The Looks of the Week #114

 Olá, bem-vindos a mais um fabuloso post dos Looks da Semana! Vivemos tempos climáticos cada vez mais imprevisíveis. Numa única semana, somos presenteados com todas as quatro estações do ano, exigindo uma versatilidade sem precedentes mas nossas escolhas de vestuário e calçado. Com este clima esquizofrénico, a chave para estar sempre preparada é investir em peças versáteis e de qualidade, que possam ser combinadas de diversas maneiras. Sapatos/botas/sandálias confortáveis e adequados para diferentes condições climáticas são igualmente importantes, garantindo estilo e comodidade! Estar atenta às previsões do tempo e ter um guarda roupa bem organizado são passos essenciais para enfrentar essas mudanças bruscas de temperatura com elegância e conforto! E, como vocês enfrentam estas mudanças bruscas do tempo?

Hello, and welcome to another fabulous Looks of the Week post! We live in increasingly unpredictable climatic times. In a single week, we are presented with all four seasons, requiring unprecedented versatility in our clothing and footwear choices. With this schizophrenic climate, the key to always being prepared is to invest in versatile, quality pieces that can be combined in different ways. Comfortable shoes/boots/sandals suitable for different weather conditions are equally important, guaranteeing style and comfort! Keeping an eye on the weather forecast and having a well-organised wardrobe are essential steps to facing these sudden changes in temperature with elegance and comfort! And how do you cope with these sudden changes in the weather?







Então, digam-me lá qual é o vosso look preferido? Qual o dia da semana que preferem?

So, tell me what is your favorite look? What day of the week do you prefer?





28 comentários

  1. So pretty in yellow! Love seeing your hair up too. Oh, you are so daring and Chic💕🩷🌸 Yes, it is getting warmer and more humid as we close in on June. But I still don't have anything white to wear. Happy Weekend! Love the photos and thanks so much for reading and your comments!

    1. I'm still going to persuade you to buy some white clothes, I know I can do it hahahah!!! Thank you for your comments my dear!

  2. You have a gift for beautiful combinations and looks.
    I like the colors of your clothes, I especially love Mondays and Wednesdays <3

    1. I love energetic colours, bright colours! I don't like wearing black, black for me is associated with a traumatic situation that happened in my childhood, which is why I don't have many black clothes! Hugs!

  3. Hi :)
    Yes.. the weather is a little bit strange lately... but you have managed to choose again grat outifits :D. My very faves this week are ... 🥁🥁🥁.... tuesday and friday :D.
    Today is pretty cloudy here. Not really warm either.. but wețll find some ray of sun in our hearts .. :D

    1. The looks you've chosen are very beautiful, in fact Friday's look was the one chosen to celebrate the blog's tenth anniversary, so it's a special outfit! You chose very well! Hugs!

  4. Adoro o look de sexta feira 👏
    Eu já arrumei a roupa de outono/ inverno 😘

  5. Lindos atuendos mis preferidos es el del jueves y viernes. Te mando un beso.

  6. I like Tuesday this week. The colors work nicely together.

  7. Eu adorei o look da sexta-feira e o da terça-feira também.
    Mas escolho o look da sexta.
    Beijos! 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

  8. Do pouco que eu entendo de moda, acho que prefiro o primeiro 🙂

  9. You look very nice. Looks good all week but my favorite is Tuesday :))

  10. Das nenne ich mal farbenfroh, schick. LG Romy

    1. Translation:
      Now that's what I call colourful and chic.

      Thank you Romy, I like that!

  11. Você arrasou com verde! Parabéns mesmo.

    Boa semana!

    O JOVEM JORNALISTA está no ar cheio de posts novos e novidades! Não deixe de conferir!

    Jovem Jornalista

    Até mais, Emerson Garcia

  12. All of these outfits are stunning but the first look is my favoruite!


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