Este post é inspirado no video que coloco no final.
É uma música que eu gosto e, numa tradução literal do seu título e, antes que tirem qualquer conclusão é - "Tentem caminhar com os meus sapatos" - e cumprir todos os compromissos que mantive com a saúde a falhar-me por várias vezes, sendo que a última foi um murro no estômago.
This post is inspired by the video I post at the end of this post.
It's a song I
like and, in a literal translation of her title, and before you draw any
conclusion is - "Try walking in my shoes" - and keep all the commitments
I've kept with my health failing me several times, and the last
episode was a punch in the stomach.
Como vos disse tenho PAF ou Paramiloidose. Hoje vou dizer-vos o que acontece às pessoas que tem esta doença rara. Quando eu era criança, na minha rua vivia uma coleguinha de escola que a mãe padecia desta doença, nesta época, há 40 anos atrás, esta doença era mortal, ao fim de mais ou menos 10 anos do aparecimento dos primeiros sintomas - a doença ataca os intestinos, rins, coração, visão, e os pés, perdendo estes, a sensibilidade - daí vem o outro nome pela qual é conhecida - Doença dos pezinhos - a pessoa começa a emagrecer, o coração a fraquejar e acaba por morrer de debilidade física.
Like I told you I have Paramyloidosis. Today I will tell you what happens to the people who have this rare disease. When I was a kid, in my street lived a schoolgirl whose mother suffered from this disease, at that time, 40 years ago, this disease was deadly, after about 10 years of the appearance of the first symptoms - the disease attacks the intestines, kidneys, heart, vision, and feet, losing these, sensitivity - hence the other name by which it is known - Feet disease- the person begins to lose weight, the heart to weaken and ends up dying of physical weakness .
Mais tarde no final da década de 90, descobriu-se que o transplante do fígado aumentava em muito a esperança de vida dos doentes, isto porque a causa da doença é uma mutação genética que faz com que o fígado produza uma proteína que é a amiloide que se vai depositar nos orgãos que referi no início. Isto numa linguagem simples. Quando soube que tinha esta doença pensei logo, pronto lá vou ter que fazer o transplante de fígado e com todos os riscos que uma cirurgia desse tipo acarreta.
Later in the late 1990s, it was discovered that liver transplantation greatly increased patients' life expectancy, because the cause of the disease is a genetic mutation that causes the liver to produce a protein, amyloid, which will be deposited in the organs I mentioned at the beginning. This in simple language. When I knew that I had this disease, I thought, I'll have to do the liver transplant and with all the risks that such a surgery entails. Gosh!!
Mas tive uma boa notícia, em 2011 começou a ser utilizado um fármaco que consegue travar a progressão da doença. É esse fármaco que estou a tomar actualmente e, que ainda está em fase de estudo, é um medicamento caríssimo ao estado português, cada doente por ano custa 300 mil euros. Um problema que o fármaco tem é que ele é eficaz apenas alguns anos e depois tem de se fazer o transplante de fígado, mas a minha esperança é a seguinte, eu já conheço uma pessoa que o toma há 8 anos. Pelo que se o fármaco for eficaz em mim - só vou saber em Outubro - a minha esperança é que entretanto se descubra outro fármaco que evite o transplante. Os médicos portugueses são os maiores especialistas do mundo nesta doença e eu acredito neles.
But I had good news, in 2011 doctors began using a drug that can stop the disease progression. It's this drug that I am taking now and is still in the study phase, it's a very expensive drug to the Portuguese state, each patient a year costs 300 thousand euros. One problem the drug has, it's only effective for a few years and then it has to do liver transplantation, but my hope is and, I already know someone who has been taking it for 8 years. So if the drug is effective in me - I will only know in October - my hope is that in the meantime another drug will be discovered that will prevent transplantation. Portuguese doctors are the world's leading specialists in this disease and I believe them.
