Look Nº 813 - Supremacy!

Olá meus caros amigos e leitores! Este é um post mais intimista, pretende ser uma reflexão, imaginem que é a resposta ao que o Facebook nos pergunta: Em que estás a pensar, Marisa???  Eu estou a pensar sobre a guerra, nenhuma em particular, mas na guerra em geral! Eu sei que pode ser um tema aborrecido para alguns de vós, mas hoje estamos num conforto de um hotel, mas amanhã poderemos estar dentro de um bunker, para nos protegermos de bombardeamentos. Deus me livre de ter que viver uma situação dessas! Imaginem perder tudo, a casa, os amigos, a família, o emprego, a vida... tudo! Por uma guerra!!

Hello my dear friends and readers! This is a more intimate post, meant to be a reflection, imagine it's the answer to what Facebook asks us: What are you thinking about, Marisa???  I'm thinking about war, none in particular, but war in general! I know it may be a boring topic for some of you, but today we're in the comfort of a hotel, but tomorrow we could be inside a bunker to protect ourselves from bombings. God forbid I should have to live through a situation like that! Imagine losing everything, your home, your friends, your family, your job, your life... everything! For a war!

O que é um facto é que neste mundo moderno em que vivemos cheio de sabedoria, a guerra persiste, deixando-nos pensativos. A vida humana, tão valiosa para amigos, familiares e para nós mesmos, parece perder o seu valor quando confrontada com os interesses dos poderosos!
 The fact is that in this modern world in which we live full of wisdom, war persists, leaving us pensive. Human life, so valuable to friends, family and ourselves, seems to lose its value when faced with the interests of the powerful!

É desconcertante ver as imagens tristes e dilacerantes nas televisões, pensando nas pessoas que perderam tudo. No séc. XXI, com tanto conhecimento que a humanidade já adquiriu, como é possível que ainda haja guerras? A vida é frágil e, ver como ela é desconsiderada em campos de batalha é angustiante.
 It's disconcerting to see the sad and heartbreaking images on television, thinking about the people who have lost everything. In the 21st century, with so much knowledge that humanity has acquired, how is it possible that there are still wars? Life is fragile, and to see how it is discarded on battlefields is distressing.

Esta contradição entre o avanço intelectual e a persistência das guerras levanta dúvidas sobre quem somos enquanto humanidade. Nós, pessoas, somos, muitas vezes, vítimas de decisões políticas distantes. A vida, tão valiosa, parece ser esquecida perante ambições loucas dos donos disto tudo!
This contradiction between intellectual advancement and the persistence of wars raises questions about who we are as humanity. We, persons, are often the victims of distant political decisions. Life, so valuable, seems to be forgotten in the face of the mad ambitions of those who are the owners of it all!

Mas, mesmo diante deste cenário difícil, pergunto-me se haverá esperança. Reflectir sobre a crueldade da guerra faz-nos questionar e sonhar com um mundo onde a vida seja mais importante. Cada um de nós, ao ver aquelas imagens cruéis da guerra, pode contribuir para um futuro onde a paz seja mais do que um sonho!

But even in the face of this difficult scenario, I wonder if there is hope. Reflecting on the cruelty of war makes us question and dream of a world where life is more important. Each of us, by seeing those cruel images of war, can contribute to a future where peace is more than a dream!


Esta música dos Muse - "Supremacy", com a sua intensidade e tom épico, retrata a procura implacável pelo poder, destacando como, muitas vezes, a vida humana é sacificada em nome de objectivos maiores. Mas, nenhum poder é permanente e, eventualmente, as estruturas dominantes enfrentarão resistência ou o declínio, é tudo uma questão de tempo!

This song by Muse - "Supremacy", with its intensity and epic tone, portrays the relentless pursuit of power, highlighting how human life is often sacrificed in the name of greater goals. But no power is permanent and eventually the dominant structures will face resistance or decline - it's all a question of time!


"The Time, it has come to destroy your supremacy!" 



