💥 Feliz Ano Novo💥
Tenho a certeza que conhecem a canção dos U2 "New Year's Day", é sobre o seu significado que vou falar neste dia de Ano Novo! Ouvindo a música podemos ser levados a pensar que se trata de uma música de amor, daquelas que se cantam neste dia especial do ano. Mas não! é uma música altamente politizada. O movimento Woke que fique descansado que o branco que a letra se refere nada tem a ver com a cor da pele mas, com neve! O mundo de branco que se refere a letra são os países de leste da Europa!
"A world in white gets underway"
💥 Happy New Year💥
I'm sure you know the U2 song "New Year's Day", it's the meaning I'm going to talk about on this New Year's Day! Listening to the song we can be led to think that it's a love song of those that are sung on this special day of the year. But not! it's a highly politicized song. The Woke movement let's rest assured that the white that the letter refers to has nothing to do with the skin color, but with snow! The world in white that refers to the lyrics of the song are the countries of Eastern Europe!
"A world in white gets underway"
To put ourselves in time, we are in the 1980s, Thatcher rules in the UK, neoliberal policies, privatizations and a new world order are on the horizon, culminating in the fall of the Soviet Union! On the world scene, new protagonists begin to emerge!
Retomando a letra da canção, ela faz referência a uma personalidade concreta, trata-se do líder do Sindicato Solidariedade, Lech Walesa, da Polónia. Os U2 inspirando-se na luta deste líder que lutava pela liberdade de expressão e negociação com o Estado, escreveram esta canção como um hino da luta pela liberdade e independência. A Polónia vivia num contexto de Lei Marcial. Esta música foi lançada no dia 1 de Janeiro de 1983, dia esse que coincidentemente seria levantada a Lei Marcial, Dia de Ano Novo! E um dia de Neve!
"The newspapers say it says
Say it's true, it's true"
Taking up the lyrics of the song, it refers to a concrete personality, it is the leader of the Solidarity Union, Lech Walesa, from Poland. Inspired by this leader's struggle for freedom of expression and negotiation with the State, U2 wrote this song as an anthem of the struggle for freedom and independence. Poland lived in a context of Martial Law. This song was released on January 1, 1983, the day that coincidentally would be raised the Martial Law, New Year's Day! And a day of Snow!
Say it's true, it's true"
"Nothing changes
On New Year's Day"
In Portugal, on January 30th (❓) we will have legislative elections, after the Parliament was dissolved by the President of the Republic due to the non-approval of the State Budget for 2022! So we Portuguese are going to have a very "exciting" start to the year with hospitals collapsing with the Pandemic and thousands more in isolation! Now we're all going to be infected with the Omicron variant, good luck everyone, oh and don't forget to go vote🙈🙉🙊!! As the lyrics of the song say...
"Nothing changes
On New Year's Day"