The Looks of the Week #133

 Olá e sejam bem-vindos a mais um fabuloso post dos Looks da Semana! Estou um pouco triste e desiludida comigo própria, pois acho que estes looks não são assim um grande uauuuu como de costume! Eu não sei se é porque a luz do Outono não ser tão brilhante como a luz do Verão, não sei se pela árvore despida de folhas, não sei se pela roupa de Outono não ter o brilho da roupa de Verão. Não sei! Só sei que não gostei muito destes looks que fotografei! E, numa semana o mundo mudou, não sei se para melhor, temos o Trump a governar os States e parte do mundo ocidental. Vamos ver o que acontece ao mundo e às guerras. Ele tinha solução para tudo, agora vai-se ver na prática o que é que ele apresenta como soluções! Estou curiosa e receosa ao mesmo tempo. Outros ventos vão soprar, espero que não tornem em tempestades! Mas para esquecer tudo isto, apresento-vos 6 looks que vos podem inspirar e respirar este ar de mudança!


Hello and welcome to another fabulous Looks of the Week post! I'm a bit sad and disappointed in myself, because I don't think these looks are as wow-worthy as usual! I don't know if it's because the autumn light isn't as bright as the summer light, I don't know if it's because the tree is bare of leaves, I don't know if it's because autumn clothes don't have the brightness of summer clothes. I don't know! All I know is that I didn't really like these looks I photographed! And in one week the world has changed, I don't know if for the better, we have Trump ruling the United States and part of the Western world. Let's see what happens to the world and the wars. He had solutions for everything, now we'll see what he comes up with in practice! I'm curious and afraid at the same time. Other winds will blow, but I hope they don't turn into storms! But to put all this behind us, here are 6 looks to inspire you and breathe in the air of change!







Este vestido usei-o na festa de aniversário de uma tia minha, na festa dos seus 80 anos. Estava a usar a bota ortopédica e nem quero pensar que a usei 9 meses! Lembro-me que a festa foi em Fevereiro e passado uma semana o mundo parou, começava uma Pandemia, algo que nunca pensei vir a vivenciar. Foram tempos díficeis! Isto faz-me pensar o que mais terei para viver, uma guerra? Um terramoto? Não, Deus por favor afasta estes pensamentos!

I wore this dress to my aunt's 80th birthday party. I was wearing the orthopaedic boot and I don't even want to think that I wore it for nine months! I remember the party was in February and after a week the world stopped, a pandemic started, something I never thought I'd experience. Those were difficult times! It makes me wonder what else I have to live through, a war? An earthquake? No, God please dispel these thoughts!

 Qual o vosso look favorito? Contem-me tudo nos comentários, estou curiosa para saber!!

What is your favorite look? Tell me everything in the comments, I'm curious to know !!




15 comentários

  1. Very inspiring! I love how you mixed this up. Fringe skirt. The furry vest! Oh, Sweater Weather is here which is sooooo nice. But I have to dress differently working in the back of the library. It might as well be a sweat shop while the circulation is sometimes the feel of Siberia. Hope you have a wonderful weekend and have lots of inspiring stories to tell us this month! Thanks for being here. And thank you for your comments!🦊🦊🦊🦊🦊🦊🦊Oh, what a sad election we had. I was not pleased, as with many of my women friends. I don't know how we got to this point with someone who is so peculiar and supposedly protects women while all he can do is put us down. As usual, it's stranger than fiction here.

  2. I really love the first dress!


  3. I really love that first dress - the print and the colours are gorgeous!
    Julia x

  4. São todos giros Marisa mas adoro o look de domingo! Bj

  5. It sounds like you're in a bit of a reflective mood, but I love how you're still pushing through and sharing your style with us! I understand how the change in seasons can affect your outfits—autumn colors and styles can sometimes feel less vibrant, but they have a cozy charm that I’m sure many people appreciate. As for the bigger world concerns, I think we can all relate to the mix of uncertainty and curiosity about what the future holds. It’s great that despite everything, you’re still inspiring with your looks and embracing the air of change.

    Looking forward to seeing what you come up with next week!

    I just shared a blog, please let me know what you think:

  6. This time I have a winner 🎉✨ and the first prize goes to the first outfit.😍
    It kinda portraits the sunny autumn day perfectly. :)
    I llike the other outfits that you chose too.
    hugs :*

  7. Estas muy linda. Me gusta el atuendo del jueves. Te mando un beso.

  8. Great article, elegant style, and beautiful dress. Have a nice day

  9. I don't understand why you're not happy with these styles - I like them, especially the first one.
    I hope that Trump will stop the war in Ukraine (I doubt it will be in Palestine) and that no war, pandemic or other cataclysms will happen to us...
    Best regards

  10. I really like the whole week. Sunday is my favorite, i love the dress 😍
    Happy weekend

  11. Oh dear Marisa, I am also worried for those things but I also think that it is not just a person that decides but he also has a staff and other people that rule and won't let him complete all his insane ideas just as it happened in the first mandate.
    As for your looks, maybe the dark colors don't cheer you up, or worse, they demoralize you. That being said, I really like the Monday and Wednesday looks as for comparing the 2020 and 2024 looks I find that in 2020 you were more assertive.

  12. Gostei muito do look amarelo.

    Boa semana!

    O JOVEM JORNALISTA está no ar cheio de posts novos e novidades! Não deixe de conferir!

    Jovem Jornalista

    Até mais, Emerson Garcia

  13. You look stunning in these outfits.
    My fav is the yellow tartan dress!
    I love how you wore it in 2020 and 2024!


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