Look Nº 836 - Modernity

Olá! Como têm passado? Hoje tenho uma história incrível para partilhar com os meus caros amigos e leitores. É sobre a história dos meus antepassados, mais propriamente os meus bisavós maternos. Como sabem, eu sou portuguesa, mas a história dos meus bisavós confunde-se com a história brasileira, muitas vezes relatada em novelas! Estão curiosos?

Hello, how are you doing? Today I have an incredible story to share with my dear friends and readers. It's about the history of my ancestors, more specifically my maternal great-grandparents. As you know, I'm Portuguese, but my great-grandparents' story is linked to Brazilian history, often told in soap operas! Are you curious? 

Apresento-vos a foto do casamento dos meus bisavós, foi tirada na cidade de Santos, no Brasil, em 1917. Ela chamava-se Maria da Conceição e ele Júlio Afonso. Feitas as apresentações, passo a contar a sua história. O casamento deles aconteceu numa época complicada, marcada por greves e conflitos laborais que agitavam a sociedade brasileira. Esta fotografia, a preto e branco, é um testemunho silencioso de uma era e representa um pequeno grande tesouro para mim!
I present to you a photo of my great-grandparents' wedding, taken in the city of Santos, Brazil, in 1917. Her name was Maria da Conceição and his was Júlio Afonso. Having made my introductions, I'll tell you their story. Their wedding took place during a tumultuous time, marked by strikes and labour conflicts that were shaking up Brazilian society. This black and white photograph is a silent testimony to an era and represents a little great treasure for me! 

Durante o início do séc. XX, o Brasil vivia um período de intensas lutas trabalhistas. As greves de 1917 e 1918 foram momentos críticos na história do movimento operário brasileiro. Os trabalhadores reivindicavam melhores condições de trabalho e salários justos, essas greves resultavam em muitos confrontos com as autoridades. O meu bisavô estava directamente envolvido nesse turbilhão, mas não era um homem politizado. Ele aderiu à greve e foi preso. Preso por lutar por melhores condições de trabalho. A situação ficou complicada para o jovem casal. O pai da minha bisavó, portanto o meu trizavô, tinha bons conhecimentos no Brasil, conseguiu a libertação do seu genro, mas com uma condição! Qual seria essa condição???
 At the beginning of the 20th century, Brazil was going through a period of intense labour struggles. The strikes of 1917 and 1918 were critical moments in the history of the Brazilian labour movement. The workers demanded better working conditions and fair wages, and these strikes resulted in many confrontations with the authorities. My great-grandfather was directly involved in this tumult, but he wasn't a politicised man. He joined the strike and was arrested. Arrested for fighting for better working conditions. The situation became complicated for the young couple. My great-grandmother's father, my great-great-grandfather, who had good connections in Brazil, managed to get his son-in-law released, but on one condition! What was that condition?

A condição só podia ser a fuga do país! A decisão de fugir do Brasil para Portugal não foi uma decisão fácil, mas era a única saída que tinham. Foi uma decisão carregada de medo e incerteza, mas também de esperança por um futuro mais seguro em Portugal. Esta viagem de regresso marcou o início de um novo capítulo para os meus bisavós, longe dos tumultos e conflitos que ameaçavam a segurança no Brasil.

The only condition could be to leave the country! The decision to flee Brazil for Portugal was not an easy one, but it was the only way out. It was a decision fraught with fear and uncertainty, but also with hope for a safer future in Portugal. This return trip marked the beginning of a new chapter for my great-grandparents, away from the turmoil and conflicts that threatened security in Brazil.

Agora apresento-vos uma nova personagem. A lente do fotógrafo amador Manuel Santos e o próprio, cujas obras são celebradas nesta exposição que visitei na Figueira da Foz, inspirou-me a fazer esta viagem no tempo. As fotos de Manuel Santos, capturam a vida quotidiana da cidade, despertaram, ao vê-las, este desejo profundo de enterder e reimaginar a história destes meus queridos antepassados.

Now I present to you a new character. The lens of amateur photographer Manuel Santos and himself, whose work is celebrated in this exhibition I visited in Figueira da Foz, inspired me to take this journey back in time. Manuel Santos' photos capture the daily life of the city and, when I saw them, I felt this deep desire to understand and reimagine the history of my beloved ancestors.


