Olá! Bem-vindos meus caros leitores e amigos. Peço desculpa pelo atraso, mas alguns problemas técnicos impediram este post de ser publicado. Mas animem-se que tenho um tema bombástico para vos falar! É que não se fala de outra coisa, a sério! Vocês já ouviram falar na celebração do desaniversário? Em vez de celebrarmos mais um ano de vida, muitas mulheres e homens também, celebram o retorno ao passado, rejuvenescendo 10, 15 anos por meio da harmonização facil e outros procedimentos estéticos!
Hello and welcome, my dear readers and friends. I apologise for the delay, but some technical problems have prevented this post from being published. But cheer up, I've got a great topic to tell you about! It's like nothing else, really! Have you heard of the unbirthday celebration? Instead of celebrating another year of life, many women, and men too, are celebrating a return to the past by rejuvenating themselves by 10 or 15 years through facelift and other aesthetic procedures!
Hello, and welcome to another fabulous Looks of the Week post. In the previous post, I relived glorious blogging moments by answering a TAG. And you, my dear readers, participated so enthusiastically that it left me with a huge smile on my lips. Seeing this interaction was like travelling back in time. As a reminder, I set you a challenge: out of 25 pieces of information about me, guess which five were false. It was fun to read your guesses, some people almost figured out the false information, which shows that you know me well! So here are the false answers:
3 - I'm a smoker.
7 - I've won the EuroMillions.
12 - I wear size 38.
16 - I'm divorced.
21 - I like to dance to African music.
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who took part and now I'll leave you with 6 marvellous looks, which will be a future and equally happy memory as this TAG!
Olá meus caros leitores e amigos! Como têm passado? Hoje proponho-vos um post diferente. Nos tempos áureos dos blogs havia um tipo de post muito popular entre as bloggers, era um desafio que se chamava-se TAG! Ora como estou atravessar uma crise criativa resolvi ir ao arquivo do blog e ressuscitar um destes desafios. Escolhi a TAG - That's True? que consta no seguinte: eu vou contar-vos 20 factos sobre mim que são verdadeiros e 5 que são falsos. Vocês têm que acertar nos 5 falsos e assim fazem prova que de facto me conhecem bem! Vai ser muito divertido, garanto-vos!
Hello my dear readers and friends! How have you been? Today I propose a different kind of post. In the golden days of blogging, there was a type of post that was very popular with bloggers: it was a challenge called a TAG! Since I'm going through a creative crisis, I decided to go through the blog archives and resurrect one of these challenges. I chose the TAG - That's True? which consists of the following: I'm going to tell you 20 facts about myself that are true and 5 that are false. You have to get the 5 false ones right and prove that you really know me! It's going to be a lot of fun, I assure you!
- Contar 25 factos sobre mim, 20 verdadeiros e 5 falsos. A cada 5 há 1 facto que é mentira.
- Tell 25 facts about me, 20 true and 5 false. For every 5, 1 fact is a lie.
1 - I love the music band Muse.
2 - I've had two nose surgeries.
3 - I'm a smoker.
4 - I've performed in a play at the Figueira da Foz Casino.
5 - In my youth I won the prize for best pupil in my school.
6 - My speciality is cheesecake.
7 - I've won the Euromillions.
8 - I've been working since I was 11.
9 - My highest mark at university was 19.3 in Maths.
10 - I don't like eating snails.
11 - I don't like wearing black.
12 - I wear size 38.
13 - I don't like wearing shorts.
14 - I've been interviewed by Cristina Ferreira.
15 - I love Chinese food.
17 - I love visiting museums.
18 - I didn't inherit money from my father, but I did inherit hard work!
19 - I'm an economist.
20 - I love cross-stitch embroidery.
21 - I like dancing to African music.
22 - I've been in cardiac arrest.
23 - This is my second blog.
24 - I've had my driving licence for 34 years.
25 - I once weighed 80kg.
