Look Nº 812 - Portuguese Culture!

 Bem-vindos a mais um fabuloso post do Marisa's Closet! Certo domingo estava aborrecida em casa sem nenhum programa para atender, até que vi no facebook que o Mosteiro de Santa Maria de Seiça iria estar aberto no período da tarde. Pronto já tinha um cenário para uma sessão fotográfica! Após uma cuidadosa e rápida restauração deste Mosteiro que se encontrava em ruína e ao abandono completo, as antigas pedras, as que sobreviveram, têm um novo capítulo para contar da sua longa história, já que esta remonta à formação do reino de Portugal, em 1143. Pertenceu à Ordem de Cister e até fez parte duma fábrica de descasque de arroz, daí a enorme chaminé! Restaurada a sua dignidade, agora, é espaço para as mais diversas manifestações de cultura e arte.

Welcome to another fabulous post from Marisa's Closet! One Sunday I was bored at home with no agenda to attend to, until I saw on Facebook that the Monastery of Santa Maria de Seiça would be open in the afternoon. So I had a setting for a photo shoot! After a careful and rapid restoration of this monastery, which was in ruins and completely abandoned, the old stones, those that survived, have a new chapter to tell in its long history, which dates back to the formation of the kingdom of Portugal in 1143. It belonged to the Cistercian Order and was even part of a rice husking factory, hence the huge chimney! Now that its dignity has been restored, it is a place for the most diverse manifestations of culture and art.

Aqui faço um paralelo, em que mostro como estava o meu cabelo e como eu gostaria que ele estivesse hahahh!! É uma espécie de expectativa versus realidade!
I'm drawing a parallel here, showing how my hair looked and how I'd like it to look hahahh!!! It's a kind of expectation versus reality!

Até que pela enorme porta do  Mosteiro irrompe o Rancho das Cantarinhas de Buarcos, um grupo de folclore português cuja fama ultrapassa já as fronteiras nacionais. No palco improvisado ali dentro sob as pedras do Mosteiro, as dançarinas equilibrando cântaros de mais de 5 kg nas cabeças, teciam coreografias apaixonantes. O jogo de equilíbrio era mais do físico, era uma homenagem à destreza, à cultura e à herança de um povo! 

Then out of the monastery's huge door burst the Rancho das Cantarinhas de Buarcos, a Portuguese folklore group whose fame has gone beyond national borders. On the improvised stage under the stones of the Monastery, the dancers, balancing pitchers weighing more than 5kg on their heads, wove exciting choreographies. The balancing act was more than physical, it was a tribute to the dexterity, culture and heritage of a people!

Entre os dançarinos, uma jovem se destacava, tornando-se a personificação do esforço e da graça. Na foto, é possível captar  a intensidade do momento, enquanto ela, com determinação, tentava manter o cântaro equilibrado na cabeça. Apesar do tremor perceptível e das gotas de suor testemunhando o seu esforço hercúleo, o seu sorriso perseverante permanecia inabalável! É nesse retrato de coragem e dedicação que a verdadeira beleza da tradição se revela.
Among the dancers, one young woman stood out, becoming the embodiment of effort and grace. In the photo, you can capture the intensity of the moment as she determinedly tried to keep the pitcher balanced on her head. Despite the noticeable shaking and the drops of sweat testifying to her Herculean effort, her persevering smile remained unwavering! It is in this portrait of courage and dedication that the true beauty of tradition is revealed.

 Durante a pausa nas danças, com sorrisos calorosos, os dançarinos convidam o público a experimentarem o cântaro. Determinada a mergulhar de cabeça - literalmente - na tradição, aceitei o desafio e tentei equilibrar o cântaro majestoso na minha cabeça e com as mãos na cintura!! No entanto, a minha habilidade que parecia tão graciosa, escondia a mão do dançarino que muito discretamente segurava o cântaro hahahaha!! Esta interacção com o público acrescentou uma dimensão especial a esta visita e a esta apresentação do Rancho das Cantarinhas de Buarcos!

During the break in the dances, with warm smiles, the dancers invite the audience to try the pitcher. Determined to dive headfirst - literally - into the tradition, I accepted the challenge and tried to balance the majestic pitcher on my head and with my hands on my waist!!! However, my skill, which seemed so graceful, hid the hand of the dancer who was very discreetly holding the pitcher hahahaha!!! This interaction with the audience added a special dimension to this visit and performance by Rancho das Cantarinhas de Buarcos!

 Vestido / Dress: Naf Naf


 O Mosteiro de Santa Maria de Seiça, outrora silencioso, vive agora com risos, música, dança, transformando-se num marco cultural da região. A cada domingo em que abre as suas portas, passado e presente convivem com alegria! e é disso que todos nós, portugueses, precisamos, porque não é fácil ser português em Portugal!

The Monastery of Santa Maria de Seiça, once silent, is now alive with laughter, music and dance, becoming a cultural landmark in the region. Every Sunday it opens its doors, past and present live together with joy - and that's what all of us Portuguese need, because it's not easy being Portuguese in Portugal!





