15 Ways to style: White Denim pants!

Olá e bem-vindos a mais um fabuloso post! Este fim de semana e, excepcionalmente, não teremos os Looks da Semana, e porquê? Porque estou sem fotógrafa! Oh!! Exactamente, a minha mãe fez uma cirurgia ao olho e não pode tirar fotos. Mas, não se preocupem porque antes trabalhámos muito e fotos não vão faltar por aqui! Como sabem a indústria da moda é das mais poluentes, principalmente devido ao seu alto consumo de recursos naturais, como água e energia, a produção em massa de roupas que muitas vezes acabam em aterros sanitários, levando anos e anos até à sua completa degradação. Mais, o processo de fabricação consome muitos químicos que contribuem para a poluição dos solos e das linhas de água. Posto isto, proponho-vos o seguinte desafio, que tem a ver com a sustentabilidade, e que passo a explicar.

Hello and welcome to another fabulous post! This weekend, exceptionally, we won't have Looks of the Week, and why? Because I'm without a photographer! Oh! That's right, my mum had eye surgery and can't take photos. But don't worry, we've been working hard and there'll be plenty of photos around here! As you know, the fashion industry is one of the most polluting, mainly due to its high consumption of natural resources such as water and energy, the mass production of clothes that often end up in landfill sites, taking years and years to completely degrade. What's more, the manufacturing process consumes a lot of chemicals that contribute to the pollution of soils and waterways. Having said that, I propose the following challenge, which has to do with sustainability, and which I'll explain below.

Cada peça de roupa tem um custo ambiental significativo. Para promover a consciencialização e a adopção de práticas mais sustentáveis, proponho um desafio simples, mas poderoso: o cálculo do Custo por Uso.
Every item of clothing has a significant environmental cost. To promote awareness and the adoption of more sustainable practices, I propose a simple but powerful challenge: calculating the Cost per Wear.

Todos nós temos aquela peça básica de roupa que adoramos usar: umas calças brancas de denim. Agora, o desafio é calcular quantas vezes vocês já as vestiram e dividir esse número pelo preço que elas custaram. O objectivo é chegar a um valor abaixo de 1 Euro ou 1 Dólar!
We all have that basic piece of clothing that we love to wear: white denim pants. Now the challenge is to work out how many times you've worn them and divide that number by the price they cost. The aim is to get the price below 1 Euro or 1 Dollar!
Porque é que este valor é importante? Porque nos indica se as nossas escolhas de moda estão a ser sustentáveis e amigas do ambiente. Se eu estiver a usar esta peça de roupa muitas vezes, estou a maximizar o valor da minha compra e a reduzir o impacto ambiental associado à produção de roupas.
Why is this value important? Because it tells us whether our fashion choices are being sustainable and environmentally friendly. If I'm wearing this garment often, I'm maximizing the value of my purchase and reducing the environmental impact associated with clothing production.

Ao optar por peças de melhor qualidade e durabilidade, podemos não apenas economizar dinheiro a longo prazo, mas também contribuir para um mundo mais sustentável. Vamos calcular o Custo por Uso destas calças: Elas custaram 30 Euros, dividindo por 15 vezes que as fotografei, que significa que as vesti, o resultado dá-nos 2 Euros por uso. Ainda não cheguei ao valor ideal, mas como eu sei que as vesti mais vezes sem as fotografar, tenho a certeza que já atingi o valor abaixo de 1 Euro!
By opting for better quality and more durable garments, we can not only save money in the long run, but also contribute to a more sustainable world. Let's calculate the Cost per Wear of these pants: They cost 30 Euros, divided by 15 times I photographed them, which means I wore them, the result gives us 2 Euros per wear. I haven't reached the ideal value yet, but as I know I've worn them more times without photographing them, I'm sure I've already reached a value below 1 Euro!
Então, estão prontos para o desafio? É só pegar numa peça de roupa do vosso closet e fazer o cálculo do Custo por Uso e partilhem os vossos resultados. Vamos fazer escolhas sustentáveis e criar um impacto positivo no planeta através da moda! E, para além deste desafio ainda vos deixo 15 maneiras para usarem umas calças brancas de denim, não é fantástico???
So, are you ready for the challenge? Just take a piece of clothing from your wardrobe and calculate the Cost Per Wear and share your results. Let's make sustainable choices and create a positive impact on the planet through fashion! And, in addition to this challenge, I'll leave you with 15 ways to style white denim pants, isn't that great?


36 comentários

  1. Love these pants!! I think I am going to bring my white pants to Istanbul.

    Curated by Jennifer

    1. Yes, it's a good idea, white jeans are a must-have in a suitcase!

  2. This is a great challenge. However, I don't own a pair of white jeans or any white pants. Every since I was a youngster I have vowed NO to white pants. Possibly, because I'm clumsy and spill things, stains that never come out..oh, and the time the ants found me and crawled up my pants. Although, I can't remember the last time I bought something new. I have my work clothes and then my lounge elephant pants that I love so much.