Usando a tecnologia moderna e a IA, dei um toque artístico às minhas fotos e transformei algumas em preto e branco, em homenagem à estética da época. Este processo não foi apenas um exercício criativo, mas também uma forma de ligar o passado com o presente, trazendo à tona as emoções e as histórias que essas imagens carregam.

Using modern technology and AI, I gave my photos an artistic touch and turned some into black and white, paying homage to the aesthetics of the time. This process was not only a creative exercise, but also a way of linking the past with the present, bringing out the emotions and stories that these images carry.

Esta experiência fez-me reflectir sobre o quão diferente a minha vida teria sido se os meus bisavós não tivessem fugido do Brasil, eu poderia ter nascido brasileira 😁😁 É uma reflexão curiosa, que me faz sorrir e ponderar sobre as voltas que a vida dá. É claro que eu nem teria nascido!!! A foto do casamento dos meus bisavós é mais do que uma imagem antiga, é uma porta aberta para o passado, uma chave para entender as minhas raízes e a minha identidade. Através da arte e da fotografia, encontrei uma maneira de honrar e preservar a memória deles, enquanto celebro a riqueza das suas histórias e a coragem que demonstraram em tempos difíceis.
This experience has made me reflect on how different my life would have been if my great-grandparents hadn't fled Brazil, I could have been born Brazilian 😁😁 It's a curious reflection that makes me smile and ponder the twists and turns that life takes. Of course, I wouldn't even have been born!!! The photo of my great-grandparents' wedding is more than an old image, it's a portal to the past, a key to understanding my roots and my identity. Through art and photography, I have found a way to honour and preserve their memory, while celebrating the richness of their stories and the courage they showed in difficult times.

Concluindo, a obra de Manuel Santos, o fotógrafo, não apenas me proporcionou uma viagem visual no tempo, mas também despertou um desejo de conhecer e valorizar ainda mais a história da minha família. As fotografias são um poderoso meio de ligação entre gerações, esta viagem através das fotos, é um testemunho de como a arte nos pode ajudar a entender e celebrar o nosso passado! Esta história dava um filme! E quantos de vós conhecem a história dos vossos antepassados?

In conclusion, the work of Manuel Santos, the photographer, not only provided me with a visual journey through time, but also awakened a desire to know and value my family's history even more. Photographs are a powerful way of connecting generations, and this journey through photos is a testimony to how art can help us understand and celebrate our past! This story could be made into a film! And how many of you know the story of your ancestors?

Look: Zara

Como banda sonora deste post escolhi uma música brasileira, claro! Trata-se da música "Modernidade" de Lulo Scroback. É uma reflexão sobre a vida adulta, a perda inocência e a passagem do tempo. Utiliza muitas metáforas, "ternos e gravatas" representam as expectativas e responsabilidades impostas pela sociedade. Fala também de esperança "a grama era verde" e ao mesmo tempo do medo sobre a incerteza do futuro "os mil metros de medo"!

"Quando fui e quando éramos
Intactos projetos, imaturos
Fomos modernos
Nos couberam ternos, gravatas e moldura
Cultura e inferno"
"E a grama era verde
O nosso vale e os nossos mil metros de medo"

For the soundtrack of this post I've chosen a Brazilian song, of course! It's the song ‘Modernidade’ - Modernity - by Lulo Scroback. It's a reflection on adult life, the loss of innocence and the passage of time. It uses many metaphors, ‘suits and ties’ represent the expectations and responsibilities imposed by society. It also speaks of hope ‘the grass was green’ and at the same time of fear about the uncertainty of the future ‘the thousand metres of fear’!