Thanks for reading!!!
Marisa Cavaleiro Torres


32 comentários

  1. Interessante e belo Mosteiro que ainda ficou nesse dia mais engrandecido, pela presença do Rancho das Cantarinhas de Buarcos e é claro, pela sua, que estava linda.
    Beijinhos e boa semana

  2. Such a great outing. It looks like a fun time. I adore this floral dress..perfect for the backdrop. So glad you found this happening. Wonderful location..and perfect for that dress. I love the bag and boots too! 🩷❤️💙💛💚P.S. I'm glad I could make you laugh too!

  3. The photos of the folkore group are colorful and amazing. The location is wonderful, also your dress. It suits you perfect.

    1. The folklore group is beautiful and much appreciated by foreigners living in Portugal, many of whom came to see them perform!

  4. The restored Monastery of Santa Maria de Seica looks beautiful, and it is fascinating to read of the monastery's history.
    I love the appearance of the beautiful floral embroidered dress you were wearing styled with wide mesh hosiery.
    The way your hair looks now and the expectation of how you would like your hair to look both look beautiful, and your hair also looks beautiful adorned with the 5+ kg pitcher.
    It is wonderful that the Monastery of Santa Maria de Seica is becoming a cultural landmark.
    P.S.: I apologise for not having done any new blog posts... it may take me a while before I do... but thank you very much for all of your lovely comments and for your patience! xx :D

    1. It was great fun holding the pitcher! Or trying to! I look forward to a new post on your blog!

  5. Great look :)
    Very nice spring styling.
    The monastery is beautiful too :)
    It looks like it was a nice and successful afternoon :)

  6. Uma lição de história com uma lição de classe

  7. Lindo atuendo. Hermoso lugar. Te mando un beso.

  8. I reeeeeeally loved this article. I love your outfit - you look amazing :).
    The history page and traditional dancing are for me like a Christmas Gift - I love travelling, but I am unable to do so for some time. I now enjoy travelling throught pictures and stories.
    The old Monastery is beautifull.. such grace and the traditional dancing so interesting.
    Thank you for thsi virtual trip :).
    Hugs! Have a wonderful week.

    1. Thank you, I do my best to publicize places, stories, the Portuguese way of life, in short, Portuguese culture. Thank you for your comment!

  9. Que bom que o mosteiro foi restaurado e agora é um lugar cheio de cultura e vida. Deve ser difícil equilibrar o cântaro na cabeça.

    1. Muito difícil, eu não sei como elas conseguem equilibrar e dançar ao mesmo tempo, são verdadeiras artistas!

  10. Parece ser um espetáculo muito bonito de ser visto.

    Boa semana!

    O JOVEM JORNALISTA está em HIATUS DE VERÃO do dia 03 de fevereiro à 06 de março, mas comentarei nos blogs amigos nesse período. O JJ, portanto, está cheio de posts legais e interessantes. Não deixe de conferir!

    Jovem Jornalista

    Até mais, Emerson Garcia

    1. É lindo de se ver, eles estão vestidos de pescadores, elas, as suas mulheres, no dia 1º de Maio iam com os seus cântaros à fonte de madrugada. Buarcos era uma vila piscatória que actualmente foi absorvida pela cidade da Figueira da Foz!

  11. The monastery of Santa Maria looks amazing. So great that it was restored. Thank you for showing us around. I like the dress you wore.
    The Portuguese dancers look amazing, the folklore dresses they are wearing are full of colour and life. I love folklore and traditional dresses. For me, they are the most beautiful fashion items! Nothing is more beautiful than a folklore dress because it tells a story of history and it is both a cultural and fashion item. Thank you for sharing Portugese culture with us!

    1. They are from a fishing village, Buarcos, they are fishermen and are dressed as such, the girls are dressed in the clothes they used to wear on the 1st of May to go to the fountain at dawn with their pitchers decorated with flowers, they are the fishermen's wives and girlfriends. I didn't mention it in the text but each pitcher weighs between 14kg and 18kg, they have to train hard to be able to balance the pitcher on their heads!!!

  12. This looks like a wonderful way to spend a Sunday and your dress looks gorgeous! I love all these beautiful photos!
    Julia x

    1. Hello, it was a different Sunday to usual, it turned out to be a lot of fun!

  13. Wonderful photos! I love all those arches. Thank you for sharing.

  14. The place looks so amazing! I'm a lover for places like this, rich in history and beautiful, architecture-wise. I love how colorful the folklore group is and how they all look so happy and cheerful, I was smiling all throughout. You looked so gorgeous and I loved your hair both styling ways!

    Have a beautiful day! xx

    1. Hello,
      It's one of the best known folklore groups here in Portugal and abroad too!!!

  15. Such monuments that can testify the fornation of a nation myst be preserved at all costs. From what I can see, the original circestian monastery is well kept and housing folkloristic events where people are encouraged to bond and overcome their limits. I am curious how you felt holding that vase...

    1. It was great fun trying to hold the vase, it's very heavy, about 14kg, I don't know how they manage to dance with the vase on their heads without putting their hands on it. In my case the dancer behind me was very covertly holding it!!! hahahah!!!


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