. What a delightful post! 😄 I love how you managed to blend fashion with a humorous take on modern romance! Your look is lovely for the transitional weather, and it’s great that you’re keeping things light and fun, especially with the hilarious story behind your recent Facebook friend requests.

  13. Super elegante o seu look Marisa. Ainda não vi Doramas, mas o Facebook fica de olho em tudo o que a gente faz.

  14. Asian prince charming, why not? I have met several asian boys and men until now, they are all very polite and cute.


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