 Agradecimentos/Thanks to: Malibu Foz Hotel and my cousin Andreia


Thanks for reading!!!
Marisa Cavaleiro Torres



35 comentários

  1. Thank you so much for your insights on this topic. You are very moving with your words! I love the location for these photos too. You are so inspiring. Thank for your comments too. Wishing you a beautiful March🍀💚🩷

    1. I think that if we stop being indignant about war, we're just normalising it, and that can never happen! Hugs!

  2. I think no one is prepared for a scenario like that, war is terrible, I try not to think about things like that, by the way I loved the combination.

    1. We, who are just a small ant in this world, have an obligation to be outraged by the horror of war! We never know if one day we might be the ones to go through all that inhuman cruelty!

  3. This is such a pretty neutral look. I agree that the images of war are very distressing.
    Julia x

  4. What a beautiful photos! I love your style :)

  5. A great post, with deep thoughts. You are a beautiful person, inside and out. Have a nice evening Marisa

  6. The truth is that both the pandemic and wars (Gaza, Ukraine) should teach us that no one knows what tomorrow will bring...
    We live in strange and troubled times...
    You look beautiful and elegant :)

    1. They seem to be normalizing the idea that a major war in Europe is something that could very probably happen! That scares me!

  7. In a war there are no winners. It is merely a illusion. :(
    Your look today is lovely. :)

  8. É muito triste olhar ao redor e ver tantas guerras, vidas sendo perdidas e tudo em nome da ambição de poucos.
    Amei o seu look. As botas parecem confortáveis.

    1. É mais do que triste, é chocante ver aquelas imagens horríveis da guerra!

  9. Todos sonhamos com mundo onde apenas reinasse a paz, mas infelizmente a história nos diz que isso é uma utopia. Que triste ver o homem destruir tudo, todos e até a sua própria alma.
    Adorei o look, está fantástico.

    1. Tem toda a razão, mas eu não suporto a ideia das pessoas perderem tudo até a própria vida por causa da guerra, mães e filhos, que vêm partir os seus defender a sua terra por causa de uns filhos da mãe bem sentados e no conforto das suas casas. Não me entra na cabeça isso! A Maria já imaginou se o seu filho tivesse que ir combater para uma frente de guerra?

  10. War is a horrible destruction. We never know how it will spread and in what directions. That is why we should make the most out of time we have with our loved ones. We never know if tomorrow is going to be our last days. Not only in terms of ourselves, but the world as whole. There are so many worrying things going on. We need to focus on what really matters, I think. Be kind where we can be kind. Bring happiness into somebody's life if we can. Share love. Tomorrow is never certain, but right now it is even more uncertain- for all of us.
    This is a very elegant styling. I really like the combo of this sophisticated statement blouse and wide trousers. Lovely location as well.

    1. That's what scares me the most, is that the idea that we have to prepare for a war is becoming normalized, this discourse that it will be an inevitability that revolts me! You're right, we have to spend as much time as possible with the people we love the most, we don't know what tomorrow will be like!

  11. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. The world is a frightening place right now. I suppose it always is somewhere. So many live in constant fear and too frequent mourning. Finding hope is a distressing search.

    1. Centuries of human history and still little to learn from it! For many, I think they no longer have any hope! Thank you for your comment!

  12. This is a lovely outfit. The ruffle sleeves giving the drama needed. It's important to reflect on such serious topics. War impacts us all, regardless of where we are. Your thoughts provoke deep contemplation. Thank you so much for sharing. I just shared a new post on my blog. Let me know your views about it.

    1. That's right Melody, we have to think and act because one day before we know it we'll all be involved in another big war in Europe!

  13. Que blusa e bolsa maravilhosas, apaixonada demais nessa delicadeza das mangas o poder dessa roupa eu amei


  14. Sadly,just as long as there will exist persons that desire and try to take what others want, wars will exist, the only thing that changed over time is that they less cruel, use less torture. As long as there is greed in this world, there will be no ending to wars... 😥

    1. You're right, unfortunately! I know some people who, if they had Putin's power, for example, would be much worse than him! All out of greed and ignorance, I think these two characteristics go hand in hand for those who want to make war.

  15. Também torço que essa guerra tenha fim. Só o amor, a fé, esperança e a paz salvam o mundo.

    Boa semana!

    O JOVEM JORNALISTA está no ar cheio de posts novos e novidades! Não deixe de conferir!

    Jovem Jornalista

    Até mais, Emerson Garcia


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