Depois de ano e meio pelos hospitais sem saber o que tinha, fui acusada de várias coisas, que eu queria era ser magra para tirar fotos, mas não, eu estou magra porque sofro de diarreia crónica e o meu corpo não se alimenta daquilo que eu como. Fui acusada de não andar nos hospitais mas de andar na vadiagem. A vadiagem para estas pessoas é andar a tirar fotografias com a minha mãe e, que as fotos mostram uma pessoa saudável e de bem com a vida. Pois para essas pessoas eu ofereço-lhes esta música e, antes de tirarem qualquer conclusão tentem caminhar com os meus sapatos, tenho a certeza que tropeçarão nas minhas pegadas!!! Más línguas!!! Try walking in my shoes!!
After a year and a half in the hospitals without knowing what I had, I was accused of several things, That I wanted to be thin to take pictures, but no, I'm thin because I suffer from chronic diarrhea and my body does not feed on what I eat. I was accused of not walking in hospitals but walking in vagrancy. The vagrancy for these people is to take pictures with my mother and the photos show a healthy person and well with life. For these people I offer them this song and before making any conclusion try walking in my shoes, I am sure that you will stumble in my footsteps!!! Evil speakers!!! Try walking in my shoes!!
All Outfit: Zara
Bamboo Bag: Loja local/Local Store
Brincos/Earrings: Maximo Betro
Anéis/Rings: Góis Time and Secrets
Depeche Mode - Walking in my shoes
Para perceberem que eu não tinha nenhum problema em tirar fotos quando estava gordinha, fica aqui o look deste post com uns bons kilos a mais!!! Transformei a blusa num crop top e apertei as calças. Nunca tive problemas em ser gorda até porque isso era devido a medicamentos que tomava na altura e que já contei aqui neste blog.
To you realize that I had no problem taking pictures when I was chubby, here is the look of this post with a few extra pounds !!! I turned the blouse into a crop top and tightened my pants. I never had problems in being fat even because this was due to the medications that I took at the time and that I have already mentioned here in this blog.
Sei pouco da doença e há muito que não ouvia falar dela! Importa que a medicina evolua no sentido de descobrir para fazer a diferença! O look é fabuloso e as fotos lindas! Bj
I'm so sorry for your health problems, Marisa, but luckily medical research is quicker and very advanced nowadays, so maybe they'll found a solution for your disease soon, or at least a way to convive with it at ease.... Anyway I really love your outfit: florals are my faves ever! And your co-ord and kimono look just wonderful alone as all together! XO S
Conheço o nome da doença, tal como toda a gente, mas confesso que desconhecia o que era, causas e tratamentos. Espero que o medicamento te ajude e que vão sempre aparecendo novos medicamentos para te ajudar. :) As pessoas são realmente muito más, se se meterem nas vidas delas era o que faziam melhor. Adorei as fotos. Beijinhos -- O diário da Inês | Facebook | Instagram
Conheço algumas pessoas com essa doença, umas que já fizeram o transplante e outras que tomam a medicação. Sucesso com o tratamento é o que posso desejar! Bjs
This is first time that I hear for disease and I really hope so that drugs will help you. It is very hard to walk in shoes another person and every time when someone judge and talk about another person I always said: "You don't walk in his/hers shoes". You outfit is perfect. I love crop top and pants as well as pattern. Enjoy in your summer.
New Post -
Os teus sapatos metafóricos não são realmente fáceis, felizmente a medicina está a evoluir, e de certeza que se vão encontrar mais soluções para que o transplante seja evitado!
I am sure that you will respond well to this therapy! It is a terrible disease, I have studied it but I am very confident on the new drugs! You look great with this floral print suit and you look healthy to me! Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger Facebook Bloglovin'
Eu nunca tinha ouvido falar dessa doença. A medicina está sempre em evolução e espero que você não precise do transplante. As pessoas gostam de falar mal da vida de outras pessoas para se sentirem bem, porque na vida delas não tem nada de interessante. O seu look está lindo. Gostei muito da estampa floral. Beijinhos!
as pessoas são mesmo más línguas em fim... vai sempre haver coisas que não mudam na humanidade. espero que consigam outro fármaco que te ajude Adoro esse conjunto Bjxxx
Marisa, thank you for sharing your experience with this disease. I hope and pray that someday, they will find a permanent cure for this instead of the liver transplant. It's great to hear though that you've been doing so well with the medication, and even more wonderful that you know someone who's been taking it for 8 years and is doing well! On a lighter note, you look so wonderful in this outfit....just gorgeous:)
I really hope that the drugs work well for you for a long time. It's great that you finally know and can take medication for your disease and I hope that that is all that will be needed.
