Espero que estejam a ter umas maravilhosas férias da Páscoa! Este é um post especial, a época assim o exige! Andava à procura de um lugar para expor o meu quadro de ponto cruz, cujo o título é inspirado na canção da Madonna, "Live to Tell". Como sou da Figueira da Foz, pensei que o Museu Dr. Santos Rocha seria o lugar mais adequado. Então, venham daí comigo para uma visita guiada!
I hope you're having a wonderful Easter holiday! This is a special post, the season demands it! I was looking for somewhere to display my cross-stitch painting, the title of which is inspired by Madonna's song "Live to Tell". As I'm from Figueira da Foz, I thought the Dr Santos Rocha Museum would be the most suitable place. So come and join me for a guided tour!
Como sabem o meu blog é uma extensão da minha vida, uma plataforma onde partilho as minhas experiências através da arte. Cada post é uma história da minha vida, uma expressão única do meu ser!
As you know, my blog is an extension of my life, a platform where I share my experiences through art. Each post is a story of my life, a unique expression of my being!
Recently, my cross-stitch painting that I'm going to show you took me to explore this museum, and as I wandered through the galleries, I was immersed in a sea of inspiration. Each work of art, each historical artefact, told its own story, just as I wanted to tell mine. It was then that I realised that this would be the perfect home for my painting, in this atmosphere of art and culture!

É especialmente significativo que esta visita a este museu da minha cidade ocorra durante a Páscoa, uma época de renovação e ressurreição. Assim como a Páscoa celebra a vitória sobre a adversidade, sobre a cruz! O meu quadro e a minha história representam o meu próprio caminho de luta e triunfo. É celebração da vida, da arte e da resiliência humana.
It is especially significant that this visit to this museum in my city takes place during Easter, a time of renewal and resurrection. Just as Easter celebrates victory over adversity, my painting and my story represent my own journey of struggle and triumph. It is a celebration of life, art and human resilience.
Agora tenho um desafio para vocês, sugeriram-me que mudasse a cor do meu cabelo. Proponho-vos 2 mudanças, em comparação tenho o cabelo louro com cabelo castanho. E, o cabelo louro em comparação com o cabelo preto. Pergunta: qual foi a cor de cabelo que me gostaram mais de ver, louro, castanho ou preto?
Now I have a challenge for you: I've been asked to change my hair colour. I'm proposing 2 changes: blonde hair compared to brown hair. And blonde hair compared to black hair. Question: which hair colour did you like the most, blonde, brown or black?
This post is not just about exhibiting a piece of art, but about sharing a part of my life with my readers, friends and those who share the same love for creative expression and the cultural heritage of Figueira da Foz. All the works on display are part of the collection of the Dr Santos Rocha Museum. And, in the end, the crown of thorns is transformed into a crown of marvellous flowers! Happy Easter to everyone!
And God replied:
"Whatever you did for one of the least of my brothers
you did it to me"
Matthew 25:35
Save the children in Gaza!