Olá bem-vindos a mais um fabuloso post dos Looks da Semana! Esta semana não vou falar de como está o mundo, porque efectivamente, está a cada dia pior, então resolvi falar de uma fofoca. Vocês nem vão acreditar, mas o Cristinao Ronaldo zangou-se com a sua mulher Georgina, a sério!! O mais famoso futebolista da actualidade conhecido por fazer um esforço sobre-humano para manter uma vida saudável, está a viver uma situação complicada em casa. E porquê? As más línguas dizem que a Georgina contratou cozinheiras para cuidarem da alimentação da família, mas os menus têm dado muita dor de cabeça ao nosso Ronaldo. Ao que parece a sua Georgina gosta muito da feijoada portuguesa e de refrigerantes! No meio deste conflito gastronómico familiar estão muitos milhões das arábias a pagar as extravagâncias deste casal. Mas comer uma feijoada em pleno voo no jacto particular de Ronaldo nunca me passaria pela cabeça!!! Bem há gostos para tudo! Mas pondo de lado a feijoada da Georgina, apresento-vos 6 looks fantásticos que vos farão levitar de inspiração!
Hello and welcome to another fabulous Looks of the Week post! This week I'm not going to talk about how the world is doing, because it's actually getting worse every day, so I've decided to talk about some gossip. You're not going to believe it, but Cristiano Ronaldo is angry with his wife Georgina, really!!! Today's most famous footballer, known for making a superhuman effort to maintain a healthy lifestyle, is experiencing a complicated situation at home. Why? Evil tongues say that Georgina has hired chefs to take care of the family's meals, but the menus are giving Ronaldo a headache. Apparently his Georgina is very fond of Portuguese feijoada (Portuguese food made with beans and pork) and soft drinks! In the middle of this family gastronomic conflict, there are many millions from the Arab world paying for this couple's extravagances. But eating a feijoada in the middle of a flight on Ronaldo's private jet would never have crossed my mind!!! Well, there's a taste for everything! But leaving aside Georgina's feijoada, I present to you 6 fantastic looks that will make you levitate with inspiration!
Eu sei que é uma pergunta díficil de responder, mas qual o look que mais gostam? Eu não me consegui decidir! Este vestido com esta cor maravilhosa faz-me sempre sentir poderosa. O equilíbrio perfeito entre sofisticação e sensualidade!
I know it's a difficult question to answer, but which look do you like the most? I couldn't decide! This dress in this wonderful colour always makes me feel powerful. The perfect balance between sophistication and sensuality!
A foto mais antiga que tenho deste vestido é de 2012, mas o vestido é muito anterior a esta data. Foi fotografado num cabide porque nesta época estava muito gordinha e ele não me servia. Mas, como entretanto, emagreci voltei a usá-lo e adorei a forma como ele me fica. É uma boa sugestão de look para os jantares de Natal!
The oldest photo I have of this dress is from 2012, but the dress is much older than that. It was photographed on a hanger because at that time I was very overweight and it didn't fit. But since I've lost weight I've worn it again and I love the way it looks on me. It's a great look for Christmas dinners!
Qual o vosso look favorito? Contem-me tudo nos comentários, estou curiosa para saber!!
Sejam muito bem-vindos meus caros amigos e leitores. Hoje vou falar de amor. Amor a este blog, claro! É engraçado perceber como algumas pessoas que têm coisas mais "importantes" para fazer, ainda encontram tempo para visitar o meu blog. Será para rir do meu conteúdo, criticar as minhas ideias, ou quem sabe, usá-las como sendo suas? Afinal, porque é que alguém que se considera acima do que eu produzo gastaria o seu precioso tempo aqui? Seja qual for o motivo, agradeço a leitura e a audiência!
Welcome, my dear friends and readers. Today I'm going to talk about love. Love for this blog, of course! It's funny to realize how some people who have more “important” things to do still find time to visit my blog. Is it to laugh at my content, criticize my ideas, or perhaps use them as their own? After all, why would someone who considers themselves above what I produce spend their precious time here? Whatever the reason, thank you for reading it!
I know that my blog has already been read by national MPs and even ministers! Oh yes, no wonder! I can only thank these readers for their attention! And to imagine that an idea of mine written here could have reached a really busy and influential mind, is inspiring to say the least!
And then there are those readers who, despite compulsively reading this blog, never admit it! If I had any doubts, I found a way to be sure, believe me! The irony is delicious. The blog that many disdain is the one they can't ignore, perhaps they're uncomfortable, not by what I write, but by the fact that I'm still writing. Criticising is easier than accepting that I'm occupying a space they might envy! What I mean is that I've been tried to be silenced several times! But my greatest reward is knowing that I bother... with the truth! A lot!