As for judgmental people; I've never understood why some people choose to behave that way but I've encountered plenty in my struggle with health as well. You're an incredibly strong person, and as long as you know that, it doesn't matter what other people say.
There are many judgemental people, better not to pay attention to them. I hope that the smart drugs will help, they can do wonders for people with immune illnesses. I was on Humira (it is also a smart drug) for five years and it helped but in the end I had to have an operation because my condition got worse...but not everyone needs an operation. I hope you won't need a liver transplant and that the medication will help. People who don't have an immune or chronic disease don't know what kind of struggle it is. Every day is a battle.
you look fantastic in this floral set. Fabulous styling. I really like the matching top and pants. Beautiful kimono as well.
The clashing patterns are so much fun in this post! I have started to wear some more floral prints lately and I've been really enjoying it! Hope you're having a lovely week so far :)
Que roupa bonita, está linda. E o sapato também. Dá pra fazer várias analogias com essa frase "tentem caminhar com os meus sapatos"... Depeche Mode é legal :)
OMG, dear Marisa! You are so brave and I'm impressed that you can walk in your shoes. You are a true role model in dealing with your disease. And I hope so much with you that after the period the pills work the doctors discover the method to heal you finally that no liver transplantation is necassary. You look fantastic! xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
I have to start with how beautiful this set is. I adore the print and your styling. Thanks for sharing your story, can't imagine it was easy especially in being judged before about not looking sick enough. It's ridiculous what people chose to focus or believe in. I have BIG thyroid issues, and one of those problems is that I can't lose weight because my thyroid runs slow. When I tell people this I always get eye rolls or that I am making excuses for myself. In English we say one size doesn't fit all, what fits/is/works for someone doesn't mean another person will have or be the same. You're right, no one has the right to judge another unless you have walked in their shoes. We all go through stuff in life, I am always amazed at how many humans seem to forget this.
Thank you for being open and sharing what you have been through! I've never heard of paramyloidosis before so this was really informative. I hope the drug works you for and that your health improves! And the outfit you are wearing is beautiful! I love the mix of floral prints.
Verdade, as pessoas costumam tirar conclusões precipitas sem saber o que se passa em cada um de nós. Devemos sempre nos colocar no lugar do próximo e pensar: Como seria se isso fosse comigo? Acredito em Deus que logo você estará curada desta doença, pois na Bíblia está escrito que pelas pisaduras de Jesus, já fomos sarados (Isaías 53:5).
Suas fotos estão maravilhosas como sempre e eu amei esse conjuntinho de roupa, combinou bastante com você.
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Sei pouco da doença e há muito que não ouvia falar dela!
ResponderEliminarImporta que a medicina evolua no sentido de descobrir para fazer a diferença!
O look é fabuloso e as fotos lindas!
This co-od look so gorgeous on you darling and styled with those shoes is just perfect!
Very original look <3
ResponderEliminarI love this print!
Effortlessly Sophisticated
Lovely outfit! Love the shoes.
ResponderEliminarLots of love, Miri
AMEI o look todo cominando em floral e tbm o modelo lindo da sandalia
I'm so sorry for your health problems, Marisa, but luckily medical research is quicker and very advanced nowadays, so maybe they'll found a solution for your disease soon, or at least a way to convive with it at ease....
ResponderEliminarAnyway I really love your outfit: florals are my faves ever!
And your co-ord and kimono look just wonderful alone as all together!
