Look Nº 835 - Now that I am You!

Bem-vindos meus queridos amigos e leitores deste cantinho virtual! Como sabem as sociedades modernas são marcadas pela ambição vivendo-se numa correria estonteante! Muitos anseiam por uma ascensão rápida e conquistas notáveis, vivendo constantemente angustiados com o futuro. Essa competição desenfreada entre pares, vizinhos, colegas... whatever, resulta numa vida onde o presente é negligenciado, ofuscado pelo brilho das expectativas futuras!

Welcome, my dear friends and readers of this virtual corner! As you know, modern societies are marked by ambition and live in a dizzying rush! Many people yearn for a quick rise and notable achievements, constantly anxious about the future. This frantic competition between peers, neighbours, colleagues... whatever, results in a life where the present is neglected, overshadowed by the brilliance of future expectations!

Ao reflectir sobre esta realidade, percebi que viver no futuro é uma ilusão. A verdadeira essência da vida reside no presente e na capacidade de apreciá-lo e vivê-lo da melhor forma possível. A felicidade não depende de conquistas grandiosas ou de posses materiais. Em muitas regiões de África, onde os recursos são escassos, é possível observar crianças que, com tão pouco, têm uma alegria genuína. O que podemos aprender com elas? Que não são precisas grandes coisas para se ser feliz. Afinal, a felicidade pode ser encontrada nos pormenores, na simplicidade, no amor compartilhado, nas pequenas vitórias diárias, na imensidão deste mar que observo!

Reflecting on this reality, I realised that living in the future is an illusion. The true essence of life lies in the present and in the ability to appreciate it and live it in the best possible way. Happiness does not depend on grandiose achievements or material possessions. In many regions of Africa, where resources are scarce, it is possible to observe children who, with so little, have genuine joy. What can we learn from them? That you don't need great things to be happy. After all, happiness can be found in the details, in simplicity, in shared love, in small daily victories, in the immensity of this sea that I observe! 

Viver no presente é um acto de amor. Amor por si mesmo, pelo que se tem agora e pelas pessoas ao nosso redor. A angústia de um futuro incerto só serve para nos roubar a paz e a felicidade que podemos experimentar HOJE! Afinal, o futuro é uma incógnita e ninguém inventou uma máquina do tempo para prever ou alterar o que está por vir.
Living in the present is an act of love. Love for yourself, for what you have now and for the people around you. The anguish of an uncertain future only serves to rob us of the peace and happiness we can experience TODAY! After all, the future is unknown and nobody has invented a time machine to predict or alter what is to come.

E se o mundo acabasse amanhã? Esta é a pergunta que nos faz reflectir sobre as nossas prioridades. Muitos temem que o mundo termine sem terem realizado as suas ambições, mas esquecem que, um dia, eles e todos nós é que faltaremos no mundo! A verdadeira perda não será o fim das nossas conquistas, mas o facto de não termos vivido de maneira plena e feliz em cada dia que nos foi dado viver! A maior perda será a de não termos vivido plenamente e intensamente cada momento.
What if the world ended tomorrow? This is the question that makes us reflect on our priorities. Many people fear that the world will end without having realised their ambitions, but they forget that one day it will be they and all of us who will be missing from the world! The real loss will not be the end of our achievements, but the fact that we didn't live fully and happily each day we were given to live! The greatest loss will be not having lived each moment fully and intensely.

Portanto, a mensagem é clara como esta água que me rodeia: vivam felizes hoje. Desfrutem do presente com amor e gratidão. O futuro, com todas as suas incertezas será sempre uma parte da nossa vida, mas não deve nem pode ser um fardo que nos impeça de viver o AGORA. A vida acontece no presente, e é aqui que devemos buscar a verdadeira felicidade!
 So the message is as clear as the water around me: live happily today. Enjoy the present with love and gratitude. The future, with all its uncertainties, will always be a part of our lives, but it should not and cannot be a burden that prevents us from living in the NOW. Life happens in the present, and it is here that we must seek true happiness!

Vestido/Dress: Zara

Como banda sonora deste post escolhi uma música do meu cantor português favorito, David Fonseca, "Now That I am You"! Nesta música, ele faz uma abordagem poética e introspectiva, oferece-nos uma reflexão sobre a ideia de descobrir e compreender o próprio "eu", é que as pessoas têm dificuldade em perceber as minhas escolhas e, também as circunstâncias que me "obrigaram" a essas escolhas e, como elas não são iguais à maioria, acham que sou infeliz, este post pretende explicar a minha visão da vida e de como a vivo, encontrando felicidade até nas dificuldades!... E, também uma mensagem subliminar só para inteligentes😁!!!!
 For the soundtrack of this post I've chosen a song by my favourite Portuguese singer, David Fonseca, ‘Now That I am You’! In this song, he takes a poetic and introspective approach, offering us a reflection on the idea of discovering and understanding one's own ‘self’, it's just that people find it difficult to understand my choices and also the circumstances that ‘forced’ me to make these choices, as they are not the same as the majority, they think I am unhappy, this post intends to explain my vision of life and how I live it, finding happiness even in difficulties!... And also a subliminal message only for the smart ones😁!!!!