So I'm going to address each and every one of you, my dear readers, whether you're a politician, a silent admirer, or a critic disguised as a casual reader, know that I'm grateful for your presence. Every view, every word read, every thought provoked by what I write, all this work done by an ‘unoccupied’ person is reaching a level I never imagined possible!
In conclusion, whether you laugh, sneer, copy or are inspired, the fact remains that you are here. And that says a lot more about me than it does about you!!! Love u💖
Olá, bem-vindos a mais um fabuloso post dos Looks da Semana! Quero-vos perguntar se já viram na TV o anúncio da apresentadora Cristina Ferreira? Ela promove uns comprimidos que, segundo ela, fortalecem o cabelo, melhoram as unhas e deixam a pele mais bonita. Mas a questão que eu coloco é: Será que a imagem da Cristina reflecte o que estes comprimidos prometem? A Cristina é a mulher mais influente da TV portuguesa e aparece com um cabelão impressionante neste anúncio. Mas todas nós sabemos que ela usa extensões para ter aquele volume, especialmente porque sabemos que ela sofre de queda de cabelo e este é bastante fino. Então, será honesto promover um produto para fortalecer o cabelo utilizando uma imagem que depende de extensões capilares? Isto é criar uma ilusão e uma expectativa falsa nas pessoas, trata-se de uma estratégia comercial cuja credibilidade levanta muitas dúvidas, não acham? Afinal vale tudo para vender? Minhas amigas é preciso estar atenta! Mas se gostam de ver um cabelo bonito, podem ficar com 6 looks diferentes, de cabelo e roupa, sem qualquer tipo de artitício! Sejamos sinceras, se houvesse algum produto milagroso para a queda de cabelo não havia carecas!! Amigas, fiquem antes com os meus comprimidos da beleza, em forma de fotos e de administração visual, para vos inspirar para a próxima semana!
Hello, welcome to another fabulous Looks of the Week post! I wanted to ask you if you've seen host Cristina Ferreira's advert on TV? She's promoting some pills that, according to her, strengthen the hair, improve the nails and make the skin more beautiful. But my question is: Does Cristina's image reflect what these pills promise? Cristina is the most influential woman on Portuguese TV and she looks stunning in this advert. But we all know she uses extensions to get that volume, especially as we know she suffers from hair loss and her hair is quite thin. So is it honest to promote a hair-strengthening product using an image that relies on hair extensions? This is creating an illusion and a false expectation in people, it's a commercial strategy whose credibility raises many doubts, don't you think? My friends, you have to be vigilant! But if you like to see beautiful hair, you can have 6 different looks, hair and clothes, without any kind of artifice! Let's face it, if there was a miracle product for hair loss there wouldn't be any bald people!!! My friends, here are my beauty pills, in the form of photos and visual administration, to inspire you for next week!
As for this look, in which I'm re-styling a t-shirt, I'll tell you right now that it's not my favourite, I even think the 2018 look is prettier, to be honest. But for those who think a t-shirt is a super cool look, that's not my opinion, and what's more, I don't think it's elegant at all. But here are two looks for those who need a T-shirt in their wardrobe! Get inspired and preferably choose a very original T-shirt, like this one!
Esta blusa que estão a ver nas fotos, é bastante mais antiga que a foto de 2018, para falar verdade não se tratava de uma blusa, mas de um vestido. Um vestido que sofreu um pequeno acidente. Ele prendeu-se numa porta e rasgou-se, mas como acho tão bonito o bordado que era uma pena ficar sem o ele, cortei-o e fiz esta linda blusa! É de uma beleza intemporal e ainda a vou vestir muitas e muitas vezes! O que acham desta reciclagem???
This blouse you see in the photos is much older than the 2018 photo, in fact it wasn't a blouse at all, but a dress. A dress that had a little accident. It got caught in a door and ripped, but as I think the embroidery is so beautiful and it was a shame to lose the dress, I cut it up and made this beautiful blouse out of it! It's timelessly beautiful and I'll be wearing it many, many times! What do you think of this recycling?
Qual o vosso look favorito? Contem-me tudo nos comentários, estou curiosa para saber!!