The Looks of the Week #123

Bem-vindos a mais um fabuloso post dos Looks da Semana! Se vocês acham que as Teorias da Conspiração são malucas e hilariantes, esperem até ver os looks que usei esta semana! A verdade é que os meus looks causaram um alvoroço tal, que geraram inúmeras especulações e, muitas foram as teorias que foram inventadas em torno dos meus modelitos! Cada dia é uma nova aventura, os meus looks não só reflectem o meu estilo pessoal, mas também alimentam as histórias mais absurdas. Quem diria que os meus looks da semana poderiam ser o centro de tanta especulação! E quanto às roupas? Bem, elas são apenas uma forma divertida de expressar quem sou, acreditem que não vale a pena levar-mo-nos demasiado a sério!!!!  E, vocês já foram vítimas de Teorias da Conspiração? É que inventam com cada uma!

Welcome to another fabulous Looks of the Week post! If you think Conspiracy Theories are crazy and hilarious, wait until you see the looks I wore this week! The truth is that my outfits have caused a buzz, generating countless speculations and many theories have been invented around my outfits! Every day is a new adventure, my outfits not only reflect my personal style, but also fuel the most absurd stories. Who would have thought that my looks of the week could be the center of so much speculation! And what about the clothes? Well, they're just a fun way of expressing who I am, believe me, there's no point in taking ourselves too seriously!!!!  At the end of the day, the only real conspiracies are the ones we make up to laugh ourselves crazy! Have you ever been the victim of conspiracy theories?  They just make up the craziest stories!




Querem melhor peça de roupa que umas calças jeans, já com vários anos no meu closet, para alimentar uma boa Teoria da Conspiração! Os conspiradores afirmam que nunca viram estas jeans no meu closet, aqui ficam 5 looks para vos inspirar e pirar!
What better piece of clothing than a pair of jeans that have been in my wardrobe for several years to fuel a good Conspiracy Theory! Conspirators claim they've never seen these jeans in my wardrobe, so here are 5 looks to inspire you!



E a Teoria da Conspiração que ninguém acredita é a de que sou eu na foto de 1987, com apenas 15 anos! Acreditem, ou não, mas esta Conspiração tem 37 anos! Exactamente esta foto tem 37 anos, já eu era um caso sério de popularidade do mundo dos álbuns de fotos, sem saber, a dar os primeiros passos naquilo em que me iria tornar mundialmente conhecida😁! Esta saia que todos dizem ser mais uma saia saída de uma nova colecção de uma caríssima marca italiana, é afinal da extinta marca portuguesa Fétal! Mas dou o braço a torcer a saia está impecável! Só não consegui encontrar a blusa que fazia conjunto com ela!! Digam-me lá se acrediam nesta Conspiração com 37 anos?
 And the Conspiracy Theory that nobody believes is that it's me in the 1987 photo, aged just 15! Believe it or not, this Conspiracy is 37 years old! That's right, this photo is 37 years old, I was already a serious case of popularity in the world of photo books, without knowing it, taking the first steps in what would make me world famous😁! This skirt, which everyone says is just another skirt from a new collection by a very expensive Italian brand, is actually from the now-defunct Portuguese brand Fétal! But I'll give it to you: the skirt is impeccable! I just couldn't find the blouse that went with it! Can you believe this 37-year-old theory?
 Então, digam-me lá qual é o vosso look preferido? Qual o dia da semana que preferem?

So, tell me what is your favorite look? What day of the week do you prefer?

        STOP WARS

32 comentários

  1. Me gusta el look del lunes. Te mando un beso.

  2. Wow! So great to see you at 15! Awesome conspiracy 💕☀️❤️🌈 So many cool summer looks, but I would love to have Tuesday's floral dress in my closet. Thanks for so much inspiration. You are having a beautiful July! All the best! Thanks for your comments too!

    1. Fortunately I have lots of these 15-year-old treasures hahaha! Thanks Ellie for your support!


  3. This time I think all the outfits are beautiful, each in its own way.
    Happy Friday

  4. It is possible that was been in someone's conspiracy theories,
    but I am reclusive enough that I probably would not know about it. ;-/ :D
    That 1987 photo of you is fabulous -
    you had the same wonderful fashion taste then and never stopped being fabulous.
    All of the outfits you styled and wore look attractive -
    the pineapple print and floral print outfit pieces, the sheer lace-trimmed slip from the 1987 / 2024 OOTDs, and the white mini-skirt all look pretty.
    You wore them all beautifully. xx

    1. Thank you so much Panty for your comment! If you only knew the Conspiracy Theories I'm involved in!!! You'd laugh with me my dear!

  5. You had such a stylish week, but Wednesday's look has to be my fave! I love that beaded top over the tank, what a cool look, Marisa!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  6. All of these outfits are gorgeous, dear Marisa! My favourite is the vintage outfit. That 37 year old skirt is gorgeous. I love how you paired it with a white top and hat. It looks great worn with the matching blouse as well- the way you wore it in 1987.
    So, this skirt has caused a conspiracy theory. Some people don't believe that it is that old? Well, some people don't know the advantages of vintage clothing.
    I loved seeing that past photo. You were always stylish.
    The all white look you wore is also so gorgeous...simply perfect for the summer.

    1. That's why people can't believe I've had my clothes in a closet for so many years! I published the photo from 1987 precisely to prove it! The white look is very nice but the photo didn't turn out very well, but you have an eye!

  7. These are all lovely looks, but I especially like Tuesday's floral dress! And also Friday's skirt that sparked the conspiracy theory. It looked great in 1987 and it looks great now!
    Julia x

  8. I'm shocked - I don't think I've ever heard of a person wearing clothes in all these years.
    I like Monday's look the most :)

    1. I'm not sure I understand what you mean, but if it's about the 37-year-old skirt, I bought it for a special occasion and it's been in storage, but now I've decided to wear it again!!!

  9. Hello Marisa,
    All of your outfits look nice. My favorite is the floral dress on Tuesday. :)
    Have a good weekend..

    1. Thank you very much! That´s a great choice! The dress is beautiful!

  10. Arrasou em todos os looks. A teoria da conspiração é bem interessante.

    Boa semana!

    O JOVEM JORNALISTA está no ar cheio de posts novos e novidades! Não deixe de conferir!

    Jovem Jornalista

    Até mais, Emerson Garcia

  11. Your outfits are fun and if it makes people talk and form their own theories about you, all the better, I say! Super cute looks like week, but then again, you look super cute in everything no matter the day or week!

    1. That's right, people talk a lot but make a lot of mistakes!


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