The Looks of the Week #92

Olá! Bem-vindos a mais um fabuloso post dos Looks da Semana! Esta semana aconteceu um terramoto político em Portugal, de um dia para o outro perdemos o 1º ministro, que se demitiu e, a Assembleia da República foi dissolvida pelo Presidente da República, tudo isto por suspeitas de corrupção que neste momento estão a ser investigadas pelo Ministério Público. Pouca coisa! Vislumbrando um futuro incerto para Portugal, isto porque os portugueses vão ter de penar até dia 10 de Março de 2024 para irem a votos. Com esta novela trágico cómica a acontecer mais vale pensar nos looks que apresento esta semana, isto porque são lindos!! Desfrutem deles enquanto Portugal tenta encontrar um rumo. Quem sabe, talvez a moda seja a solução para todas as crises - para mim é - ou talvez não! Mas pelo menos vai deixar a nossa tragédia pessoal um pouco mais estilosa!

Hello and welcome to another fabulous Looks of the Week post! This week there was a political earthquake in Portugal, from one day to the next we lost the Prime Minister, who resigned, and the Assembly of the Republic was dissolved by the President of the Republic, all because of suspicions of corruption that are currently being investigated by the Public Prosecutor's Office. Not much! The future for Portugal is uncertain, because the Portuguese will have to wait until 10 March 2024 to vote. With this tragic comic soap opera going on, you might as well think about the looks I'm presenting this week, because they're beautiful!!! Enjoy them while Portugal tries to find a way forward. Who knows, maybe fashion is the solution to every crisis - for me it is - or maybe not! But at least it will make our personal tragedy a little more stylish! 


Tenho por este casaco azul claro uma estima especial, foi com ele que celebrei os meus 50 anos de vida! Este casaco não é apenas uma peça de roupa, é um capítulo de memórias, é um símbolo do tempo vivido! Aqui estão 3 looks que capturam a essência intemporal deste casaco, onde a moda e a vida se cruzam em harmonia!
  I have a special fondness for this light blue jacket, it was in it that I celebrated my 50th birthday! This jacket isn't just a piece of clothing, it's a chapter of memories, a symbol of time lived! Here are 3 looks that capture the timeless essence of this jacket, where fashion and life intersect in harmony!


Este casaco mais parece um arco-íris... de estilo! Este tesouro colorido é a peça chave destes 4 looks que exploram a sua versatilidade. Dos tons vibrantes para dias ensolarados, este casaco é um convite para brincar com a moda. Acreditem em mim, o colorido pode ser a melhor arma contra a monotonia no guarda roupa!

This jacket looks like a rainbow... of style! This colourful treasure is the key piece in these 4 looks that explore its versatility. From vibrant colours for sunny days, this jacket is an invitation to play with fashion. Believe me, colour can be the best weapon against wardrobe monotony!



 Então, digam-me lá qual é o vosso look preferido? Qual o dia da semana que preferem?

So, tell me what is your favorite look? What day of the week do you prefer?






15 comentários

  1. So pretty in blue! Love the classic dark coat too. Awesome boots you have, too. And you look lovely in pale palettes too!

    Politics and its fellow seem to be in another world. Most of ours are too old to be in power. I don't know how we do it, but sometimes, I think many of us would say, "Well, I don't want to do it." Yes, many countries are in the same boat. And we wait... Hope you are having a lovely and fond November. All the leaves are on the ground here, or blowing somewhere.

  2. You have my best wishes for Portugal to find its way toward the best most honest, conscientious and compassionate government in the months and years ahead.
    All of the outfits you styled and wore look attractive.
    It would be difficult to choose only one favourite look, especially taking the memories and associations into consideration!
    The light blue jacket (Monday) with its gold buttons and wide lapels that you celebrated your 50th birthday in looks fabulous styled in all four of the different outfits you were photographed wearing it in.
    I also love the the yellow colour and look of the fabric of the skirt you styled in your Thursday outfit!
    The rainbow of colours of the jacket you wore in your Wednesday outfit does look fabulous with all of the outfits you were photographed wearing it with.
    I also love the sharp pleats, swingy appearance and green colour of the skirt coordinated nicely with the wide brimmed hat and that gorgeous jacket in your Tuesday outfit!
    You look fabulous in each and every one of the outfits you were wearing in the photos above.

    An old (2014) blog post:
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  3. You look great, thanks for your sharing...

  4. Uau, simplesmente tão maravilhosa, nem sei qual conjunto mais gostei
    Novo post
    Tem Post Novo Diariamente

  5. Lindos atuendos. Mi preferido es el del viernes. Te mando un beso.

  6. Your outfits look very nice. My favorite was the skirt in the first photo in the Tuesday title. :)
    Happy weekend.. :)

  7. I love the way you coordinated your outfit. Your style is so chic here.

  8. I love that baby blue jacket with the Peter Pan collar. That's so cute. Great look.
    I also really like your green elegant and timeless.
    Your long dark coat is gorgeous too!

  9. Bom domingo e bom início de semana. Seus looks maravilhosos e combinam muito com você, parabéns pelo bom gosto.

  10. Me gustan mucho todos los looks, pero mi favorito es el del jueves. Besos

  11. Sempre arrasando em suas escolhas.

    Boa semana!

    O JOVEM JORNALISTA está no ar cheio de posts novos e novidades! Não deixe de conferir!

    Jovem Jornalista

    Até mais, Emerson Garcia


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