‘When I was and when we were
Intact, immature projects
We were modern
We had suits, ties and a frame
Culture and hell’

‘And the grass was green
Our valley and our thousand metres of fear’




"Fossemos eternos quando era primeiro
Primeiro e certeiro amor
Era indolor querer tudo
Íamos na vida, a cada fome e a cada fama "


‘We were eternal when it was first
First and certain love
It was painless to want everything
We went through life with every hunger and every fame ’

*Fotografias tiradas no Quartel da Imagem na Figueira da Foz

*Photographs taken at the Image Headquarters in Figueira da Foz
Thanks for reading!!!
Marisa Cavaleiro Torres


46 comentários

  1. Thank you for sharing your great-grandparents' incredible story. Their journey and the challenges they faced are inspiring. The wedding photo is a beautiful treasure, and your use of modern technology to connect past and present is wonderful.
    Your reflection on how different life could be with one change in history is thought-provoking.

    Have a great week ahead, Marisa.

    1. Hello, some people don't value these gems of yesteryear, but I just love them! I love thinking about what life was like back then! I think their story can inspire the younger generations and that's why I wanted to tell it!

  2. My dear Marisa, I can see now where you get your fierce and curageous temper from! I get where your desire to fight for right causes comes from and it is wonderful to see that such characteristics transcended generations.
    Great event, location and above all stunning outfit! They all suit so well your personality!

    1. Thank you Flo for your comment! Today I'm calmer about fighting, I have a pace-maker and a heart with a very weak beat, I'm not about to die of the heart in arguments that get us nowhere! And then arguing with stupid people, they beat you in the experience! Now if it's writing you can count on me!

  3. You look fabulous Marisa!


  4. Wonderful photos and a touching journey your ancestors went through. Great to hear your story. Such a rich history! Love the outfit. And a great playlist, as well. Thanks so much! All the best to what is left of July! May your August be lovely!

    1. Thanks Ellie! Their journey from Brazil to Portugal was on a steamboat and took 3 months! There were no aeroplane journeys yet! Just look how much life has changed in a century, imagine what life will be like a hundred years from now? Cars will have wings!

  5. Great history. Thanks for sharing. You look gorgeous.

    Annies Food Diary

  6. Your family history is fascinating. I can understand how seeing this exhibition makes you reflect on your family's history. Life is a mystery. If your grandfather wasn't forced to flee Brazil because of protesting for better working conditions, maybe you'd be Brazilian. Maybe you would be someone else or have different parents. Certainly the return of your grandparents to Portugal has been a significant event in your family history. One worth reflecting on and studying. History is always educating.
    This is a wonderful photography exhibition. This historical photographer must have been really talented because these photographs are filled with life. That child smiling for example...for a precious photograph.
    I like to see photography exhibition. When we scroll through social media, everything is so fast but when we visit an exhibition, we tend to pay attention.
    I really like what you wore. That white dress is so feminine and elegant. You look timelessly chic!
    Wonderful photography as well.
    Have you ever tried to find your relatives in Brazil?
    I have met some of my relatives from South America, mostly from Chile and Argentina, but only a few of them. There are many more than I have never met, but I hope I will some day.
    A lot of Croats emigrated to South America when wine illness appeared. This happened in all Mediterreanean countries, from Portugal, to Spain, Italy, Croatia and so on. Millions of people have left for South America and a few have come back.

    1. Thank you dear Ivana for your comment that is always a delight to read! About 30 years ago some Brazilian relatives looked for us in Portugal and we, who only knew them by name, were finally able to hug each other! It was a great emotion! With facebook and surnames we were able to find other relatives! You are right, they were trips that were made never to return! I really like to visit all kinds of exhibitions, art provokes us and invites us to think! I love this photo of my great-grandparents and I love to think that back then going to take a simple photo was a whole event, not like now that everything is very fast and easily take hundreds of photos! I hope that one day you will find your relatives in South America, my great-grandparents emigrated to Brazil not because of that disease you mention, which I have never heard of, but because during World War I people went to Brazil, so as not to be enlisted in the Portuguese contingent that was going to fight on the side of the Allies. unemployment, lack of food, poverty plagued the country, so to escape this fate the Portuguese had in Brazil a kind of pataca/money tree!, many made a fortune there! Hugs!