    Thanks for the post. A great challenge for all. I like the mathmatics of it too. Happy Friday! & thanks for your comments too!

    1. Ahahaah Only you Ellie can make me laugh! You're just like I imagined you, a relaxed person who doesn't care about style and fashion!!!

  3. Hello Marisa! Thanks for sharing this post! I loved all of these looks and I can see why white is your color, it looks so beautiful on you! I was gifted a pair of white denim and wore them a couple of times around 'pandemic' even though they were also not my size, love how versatile they were and how I was able to dress them up or down, but I don't know if I could get another pair (they stain easily), however I have them in other colors and I pretty much wear those on the daily. I could try to get the cost per wear and at this point it would be around zero or below it already, because those are the only jeans I currently own and wear so much but it's a good thing to know. I am now more aware of the cost per wear of my current pieces in my wardorbe.

    Have a lovely day and happy weekend!
    XO, Melissa

    1. I like your comment and how you've been sensitized to the issue of the Cost Per Wear of the clothes we wear, so that we know if our fashion choices are sustainable and environmentally friendly!

  4. This post is a good idea, very inspiring. The pants worn with the yellow coat look very nice.
    Have a wonderful Friday Marisa <3

  5. I totally agree. I like clothes that you can style in different ways, that you can wear for a long period of time (I still have clothes from my chialdhood - back than the quality was far better.. and maybe even safer than now.. :).
    I love your challenge and thank you for the inspiration :*!!
    We all have the power to make the world a better place...

    1. Yes, it's our individual responsibility to make this a better world, I agree 100 per cent! You're right, the clothes of the past were of better quality, with fast fashion quality has been replaced by quantity! Cheers! Thanks for being here!

  6. Dear Marisa, this is a very important and inspiring post... Even though I segregate my rubbish and I'm a vegetarian, I buy too many clothes. Because, for example, I don't want to look in my closet, I go on sale at Reserved and buy more pants, instead of thinking about styling... Thank you for this post, best regards, have a good weekend. P.S. White pants are great!

    1. Yes, I think I have too many clothes too! But I think about the environment and as I'm not leaving any descendants my ecological footprint ends with me, so I excuse myself with the extra clothes I have!!!

  7. Parabens à modelo e fotógrafa
    Complementam se bem🙂

  8. Most bloggers I follow are into sustainable, thrifted or vintage fashion so I'm familiar with the Cost per Wear philosophy. I also think it makes sense from an economical point of view. It's good to see that we're getting a good value from our dollar, as they say in the states.
    You look fabulous in all of these outfits. It's lovely to see you style the same item in multiple ways. I always enjoy reading that kind of posts and I like doing them myself!

    1. I know you like this kind of post, I also like to see your posts about sustainability in fashion!

  9. Eu tenho uma calça jeans branca, gosto muito dela, embora suje bastante.
    Adorei os looks com este tipo de calça.
    Beijos! 😘🌼

    1. Pois esse é o contra desse tipo de calça, suja muito, mas as máquinas de lavar resolvem o problema!! Beijos e Abraços!

  10. Lindos looks e uma interessante e reflexiva ideia, o de se calcular o custo por uso.
    Tem toda a razão Marina, há que sermos responsáveis fazendo escolhas sustentáveis, para deixarmos uma pegada positiva no nosso planeta.

    1. Obrigada Maria. O meu nome é Marisa!! Fico feliz por ter gostado desta reflexão!

  11. These white denim jeans outfits are lovely Marisa! You've given me some inspo for what to wear with my white denim jeans!

    Lucy Mary

  12. This is an excellent way to direct yourself in shopping - not only to be financially and environmentally responsible, but also to feel that your purchase was something that really paid off!
    I love the way you showed FIFTEEN different ways to wear white trousers, mainly because I see that not many people dare to wear them - either because they think they'll stain them in the blink of an eye or because they don't know how versatile they are. Love this post! <3


    1. Thank you for your pertinent comment! I agree with you, people think that white trousers get dirty very quickly, what's the problem? Wash them!

  13. I've never owned a white pair of pants/trousers/skirts ...although in sunnier climates they do look very good.
    Interesting to read your post.

    Enjoy the remainder of the weekend and hope the week ahead will be a good one for you.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you very much!! You're always welcome here on the blog!

  14. Olá, Marisa.
    Acho bonito jeans branco, mas eu não uso. Infelizmente peças brancas requerem um cuidado extra para não sujar e eu sou um pouco desastrada.

  15. All of these looks are stunning! I love all the colors paired with the white, too!



  16. White pants trigger a specific kind of anxiety in me. So I definitely applaud you for your fashion bravery and the fact that you wear your white denim often and it stays pristine! I will say ok to beige denim pants hahah so that if it gets that off-color look I'll just say it's always been beige. LOL. I hope your mom's eyes fully healed and that you both are doing good <3


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