Oh que conjunto mais diferente, posso dizer que gostei
Novo post
Tem post novos todos os dias
shoes and dress color are perfect combination...
ResponderEliminarHappy Monday
Não conhecia essa doença, mas o medicamento há de dar certo.
Cores do Vício
Não conhecia tanto sobre a doença, graças a DEUS a medicina tem evoluído.
ResponderEliminarA composição ficou incrível! Linda estampa e bolsa.
Fun shoes and outfit, and I love your hair like that!
Gostei bastante do look e das fotos.
ResponderEliminarE quem bom que a medicina tem evoluído em relação a medicamentos e torço para que o mesmo faça efeito em você.
Conheço o nome da doença, tal como toda a gente, mas confesso que desconhecia o que era, causas e tratamentos. Espero que o medicamento te ajude e que vão sempre aparecendo novos medicamentos para te ajudar. :) As pessoas são realmente muito más, se se meterem nas vidas delas era o que faziam melhor. Adorei as fotos. Beijinhos
O diário da Inês | Facebook | Instagram
Conheço algumas pessoas com essa doença, umas que já fizeram o transplante e outras que tomam a medicação. Sucesso com o tratamento é o que posso desejar! Bjs
ResponderEliminarÉ tão triste quando as pessoas só sabem criticar os outros, sem saberem as lutas que travam diariamente!
ResponderEliminarO look ficou TOP!!!
ResponderEliminarConhecia muito pouco da doença.
Que outfit + lindo!! E que como tem gente malvada, né? Estou na torcida para que vc se cure sem precisar de transplante.
Anete Oliveira
Blog Coisitas e Coisinhas
Muito lindo o seu look e fico na torcida pelo seu restabelecimento.
ResponderEliminarbig beijos
You look so beautiful! I hope your health will join your beautiful soul in cooperation for your happiness. Keep fighting, you are an inspiration
beautiful style! i like it!
ResponderEliminarLove your blog, thank you for sharing.
straight bundles homecoming luxhairshop
(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~
This is first time that I hear for disease and I really hope so that drugs will help you. It is very hard to walk in shoes another person and every time when someone judge and talk about another person I always said: "You don't walk in his/hers shoes". You outfit is perfect. I love crop top and pants as well as pattern. Enjoy in your summer.
ResponderEliminarNew Post -
What a fun floral outfit, I love the mix of the floral prints together! I hope that the medication works for you! :)
ResponderEliminarHope that your week is off to a good start :)
Away From Blue
Lovely pictures, dear!
Mónica Sors
Marisa you rock in florals!
ResponderEliminarNice video.
The gold bangle looks fab on you.
As pessoas falam sempre demais. Problema delas.
ResponderEliminarEstás fantástica.
Beijinho e desejo que continues bem.
Que linda, adoro padrões florais e este look está maravilhoso.
Os teus sapatos metafóricos não são realmente fáceis, felizmente a medicina está a evoluir, e de certeza que se vão encontrar mais soluções para que o transplante seja evitado!
Ontem é só Memória | Facebook | Instagram
I am sure that you will respond well to this therapy! It is a terrible disease, I have studied it but I am very confident on the new drugs!
ResponderEliminarYou look great with this floral print suit and you look healthy to me!
Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger
Eu nunca tinha ouvido falar dessa doença. A medicina está sempre em evolução e espero que você não precise do transplante. As pessoas gostam de falar mal da vida de outras pessoas para se sentirem bem, porque na vida delas não tem nada de interessante.
ResponderEliminarO seu look está lindo. Gostei muito da estampa floral.
as pessoas são mesmo más línguas em fim... vai sempre haver coisas que não mudam na humanidade. espero que consigam outro fármaco que te ajude
ResponderEliminarAdoro esse conjunto
Rêtro Vintage Maggie | Facebook | Instagram
Marisa, thank you for sharing your experience with this disease. I hope and pray that someday, they will find a permanent cure for this instead of the liver transplant. It's great to hear though that you've been doing so well with the medication, and even more wonderful that you know someone who's been taking it for 8 years and is doing well!