    2. I managed to find some of my relatives when one of my cousins (third knee cousin) left Argentina and came on a vacation in Croatia. She left because she married an Italian and moved to Europe. She visited my village with her husband when I was a little girl but because of the language barrier (she speaks only Italian and Spanish) we weren't able to figure out how we were related, even if we managed to understand that she originated from our village. However, when she came the second time I was in my twenties and I knew more languages ( I learned Italian in the meantime ), so we were able to communicate well and to establish exactly who she is and how we are related. She showed me pictures of all my cousins in Chile and Argentina, there are hundreds of them! She showed me historical pictures of all their weddings, and special events. They have such beautiful wedding dresses in South America. Anyhow, some of my relatives have done very well for themselves, and some were affected by the recent government changes and things like that. My great grandmother had 16 kids and almost all of them emigrated into South America. Many people from my island emigrated to Australia as well. Our emigration is very numerous as well. In the past as well, the people had to often emigrate because of unemployment or other things!
      It's worth putting in some effort to connect with our family. We never know what family members we could find scattered around the world.

    3. I'm so glad you got to meet some of your cousins, I'm sure it was an emotional reunion! My great-grandmother only had 4 children, but yours worked very well with 16 children!!! I'm sure you have lots and lots of cousins all over the world hahaha!!!

  7. Your family history was fascinating to read, glad you shared it with us on this platform! I love the feathers on the edge of the slit of the dress, it looks great! <3


    1. Hello, it's not about a dress but a skirt and a top! It's my goal in telling this story to inspire people!

  8. You look adorable, i love the Dress, it's made for you!
    Interesting story, do you still have family in Brazil?

    1. Yes, I have many family members still in Brazil, it is through facebook that we have contact! Thanks! Hugs!

  9. What a marvelous way to honor your ancestors and to pay homage to your own Brazilian background. I love learning about the past and now you made me curious as to what my own great grandmother and great grandmother may have looked like. I really enjoyed reading your story!


    1. Thank you my dear, I loved your comment! I also imagine what life would have been like for relatives I didn't know, which is why I love telling these stories about the people I'm fortunate enough to have photos of.

  10. The story of your Brazilian ancestors is wonderful 👍 you look so good and lovely 😍🌹

  11. Boa tarde e uma excelente quarta-feira minha querida amiga Marisa. Fiquei maravilhado com a história dos seus antepassados no Brasil. Imaginei quantos parentes Silva ou Gomes que eu tenho em Portugal e nunca terei a oportunidade de conhecer.

    1. Então eu digo para você meu caro Luiz que eu sou sua parente, a sério! É que eu tenho o apelido Gomes!! Portanto você já conhece um parente português: euzinha!!!

  12. What a fascinating story! Your great-grandparents’ journey from Brazil to Portugal is so rich and poignant. The way you’ve connected their past with art and photography is inspiring. Their history and your reflections make for a powerful narrative. Thanks for sharing this unique piece of your heritage!

    1. Aw thank you so much for this comment, it made my day! I try to do this job to the best of my ability and do my best to inspire people all over the world, the feedback has been exceptional!

  13. Ah, que saudades que eu estava de comentar aqui no blog. Seus looks sempre incríveis!!!
    Gostei muito de saber sobre a história dos seus bisavós e que eles eram de Santos. A cidade de Santos tem alguns prédios históricos ainda, mas a maioria está abandonada (eu fui lá em 2022).

    É sempre bom saber a história de nossos antepassados. Por parte de pai eu tenho descendência portuguesa e, por parte de mãe, descendência italiana.

    1. Eu lembro-me de se falar do Real Centro Português, penso que seria em Santos! Talvez num desses prédios históricos, quem sabe! É tão bom sabermos e conhecermos as nossas raízes, isso diz muito daquilo que somos hoje! Obrigada por voltar Lizzie!

  14. Tempos difíceis aqueles. As fotos estão giras e o look tanmbém!

  15. That's such an interesting story about your ancestors! It's crazy to think how a decision to flee Brazil shaped their lives going forward and yours as well. How it's all intertwined is fascinating, isn't it? You look lovely, like an angel, in your photos ♥

    1. Aw thank you so much! It's true that our lives take twists and turns, and there are events that completely change our lives, and that was the case with my ancestors!

  16. What a stunning look and I loved learning about your family history. Do you still have family in Brazil?
    Julia x

    1. Yes, I still have some cousins there, some I know, some I don't!

  17. Achei muito legal a postagem! Parabéns!


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