Sabem aquela brincadeira de criança, fazer de estátua? Acho que é o que tenho feito a vida toda! Adiante, num dos meus passeios encontrei esta estátua/escultura perdida num jardim da Figueira da Foz. Sem qualquer identificação do seu autor (Laranjeira Santos) nem nome! Olhando para ela, com maior atenção, salta à vista o tamanho exagerado dos seus pés e mãos! Acho que esta escultura personifica na perfeição a minha doença, a Paramiloidose, pois afecta esta zona do corpo com maior impacto e, daí, ser conhecida por Doença dos Pézinhos. Para além de que na cidade da Figueira da Foz existe um número significativo de famílias atingidas por esta doença rara. Agora que já vos revelei o segredo desta escultura, vou contar-vos sobre a evolução desta doença em mim.
You know that child's play, playing the statue? I think that's what I've been doing all my life! Anyway, in one of my walks I found this statue/sculpture lost in a garden in Figueira da Foz. Without any identification of its author (Laranjeira Santos) nor a name! Looking at it, with more attention, the exaggerated size of its feet and hands stands out! I think this sculpture perfectly personifies my disease, Paramyloidosis, as it affects this part of the body with greater impact, hence, it is known as Littlefoot Disease. Besides, in the city of Figueira da Foz there are a significant number of families affected by this rare disease. Now that I have revealed the secret of this sculpture, I will tell you about the evolution of this disease in me.
Há uns meses atrás a minha médica disse-me que iria mudar de tratamento pois o que estava a fazer, até então, já não estava a resultar tão eficazmente. Lembro-vos que o tratamento passava pela toma diária de um comprimido. Simples. Não fosse esse comprimido pago a peso, não de ouro, mas de diamantes!!!
A few months ago my doctor told me that I was going to change my treatment because what I was doing until then was no longer working as effectively. I remind you that the treatment was to take a pill every day. Simple. Were it not for the fact that this pill was paid by weight, not of gold, but of diamonds!
Como sabem, porque eu já contei isso aqui, coincidências é comigo. Posso vos dizer que muitas delas são incríveis! Pois, acreditem, nesta história toda houve uma grande coincidência! O ano tem 365 dias, podia ter calhado num qualquer dia do ano, mas não, sabem qual foi o dia em que iniciei este tratamento? O dia em que morreu o meu pai há 27 anos atrás!! Dá que pensar, para mim dá! Um aniversário de morte e um tratamento feito numa Maternidade, local onde se nasce!! Espero que todos nós, doentes de Paramiloidose, possamos nascer para a vida com este novo tratamento. E, como diz a Madonna na música que vos deixo:
As you know, because I have already told you about it here, coincidences are my thing. I can tell you that many of them are incredible! Well, believe me, in this whole story there was a great coincidence, the year has 365 days, it could have happened on any day of the year, but no, do you know what day I started this treatment? The day my father died 27 years ago! It makes you think, for me it does! A death anniversary and a treatment done in a Maternity Hospital, the place where we are born!!! I hope all of us Paramyloidosis patients can be born to life with this new treatment. And, as Madonna says in the song I leave you with:
"This is not a coincidence
Would you like to try?"
"Let´s forget your life!!"
Your dress is so pretty!
Curated by Jennifer
Tudo a seu tempo, mas adorei esse modelo de vestido, que padrão mais bonito
Novo post
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Es un bonito vestido, te queda genial Te mando un beso y ten una buena semana.
ResponderEliminarOh wow I am you are back! I could not get to your site for months. I am sorry you are struggling with this illness. I am glad the meds help and I am glad it is only going to be every 3 months then every 3 weeks. And love this dress and what a great place to shoot this.
ResponderEliminarAllie of
That's very promising that this could be a good treatment for you Marisa.
ResponderEliminarSending you love and hugs,
I admire your strength and resolve in your battles to overcome Littlefoot disease / Paramyloidosis. The very expensive pills, the intravenous infusions and the injections sound like quite a long ordeal (and there are some vicious looking whips in that Madonna video) but I like that you have hope and are battling onward!
ResponderEliminarThese photographs of you by the statue in Figueira da Foz are wonderful!
I love the the design of and floral print on the dress you were wearing in the photos above!
You look fabulous in them.
P.S.: THANK YOU very much for your thoughtful and wonderful comment on my blog post titled
"Recap 2: More Full Brief Panty-Modelling Photos LABELED FREE FOR RE-USE" :D <3 xx
Hello Panty,
EliminarThe Madonna video is about domination, I wanted to make an analogy with what the disease does to us, it dominates us!
Que bom que está de volta! Fiquei muito feliz por isso!
ResponderEliminarBoa semana!
O JOVEM JORNALISTA está no ar com muitos posts e novidades! Não deixe de conferir!
Jovem Jornalista
Até mais, Emerson Garcia
Bello reportaje fotográfico y bellas fotografías tomadas en un lugar hermoso en la forma más adecuada.
ResponderEliminarQue disfrutes de un buen verano.
I also don't believe in coincidences. My best friend's grandmother died on my best friend's birthday. Not only hers but of her mother as well. So, daughter and mother born on the same day and the grandmother died on the very same day. Connected in life and death.
ResponderEliminarMy paternal grandmother died on my 18th birthday. Another special connection!
I also receive treatments for my illness via IV. I used to get it through an injection but they had to change my therapy.
I am at peace with the fact that I'll have to visit hospitals until the day I die. Life is a struggle, what can we do?
This is a lovely styling you're wearing and I like the symbolism of the statue.
Have a lovely day!
Hello Ivana,
EliminarI had a very complicated time recently, my schedule was just appointments and exams, walking from hospital to hospital, luckily I got rid of two medical specialties. But I still have many because my illness has affected several organs of my body. But, as for coincidences you are also like me, I believe that they are not just coincidences I believe that in another dimension we will understand everything that happens to us on Earth.