Look Nº 453 - The Most Popular Post!

Se repararem aqui de lado, na side bar, nos posts mais populares, há um post que está sempre a aparecer como sendo muito popular, não sei porque razão, é um post em que as fotos são da minha antiga máquina fotográfica, não têm qualidade, hummm!!. Eu estou gordinha, bastante mais, shiiiii!!. Nesta altura o blog ainda era secreto e eu não me dedicava tanto a ele como agora, ohhh!!. Como não sei qual o motivo de interesse por este post, resolvi fotografar o mesmo look - tive que apertar o top ahahha - gostaria muito mais de ver este post nos mais populares do que este que coloco aqui para compararem!!!
 Agora, gostaria de saber a vossa opinião. O que acham que o post mais popular tem de especial?

If you notice here in the sidebar, in the most popular posts, there is a post that is always appearing to be very popular, I don't know why, it's a post in which the photos are from my old camera, they have no quality, hmmm!!!. I'm chubby, a lot more, shiiii!!. At this point the blog was still secret and I was not as dedicated to it as I am now, ohhhh!!. As I don't know what the reason for this, I decided to shoot the same look - I had to tighten the top ahahha - I would much rather see this post in the most popular than this one I put here to compare!!!
Now, I would like to hear your opinion. Why this post is so special?

Gostaria também de vos dar uma dica, como vestir umas flare jeans, que são uns jeans mais largos na parte de baixo, conhecidos em Portugal como à boca de sino!! Gostaram da forma como eu contruí este look? Gostam de flare jeans? Contem-me tudo nos comentários, vou adorar ler!!!

I would also like to give you a tip, how to style flare jeans, which are jeans wider on the bottom, known in Portugal as the bell mouth!! Did you like the way I built this look? Do you like flare jeans? Tell me everything in the comments, I'll love to read !!!

Top e carteira/Lace Top and Bag: Cortefiel
Jeans: Zara
Sandálias/Wedges: Zara
Brincos: Portuguese Filigree
Anéis: Góis Time and Secrets
Pulseiras/Bracelets: H. Secret and Parfois

Hope you like it!!! And keep reading..
And follow me on Instagram: @marisasclosetblog


35 comentários

  1. Nice outfits 😊 thanks for your sharing 😊 have a nice day...

  2. wow you look stunning! beautiful top! thanks for sharing!


  3. Gosto do look onde as rendas se sobressaem nos jeans!!!

  4. I am crazy about your flare jeans- they are so boho- ypu look fantastic in this outfit version dear :-)

  5. Sou apaixonada por jeans, Marisa!!
    Gostei dos detalhes deste.

    Um beijo,


  6. Love this look, Great post!
    I'm following you! X.

  7. Não encontrei o post mais popular...
    Adorei o look, ficou linda de verde!


  8. Gostaria de mais looks com esse jeans show!!

  9. I love this top- the green lace is so fun!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  10. uma das calças mais lindas né? A minha eu fiz a barra, pq ela veio enorme e eu sou baixa.
    Gosto de usar com salto, fica tão lindo.
    Amei sua produção, tá linda.
    xoxo www.diadebrilho.com

  11. Your green floral lace top is gorgeous!!! You look beautiful modelling it with the blue denim jeans in all of these lovely outfit photos. I also love the complementary contrast between the colour of your perfectly applied lipstick and your top.


  12. Adoro este look, esta combinação de peças é fantástica!!

  13. Such a cute green top and it's so nice with the flared jeans! :) I never know why some of my posts are more popular than others!

    Hope that your week is going well :)

    Away From Blue

  14. A blusa verde é muito bonita.
    Eu nunca entendi o que faz um post ser mais popular que outro. Só o google tem a resposta.
    Antes essa calça também se chamava boca de sino aqui no Brasil, mas atualmente é mais conhecida como flare.


  15. Não tem, necessariamente, de ser em gel eheheh :)

    adorei as calças :D

    InstagramFacebook Official PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

  16. I love this colour on you. The whole outfit is giving me 70's vibes, maybe this is why it is so popular?! It's lovely regardless


  17. Dear Marisa, I never will be able to explain why some posts are popular and some not! But the look your repeat here is definitely cool and personally I love bell bottoms a lot! Cool way how you are wearing your bell months here :)
    Happy weekend!
    xx Rena

  18. I am clueless, I should check the most popular among mine...
    However I really like this outfit, the top is perfect with bell bottom jeans!
    Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger

  19. The trends of the poppularity of the posts are still a mistery even for me, but it cannot be denied that this outfit looks very fresh and original!
    I especially love the color combo, it really suits you, and the contras among the lace top and the jeans is so modern and chic!

  20. Lace top is amazing. Combination of green and denim is perfect and I really like how you style it. As always you look amazing.

    New Post - http://www.exclusivebeautydiary.com/2019/07/sarah-chapman-skinesis-massager-tools_19.html

  21. Que top + lindo! E amei ver vc refazendo o look do post popular.


    Anete Oliveira
    Blog Coisitas e Coisinhas

  22. Acredito que é sua incrível simpatia.
    Bom fim de semana!

    Jovem Jornalista

    Até mais, Emerson Garcia

  23. Lovely casual summer look It looks amazing on you I don't know where the most popular post is but I love this one xoxo Cris

  24. Such a cool outfit!! Love your jeans dear!

  25. Very nice looking, Marisa.
    Enjoy your weekend!

  26. Olá bonitona.
    Tenho uns jeans desses e adoro.

  27. I think it's not always about the camera, and there's so much more to your posts than just your photos. Having said that, the photos you took for this post are beautiful. I love how you styled flare jeans and they're something that I really enjoy wearing.

    Kathrin | Polar Bear Style

  28. I often wonder the same question. What makes a post popular? It often surprises me when some post becomes more popular than others. Sometimes I put so much energy into writing some post and it doesn't get as many views as some other post I put together more quickly. It is a mystery if you ask me.

    You look lovely in this combo. Those flare jeans are fabulous and I like how you styled them. That green lace top is so great. I also have a lace top that I like to wear with pants and jeans. Wonderful outfit for sure. Perhaps I already mentioned this but I'm a big fan of flare jeans!

    I had a look at your old post and I think it is also nice. The photographs don't look as professional as your blog photographs look today, in other words that post is more ordinary photography not the kind of professional looking photography we typically associate with a fashion blog but I'm sure there is a reason why it is popular.


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