"So what will you sayWhen you unravel this taleMett the villain of this play

Now That I am You!"

Thanks for reading!!!
Marisa Cavaleiro Torres


30 comentários

  1. You look so nice, thanks for your sharing

  2. Such a wonderful theme for your post. Living in the Now! Brilliant outfit! Yes, finding joy is somewhat an art! The stresses of life are a shackle we can't completely shake. Life is full of punches when you least expect it. But I am glad you are bringing us the beauty. Such a lovely post! & a powerful one too. Thanks so much! Wishing you joy in everything you do!

    1. Thanks Ellie for your always assertive opinion! Why suffer for the future when, as you say, life itself will punch us without us expecting it! We can't be sure that we'll live better in the future because life takes turns!

  3. Boa tarde minha querida amiga Marisa. Temos uma cidade brasileira, no estado de Minas Gerais, conhecida como capital do crochê: Monte Sião.

  4. Concordo plenamente! É importante vivermos felizes no presente!

    Ontem é só Memória | Facebook | Instagram

    1. Sem dúvida! Sofrer pelo futuro só nos faz pessoas estressadas!

  5. Hello, dear Marisa. I really enjoyed reading your inspiring post.
    I agree with you. We should live in the present because the future is always uncertain.
    Those who know how to live in the present know how to be experience genuine joy.
    You cannot experience joy if all you do is worry about the future.
    Life is here and right now. It's happening now. Will it happen in the future? Who knows?
    Even if it happens, it'll be something different, not what we have imagined.
    Sometimes people are most unhappy when they get everything they dreamed of.
    Because we never really know what we really want- and what we might want in the future.
    We chase the future but forget about the now.
    That future will become present some day.
    And what kind of future it will be, if we continue to postpone happiness and existence into the future? Never existing one. We must exist in the present. We must live in the present. The present is the present, the gift!
    I love your yellow dress. Perfect accessories as well. You're like a ray of sunshine today...inspiring us with your inner and outer beauty and stylishness.

    1. Thank you Ivana for this comment, it could be the conclusion of my post! I like the idea of the present being the gift, because in Portuguese present and gift are spelt the same way, so I've always thought that our present gives us little pieces of information - that we don't know how to interpret - about our future and that is indeed a gift! I don't know if I made myself clear! One thing I'm sure of and that life has taught me, is that there's no point in thinking about what our lives will be like in the future, when there are enough madmen in this world capable of launching a nuclear bomb and blowing everything up. So since we can't predict the future, it's best to live in the present with joy!

  6. Marisa, your post is a wonderful reminder to cherish the present and find joy in the little things. I love the message about living fully today. Thanks for sharing this insight and the song recommendation! 🌟

    Love, love, love that pretty dress, BTW.

    1. Thank you very much, living without stressing about the future also contributes to a much better general state of health! Both physical and mental health!

  7. A ambição desmedida torna o mundo um lugar perigoso.

    Isabel Sá
    Brilhos da Moda

    1. Tens toda a razão, a ambição desmedida cega as pessoas, são capazes de tudo!


  8. a wonderful text, very motivating <3
    You look great, I like the jewelry you are wearing.

  9. Penso que seja cada vez mais normal nos esquecermos de viver o presente e depois, quando chega o momento, bate o arrependimento!

    Beijos e Abraços,

    BLOG | Instagram

    1. Exactamente isso! E, depois "ó tempo volta para trás"!

    2. É mesmo isso... E por vezes ainda dá para "remediar" a situação, mas quando não dá, está o caldo entornado!

  10. Beautiful dress..you look lovely dear :-)
    Beauty and Fashion

  11. You are beautiful.

  12. Life in the future is truly an illusion, as I have unfortunately learned the hard way...
    It's really the little things that can bring great joy :)
    Beautyful summer look :)

    1. I'm sorry you've come to that conclusion, life teaches us the hard way! But I'm pleased to read that you've learnt to live in the now!

  13. You have a beautiful summer style. I love wearing dresses like this in the summer, and flip-flops. I feel really comfortable then :)


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