ResponderEliminarOn a lighter note, you look so wonderful in this outfit....just gorgeous:)
I really hope that the drugs work well for you for a long time. It's great that you finally know and can take medication for your disease and I hope that that is all that will be needed.
ResponderEliminarAs for judgmental people; I've never understood why some people choose to behave that way but I've encountered plenty in my struggle with health as well. You're an incredibly strong person, and as long as you know that, it doesn't matter what other people say.
Kathrin | Polar Bear Style
Wow, love all of those flowers!:)
ResponderEliminarThere are many judgemental people, better not to pay attention to them. I hope that the smart drugs will help, they can do wonders for people with immune illnesses. I was on Humira (it is also a smart drug) for five years and it helped but in the end I had to have an operation because my condition got worse...but not everyone needs an operation. I hope you won't need a liver transplant and that the medication will help. People who don't have an immune or chronic disease don't know what kind of struggle it is. Every day is a battle.
ResponderEliminaryou look fantastic in this floral set. Fabulous styling. I really like the matching top and pants. Beautiful kimono as well.
The clashing patterns are so much fun in this post! I have started to wear some more floral prints lately and I've been really enjoying it! Hope you're having a lovely week so far :) x
Que roupa bonita, está linda.
ResponderEliminarE o sapato também.
Dá pra fazer várias analogias com essa frase "tentem caminhar com os meus sapatos"...
Depeche Mode é legal :)
OMG, dear Marisa! You are so brave and I'm impressed that you can walk in your shoes. You are a true role model in dealing with your disease. And I hope so much with you that after the period the pills work the doctors discover the method to heal you finally that no liver transplantation is necassary. You look fantastic!
ResponderEliminarxx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
What a colorful look - the flowers look amazing on you ♥
I love everything on you, Marisa! Nice style.
ResponderEliminarYou are a beautiful young lady.
Love your style! Your looks are so versatile and all amazing
ResponderEliminarQue bela estampa eu adorei a sandália.
ResponderEliminarQue lindo look.
é uma marca fabulosa :)
ResponderEliminarestás tão cool!
tens andado com looks super on point!
Instagram ∫ Facebook Official Page ∫ Miguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D
I have to start with how beautiful this set is. I adore the print and your styling. Thanks for sharing your story, can't imagine it was easy especially in being judged before about not looking sick enough. It's ridiculous what people chose to focus or believe in. I have BIG thyroid issues, and one of those problems is that I can't lose weight because my thyroid runs slow. When I tell people this I always get eye rolls or that I am making excuses for myself. In English we say one size doesn't fit all, what fits/is/works for someone doesn't mean another person will have or be the same. You're right, no one has the right to judge another unless you have walked in their shoes. We all go through stuff in life, I am always amazed at how many humans seem to forget this.
Estupendo outfit!te queda genial! Espero tu opinión en mi última entrada! Gracias por la visita! 🌅🌅🌅
ResponderEliminarI hope you are doing well and everything works out for you in the best way possible.
ResponderEliminarSo floral and beautiful!
Que esses comentários maldosos caiam por terra. Não ligue para eles.
ResponderEliminarBom fim de semana!
Jovem Jornalista
Até mais, Emerson Garcia
Thank you for being open and sharing what you have been through! I've never heard of paramyloidosis before so this was really informative. I hope the drug works you for and that your health improves! And the outfit you are wearing is beautiful! I love the mix of floral prints.
ResponderEliminarx Kara |
Verdade, as pessoas costumam tirar conclusões precipitas sem saber o que se passa em cada um de nós. Devemos sempre nos colocar no lugar do próximo e pensar: Como seria se isso fosse comigo? Acredito em Deus que logo você estará curada desta doença, pois na Bíblia está escrito que pelas pisaduras de Jesus, já fomos sarados (Isaías 53:5).
ResponderEliminarSuas fotos estão maravilhosas como sempre e eu amei esse conjuntinho de roupa, combinou bastante com você.