Look Nº 504 - Help Me!

Preciso da vossa ajuda!!
O último post fez-me recordar fotos lindas que tenho aqui no blog e, que fazem com que as histórias que conto sejam muito mais actrativas. 

I need your help!!
The last post reminded me of beautiful photos that I have here on the blog and that make the stories I tell much more attractive.

O que constato, agora, é que assim com o pé partido e, com a mobilidade reduzida, ou tenho de tirar fotos em casa, ou então, quando saio, o que é raro, acabo por tirar fotos em locais já muito repetidos aqui no blog, como estas fotos!! Isso deixa-me muito aborrecida, sinto que o blog perdeu qualidade!! 

What I see now is that with broken feet and reduced mobility, I either have to take pictures at home, or when I go out, which is rare, I end up taking pictures in places that are already very repeated here in blog, like these photos!! That makes me very upset, I feel that the blog has lost quality!!

Por outro lado tenho parcerias que me obrigam a fotografar e mostrar looks. A minha vontade era fechar o blog até ficar boa do pé. Ou seja até Abril!!
É aqui que vocês entram. Preciso que me digam se não se importam de ter posts menos criativos com fotos menos apelativas até Abril. Ou se por outro lado, concordam comigo em fechar o blog até lá. O que me dizem, fecho ou não fecho o blog???

On the other hand, I have partnerships that force me to photograph and show looks. My desire was to close the blog until my foot is okay. That is until April !!
This is where you come in. I need you to tell me if you don't mind having less creative posts with less appealing photos until April. Or if on the other hand, you agree with me to close the blog until then. What do I say, close or not close the blog???

E, o que acham do meu vestido? Parece uma saia de denim conjugada com um body preto, mas não, trata-se de um lindo vestido da Rosegal. Ah e não se esqueçam de responder à minha pergunta nos comentários!!

And, what do you think of my dress? It looks like a denim skirt combined with a black body, but no, it is a beautiful dress from Rosegal. Oh and don't forget to answer my question in the comments!!
Vestido/Dress: Aqui/Here
Óculos/Sunglasses: Aqui/Here SOLD OUT
Bóina/Beret: Naf Naf

Hope you like it!!! And keep reading..
And follow me on Instagram: @marisasclosetblog

27 comentários

  1. This dress is super cool I want it too! Absolutely you don't have to close your blog until april. Come on, I am as repetitive as you are, my background are always the same! You don't need a background to tell a story since you have many things to say!
    Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger

  2. Não feche o blog, as fotos continuam ótimas e adoro ler os textos!!

  3. I think each picture has it own quality...whatever your condition...

    Have a wonderful day

  4. that dress is so pretty and so are you! :) and don't close your blog. it's okay, i think blogging shouldn't be all about aesthetics and all because it's all about you, the reality, and you don't need lots of background to tell your story :) Look at me, I don't blog as much now and my outfit photos are super late or sometimes, not even posted at all but I'm still blogging :) Coz it's fun!

    xoxo, rae


  5. Dear Marisa, your dress is wonderful and honestly I didn't recognise that you already used this location before! No, you definitely don't have to close your blog - I would miss you too much!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  6. Oh que conjunto mais lindo, adorei
    Novo post
    Tem post novos todos os dias

  7. Sempre maravilhosa com roupas cheias de estilo e personalidade.


  8. I think you should keep going for sure :-D It documents this part of your life and every photo is different and every day is different :-D

    Keep blogging :-D and I love this outfit too :-D

  9. Não fechas nada, já pagaste aluguer para o ano todo.
    Adoro o vestido.

  10. Deves fazer o que te deixar mais confortável, mas, pessoalmente, acho que deverias manter o blogue aberto. O importante é que te divirtas a fotografar nesses locais, mesmo que sejam repetidos :)

  11. I'm surprised that's a dress, and it's too bad, as the skirt design element is the best part of it, and the top doesn't look like very good quality.

    Do your blog if you want to - don't stop due unless you want to. My pictures aren't great, but I've kept going for nearly 12 years, and I have some really rich friendships from it.

  12. Marisa seus looks são sempre interessantes e as fotos ficam lindas por isso continue para nosso agrado!!! Bj

  13. Bem, Marisa, para mim, o blog perdeu absolutamente a qualidade, mas não vou convencê-lo a não fazer uma pausa - é o seu blog, a sua decisão.
    No entanto, vou sentir sua falta - aguarde 😘
    P. S. Grande estilização 😍

  14. This dress look so cool - I like t so much on you :-)
    Don't close your blog please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Nem pensar querida, continua. Isso é só uma fase e depois voltas ao normal.
    Com menos qualidade ou não eu adoro ver os teus looks e fotos.
    Beijinhos e as melhoras.

  16. Lindo seu look, não fecha não. Mesmo que seja lugar repetido, tente variar as poses na hora das fotos. É importante deixar o blog ativo.
    Convido vc para participar da minha PESQUISA DE PÚBLICO
    Big Beijos

  17. No I would not recommend closing the blog. You will lose momentum. I think it is fine to shoot in a repeated location. After all your readers are looking at you and what you are wearing not so much the background. And you can look for a generic wall close by so it will kind of be like a non background and not so easily to notice that is the same.

    Allie of

  18. Mantém o blog aberto.

    O blog está em Hiatus de verão, mas comentaremos nos blogs amigos nesse período.

    Jovem Jornalista

    Até mais, Emerson Garcia

  19. Marisa, a beautiful location never gets old. Your locations are always beautiful and I can never get tired of them. Even if they weren't, I would still enjoy looking at your fabulous outfits. I don't think you have anything to worry about, lots of bloggers always shot at the same location and they still make their posts interesting. Fashion blogger photos are not just about the location, your photography is always creative so you have nothing to worry about it.

    Plus, I really like the outfit you are wearing today. That high waisted skirt is gorgeous. You look fantastic. It is great that you're not letting your injured foot get in the way of your style. This is an amazing styling!


  20. I wouldn't close the blog just because of the background...you always either make such a statement with your outfit or your stories.

  21. Oh I love the hat.
    Such an elegant winterlook my dear.
    And I hope you will not close your blog :(

    take a look at my BLOG and my INSTAGRAM

  22. O vestido é super original! Eu não fecharia... falo por mim , não me importo nada se reparar num sitio repetido;)

    Anita On Blog

  23. Amei esse look, lindíssima.
    Você não precisa fechar o blog nesse tempo, pode tentar fazer uam abordagem diferente para que não precise das fotos.

  24. You look stunning! It is a gorgeous dress!
    Marisa, it will be great, at least for this moment, when you show and think about what in your closet only, no need to care about location and traveling.

    Take good care, Marisa:)

  25. I love your dress and how it looks like a skirt and top! And I don't think you should close your blog until April. There's nothing wrong with taking photos in the same spot or at home. Your style is what makes your blog unique and you can show that off anywhere!

    x Kara | http://karascloset.net


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