Olhem bem para mim, quem é que eu vos lembro com este look? Não é a boneca Barbie?? Vestida de cor de rosa e com o cabelo louro, quis homenagear esse ícone da cultura pop, agora que nos aproximamos do Natal, a Barbie é sempre um lindo presente para as meninas ou meninos que isto nas questões de género já não se pode dizer que este ou aquele brinquedo é indicado especificamente para meninas ou meninos! Mas o que me faz mesmo parecer com a Barbie é a minha altura ahahah!!
Look at me, who do I remember you with this look? Don't I look like the Barbie doll?? Dressed in pink and with blonde hair, I wanted to pay tribute to this pop culture icon, now that we're approaching Christmas, Barbie is always a beautiful gift for girls or boys that in gender issues it can no longer be said that this or that toy is specifically designed for girls or boys! But what really makes me look like Barbie is my height ahahah!!

A Barbie foi criada em 1959, apesar de não parecer, a Barbie é já uma sexagenária!! Foi a primeira boneca a representar uma mulher adulta, até aí as bonecas eram apenas representações de crianças. Foi criada tendo como inspiração uma boneca alemã, por um casal americano para a sua filha Barbara, daí o nome de Barbie! Sabiam disto???
Barbie was created in 1959, although it doesn't look like it, Barbie is already a sixty year old!! It was the first doll to represent an adult woman, until then the dolls were only representations of children. It was created with inspiration from a German doll, by an American couple for their daughter Barbara, hence the name Barbie! Did you know about this???
Eu nunca tive uma boneca Barbie, portanto não foi ela que me influenciou com os seus magníficos modelitos a gostar de moda! Nem sei, se quando era criança, se a Barbie já era vendida em Portugal, penso que não! A boneca da minha infância era a Tucha, houve um Natal em que pedi tanto uma Tucha de presente e o Pai Natal não atendeu o meu pedido, nem imaginam a decepção que tive!! Ainda hoje sou traumatizada por este episódio da minha vida, o Pai Natal nunca vos decepcionou??? Ahahahah!!
I've never had a Barbie doll, so it wasn't her that influenced me with her magnificent outfits to like fashion! I don't even know, if when I was a child, Barbie was already sold in Portugal, I don't think so! The doll of my childhood was Tucha doll, there was a Christmas when I asked so much for a Tucha and Santa didn't answer my request, you can't even imagine the disappointment I had!! Even today I'm traumatized by this episode of my life, Santa never let you down??? Ahahahah!!
Tinha muitas coisas para dizer, coisas sérias, importantes mesmo, mas cada vez me decepciono mais com a espécie humana, pelo que mais vale falar de palermices como a boneca Barbie! Quem concorda comigo!!
I had a lot of things to say, serious things, really important things, but I'm becoming more and more disappointed with the human species, so it's better to talk about nonsense like the Barbie doll! Who agrees with me!!
Look: Zara
Shop My Closet: Velvet Clothes
This is such a lovely pink, and you look absolutely amazing!
Gosto mais da tua versão da Barbie.
ResponderEliminarBoa semana
What a fun statement bodycon pink dress! I like the matching little pink bag with this outfit too :)
ResponderEliminarHope that you had a great weekend and your week is off to a good start!
Away From The Blue | Handbag Gift Guide
Great dress
ResponderEliminarThanks for the Barbie Doll History! Lovely hot pink number with those boots. I can imagine even in Barbie Doll clothes this would be expensive too. As I was looking as of late for clothes for a certain someone's Barbie. So expensive so I have made do with left over fuzzy socks and the like, but she doesn't seem to mind. I always enjoyed playing Barbies, but usually a lot of roleplaying stories came from those days..and making their own clothes.
ResponderEliminarThis color cuits you! <3 xoxo
ResponderEliminarMas que bela!!
ResponderEliminarUma autentica Princesa, qual Barbie! :)
Sentimento fatal...
Beijo e uma excelente semana.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA você está linda demais amiga nesse look. Uma verdadeira barbie!
ResponderEliminarAhh que saudades que eu estava do mundo do blog e de vir aqui no seu blog.
Como não gostar desse teu conjunto, adorei
ResponderEliminarUma boa semana
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Sempre elegante, lindíssima, seja qual for o look.
Cumprimentos poéticos
Pensamentos e Devaneios Poéticos
Wooow! You look stunning :)
ResponderEliminarWooow! You look stunning :)
ResponderEliminarYou look great in that color.
ResponderEliminarRealmente o vestido é digno da barbie!
ResponderEliminarAproveito para desejar uma boa semana!
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That is a really stunning dress and the boot go so well. I love the colour and fabric :-D
ResponderEliminarYou look so beautiful in this dress. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas season!!
ResponderEliminarLook magnífico!!
ResponderEliminarBoa semana.
Lindo look te mando un beso
ResponderEliminarSo cute❤
ResponderEliminarParece mesmo uma barbie *-*
ResponderEliminarUm beijinho,
Un vestido increible. Besos
ResponderEliminarImpossível não associar o seu look com a Barbie.
ResponderEliminarAmei o seu look de Barbie.
Although I had been a little but familiar with Barbie dolls I did not know about the history and the origin of Barbie's naming.
ResponderEliminarI love Barbie pink!
You do look like a fabulous Barbie doll rocking that stylish pink dress from Zara.
I love the colour, ruching, seams and styling of the dress and how you styled it in your outfit.
I also love the colours and pretty looks of the hot (Barbie) pink Vetements Logo embellished velvet top with gloves at Mytheresa
and the Legends of Creativity unisex crushed velvet long sleeve top in hot pink from Wolf+Badger.
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Come on Barbie, let's go party! I love this Barbie look on you, Marisa!
Le Stylo Rouge
That is true Barbie pink and I like how it look like on satin material. Perfect combination with white coat and boots and your earrings are just stunning. I want the same.
ResponderEliminarEsse look tá super Barbie mesmo Marisa, adorei! Na minha infância a Barbie era A boneca que todos queriam ter. Eu tive uma ou duas, mas ela era cara nessa época (hoje em dia existem versões tão baratinhas!). Beijo, beijo :*
ResponderEliminarI know about the history of the Barbie doll. I did play with Barbie dolls while I was little, they were very popular. I used to cut their care and drew tattoes on them when I approached my teenage years. I played with them even as a teenager. We didn't grow up as fast back in my day, we probably played with dolls until we were 13 -14 years old.
ResponderEliminarYou look fantastic in this Barbie dress! Lovely boots as well.
I know what you mean, sometimes it is hard to speak about the serious stuff. It is easy to get disappointed in humans.
That's it Ivana!! Big hug!
EliminarArrasou no look! Parabéns!
ResponderEliminarBoa semana!
Jovem Jornalista
Até mais, Emerson Garcia
I love how you were inspired by a Barbie doll. It's such a great color on you Marisa!!
ResponderEliminarAs for humans, we always say that people will be people, ugh!!