Caros amigos e leitores, este post é sobre uma assunto polémico em Portugal. É sobre a crescente censura sobre a arte com o pretexto do politicamente correcto. Vou falar-vos de uma estátua na cidade do Porto que está a incomodar as autoridades municipais. Mas, acho melhor mostrar-vos a estátua em questão. Não. Não sou eu, mas poderia ser!
Dear friends and readers, this post is about a controversial subject in Portugal. The controversy is about the growing censorship of art under the pretext of political correctness. I'm going to tell you about a statue in the city of Porto that is upsetting the municipal authorities. But I think I'd better show you the statue in question. No. It's not me, but it could be!

Photo: Visit Porto
Estátua do Escultor: Francisco Simões
Sculptor's statue: Francisco Simões
A estátua - Amor de Perdição - representa o escritor Camilo Castelo Branco abraçado a uma mulher nua, esta obra foi criticada por ser feia e ofensiva, tendo havido movimentações para ser retirada. No entanto esta obra não representa a humilhação feminina, ela representa não uma mulher em concreto, mas é uma representação simbólica de todas as mulheres presentes na obra do escritor. A nudez não representa a submissão feminina, mas a liberdade, digamos que é uma forma de expressão artística.
The statue - Love of Perdition - represents the writer Camilo Castelo Branco embracing a naked woman. This work has been criticised for being ugly and offensive, and there have been moves to have it removed. However, this work does not represent female humiliation, it does not represent a specific woman, but is a symbolic representation of all the women present in the writer's work. Nudity does not represent female submission, but freedom, let's say it's a form of artistic expression.

Ao apresentar-me como uma "estátua viva" de todas essas mulheres, pretendo dar ênfase à explicação dada pelo escultor. Através da fotografia, capto a sensualidade e o mistério de todas essas personagens femininas literárias, rejeitando a ideia que o nu seja ofensivo ou que tenha de ser escondido. Censurar a nudez seria um atentado à liberdade criativa, acho eu! Muitas esculturas teriam de ser retiradas dos museus!
By presenting myself as a ‘living statue’ of all these women, I want to emphasise the explanation given by the sculptor. Through photography, I capture the sensuality and mystery of all these literary female characters, rejecting the idea that nudity is offensive or should be hidden. Censoring nudity would be an attack on creative freedom, I think! Many sculptures would have to be removed from museums!
Já imaginaram se todas as estátuas renascentistas fossem retiradas dos museus? Vamos censurar Michelangelo, Donatello, porque a sua visão não encaixa neste tipo de sensibilidade moderna. Mas, este tipo de censura está a ganhar mais adeptos! Essa é que essa!
Can you imagine if all the Renaissance statues were removed from museums? We'd censor Michelangelo, Donatello, because their vision doesn't fit in with this kind of modern sensibility. But this kind of censorship is gaining more followers! So it is!
Em minha opinião, devemos lutar contra esta tendência de falsos moralismos e moralistas. A estátua é cultura e pertence a todos os portuenses. Não devemos ser reféns de uma cultura que quer apagar a beleza da criação artística. A arte não é para ser censurada mas para ser sentida!
In my opinion, we must fight against this trend of false moralism and moralists. The statue is culture and belongs to all the people of Porto. We shouldn't be held hostage by a culture that wants to erase the beauty of artistic creation. Art is not to be censored but to be felt!
Look: Zara
Viva a Liberdade!
Long live liberty!
Thanks for reading!!!
Marisa Cavaleiro Torres
Art is subjective—there’s no right or wrong way to interpret it. Look at the Santa Claus statue in Rotterdam holding a butt plug in a public place; some see it as funny or thought-provoking, others find it offensive. But that’s the beauty of art—it sparks different reactions.
ResponderEliminarYou're right, Veronica, art does have that power to provoke such diverse reactions, but we have to pay attention to the disguised censorship that proliferates in our society!
EliminarYou look great!!
EliminarI love that part about where Art is to be Felt! YOU GO GIRL! Awesome message! You are art! & Thanks for bringing the art to us..especially, to be felt! Hope your October is a healthy one. Thank you for your comments! Thanks for being you. All the best in your art adventures and more! 💛💛💛💛💛🍒🍒🍒🍒💕💕💕💕🍂🍂🍂🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁💛💛💛💛💛💛
ResponderEliminarThank you my dear friend! I tried to represent all the women present in the literary work of this Portuguese writer! Somehow I tried to provoke reactions in people in an ironic way!
EliminarBom dia e uma excelente segunda-feira minha querida amiga Marisa. Seus looks, como se diz no Brasil, arrasaram. Sucesso total.
ResponderEliminarUauuuu muito obrigada caro amigo!
EliminarBelo look!
ResponderEliminarBoa semana!
O JOVEM JORNALISTA está no ar cheio de posts novos e novidades! Não deixe de conferir!
Jovem Jornalista
Até mais, Emerson Garcia
EliminarMa dear friend, I think political corectness is even worse than past censorship. I am affraid then it was just lack of knowledge, now this new censorship is generating lack of knowledge on purpose.
ResponderEliminarAnyway, I thik that this is in fact a beautifull statue. Really, The artist has put in it a lot of sensibiliy.
The nude women is not vulgar, or obscene, in fact... I think this statue is like poetry or a song.
HUgs :)
Exactly, this statue could be a poem or a song! Like the songs you listen to that provoke all those reactions of nostalgia, of beauty! I tried to be this living statue that symbolically represents all the women present in this writer's literary work!
EliminarWhat a pretty look Marisa! Lovely sheer top. Wishing you a great day!
Thank you very much!
EliminarThe debate over the statue "Amor de Perdição" by Francisco Simões highlights the tension between artistic expression and modern sensibilities. Art has always been a reflection of society's values and struggles, and censoring it can erase important cultural and historical narratives. Your perspective on embracing the sensuality and mystery of literary characters through photography is a powerful statement against censorship. Art should indeed be felt and experienced, not hidden away.
ResponderEliminarWishing you a great day. Read my new post:
If I had to rate your comment, I'd give it full marks, because that's exactly the point of my post! Thanks Melody!
EliminarYou look good as a statue, very pretty. :) Fantastic Outfit!
ResponderEliminarArt needs freedom. No judgment or bans.
I even tried to be ironic in my poses as a living statue to provoke those false moralists who walk around full of skeletons hiding in their cupboards. But these defenders of political correctness know little about the word Freedom!
EliminarLinda e elegante como sempre.
ResponderEliminarQuanto à estátua como disse a LoveT e muito bem a arte deve e precisa de liberdade.
Exactamente Maria! A arte é subjectiva e por isso provoca reacções tão diferentes! Agora a vontade de uns não se pode sobrepôr à de outros! A arte é apaixonante por isso! Bjs
EliminarIt's hard to disagree with you Marisa.
ResponderEliminarI'm surprised that nude sculptures that have been around for a very long time are suddenly starting to outrage anyone...
I don't like the direction political correctness is going in the world - nothing good will come of it...
Nice blouse :)
Best regards
I don't think anything good will come of political correctness either, because those who clamour for it usually hide much worse things ahahahah!!!!
EliminarThere is a difference between nude and lewd. The sculpture doesn't seem lewd to me, though I suppose it's in the eye of the beholder.
ResponderEliminarArt is subjective so I agree with your comment, there are those who might take offence at this statue, usually the false defenders of morality, the so-called peddlers of the temple!
EliminarYou look very beautiful :D
ResponderEliminarThank you!
EliminarQue lindo o seu look Marisa. Gostei.
Obrigada Lulu!
EliminarConcordo plenamente, a arte deve ser sentida.
ResponderEliminarÉ bom lembrar que vemos as coisas como somos,
por isso alguns vêm ofensa nesta obra, outros não.
o(*°▽°*)o Beijos!
É esse o ponto, cada um vê as coisas como é!
EliminarObrigada Ane!
Such a creative post - I love your outfit
ResponderEliminarJulia x