Bem-vindos meus queridos leitores e amigos do Marisa's Closet!! Estas belas fotos foram tiradas nesta magnífica pérgola de glicínias que esconde um segredo terrível! Querem saber qual é? Então venham daí comigo, vamos explorar esta exuberante pérgola, vamos mergulhar num universo de cores e aromas. Cada flor exala um perfume doce e convidativo, criando um cenário irresistível não apenas para mim, mas também para as abelhas e para a terrível praga que chegou a Portugal em 2011. Esta praga terrível faz com que seja um perigo chegar perto destas flores, sabem do que estou a falar???
Welcome my dear readers and friends of Marisa's Closet!!! These beautiful photos were taken in this magnificent wisteria pergola that hides a terrible secret! Do you want to know what it is? Then come with me, let's explore this exuberant pergola, let's dive into a universe of colours and aromas. Each flower exudes a sweet and inviting scent, creating an irresistible setting not only for me, but also for the bees and the terrible plague that arrived in Portugal in 2011. This terrible plague makes it dangerous to go near these flowers, do you know what I'm talking about
Enquanto me aproximava para capturar a beleza destas flores através da lente da minha câmera, uma sensação de maravilha e de admiração misturava-se com uma leve apreensão. Afinal, ali, diante de mim, estava a acontecer um dos processos mais essenciais para a sobrevivência das plantas e para a manutenção da vida na Terra: a polinização!
As I approached to capture the beauty of these flowers through the lens of my camera, a sense of wonder and admiration mixed with a slight apprehension. After all, right there in front of me, one of the most essential processes for the survival of plants and the maintenance of life on Earth was taking place: pollination!
É neste contexto que as abelhas desempenham um papel vital. Ao visitarem as flores em busca do néctar para alimentar as suas colmeias, elas acabam por transportar o pólen de uma flor para outra, "fazendo desse modo a fertilização cruzada e garantindo a reprodução das plantas!" As abelhas fazem um trabalho importantíssimo, mas neste momento elas sofrem um ataque terrível e ameaçador deste processo vital para a reprodução das plantas na Terra! Sabem de que se trata?
It is in this context that bees play a vital role. By visiting flowers in search of nectar to feed their hives, they end up transporting pollen from one flower to another, "thus cross-fertilising and ensuring plant reproduction!" Bees do an extremely important job, but right now they are under terrible attack, threatening this vital process for the reproduction of plants on Earth! Do you know what this is?
Essa ameaça tem um nome: chama-se Vespa asiática ou vespa velutina! Esta praga traz consigo uma grande preocupação. Esta espécie invasora, atraída pelo perfuma das flores, é predadora das abelhas nativas! Elas são uma ameaça não só para as abelhas nativas, mas também para o equilíbrio dos ecossistemas locais!
This threat has a name: it's called the Asian wasp or velutin wasp! This pest brings with it great concern. This invasive species, attracted by the scent of flowers, is a predator of native bees! They are a threat not only to native bees, but also to the balance of local ecosystems!
Cada clique era uma mistura de admiração e cautela, pois embora deslumbrada com a beleza das glicínias, também reconhecia a necessidade de manter uma certa distância segura destas criaturas maléficas. Afinal, uma picada desta vespa pode desencadear um choque anafilático, colocando em risco a vida da pessoa, podem crer que já várias pessoas morreram em Portugal com a picada desta vespa asiática!!
Each click was a mixture of admiration and caution, because although I was dazzled by the beauty of the wisteria, I also recognised the need to keep a safe distance from these evil creatures. After all, a sting from this wasp can trigger anaphylactic shock, putting a person's life at risk - you can bet that several people in Portugal have already died from the sting of this Asian wasp!!!
Look: Stine Goya
Cada clique da minha máquina fotográfica era, portanto, não apenas uma tentativa de capturar a beleza efémera das glicínias em toda a sua glória, mas também uma reflexão sobre a intricada teia de interacções que sustentam a vida no nosso planeta e as ameaças à vida. E nos vossos países também chegou a vespa asiática??? Contem-me tudo nos comentários!
Each click of my camera was therefore not only an attempt to capture the ephemeral beauty of wisteria in all its glory, but also a reflection on the intricate web of interactions that sustain life on our planet and threats to life. Has the Asian wasp arrived in your countries too? Tell me all about it in the comments!
Thanks for reading!!!
Marisa Cavaleiro Torres
Ohhhh all kind of dangerous insects have spread around the globe.
ResponderEliminarYou know.. I vae read a „sci fi ” story called: „what people cause by themselves” (in a rough translation). It was probably written around 70s. It tells about the fact that humans are so advanced, but so... irresponsible (as to test nuclear power on their own planet).
Lately I have seen all kind of dagerous things spreading around us (since 2008 there has been an explosion of ticks.. for example - I have not seen one until that year, I could walk my dog literally on grass no stress... and after 2008 you could see them on the sideway...walls etc.).
I am glad you could take these stunning photos! Thank you for sharring them with us.
Hugs :)
With globalization, insects and viruses are globalizing too! We've already seen this with the pandemic and how quickly the virus spread around the world! We have to be extra careful! But I couldn't resist this wisteria pergola and took these photos, which I think are beautiful!
EliminarWisteria pergola is very beautiful! I didn't know that many people has died because of the sting of the Asian wasp. That is not good at all. xoxo
ResponderEliminarIs a danger that lives in our gardens!
EliminarThis is beautiful!
Curated by Jennifer
Thank you Jennifer!
EliminarSpring can be scary bringing bugs with it. I have heard of this culprit, but no one has mentioned it yet. Love the pink! Such a great pink outfit, too. Love the photos. Stay safe! Thanks for the wonderful Monday post. I'm adoring it 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🧁🧁🧁💕💕💕💕💕
ResponderEliminarSeveral people have already died in Portugal from the sting of this wasp! It's a danger in our gardens! Glad you liked the photos!
EliminarUm fenômeno incrível que gostei de conhecer através do seu espaço. Seu look está incrível e marcante.
ResponderEliminarBoa semana!
O JOVEM JORNALISTA está no ar cheio de posts novos e novidades! Não deixe de conferir!
Jovem Jornalista
Até mais, Emerson Garcia
Vocês com o dengue e nós com a vespa asiática!!
EliminarThe sea of flowers is beautiful. Heavenly.
ResponderEliminarYour outfit is one of my favorites, you look great.
Wish you a happy new week!
This outfit is really beautiful! Thank you!
EliminarAs vespas asiáticas são uma praga terrível.
ResponderEliminarAdorei o look que está em plena sintonia com o local escolhido. Para além da beleza das glicinias aroma é espetacular.
Beijinhos e boa semana
É de facto uma flor exuberante na sua floração! As vespas asiáticas é preciso ter cuidado e estar atento!
EliminarTe queda muy bien. Te mando un beso.
EliminarBeautiful pic and good blog. Success for your blog ok. thx
ResponderEliminarThank you very much!
EliminarSo beautiful.
Thank you dear Regine!
EliminarPretty outfit
EliminarO post rosa🙂
ResponderEliminarÉ mais lilás!!
EliminarAmeaças à parte é um belo lugar para tirar fotos!
ResponderEliminarIsabel Sá
Brilhos da Moda
EliminarIt's hard for me to say whether the Asian hornet already exists in Poland - unfortunately, ordinary wasps are equally dangerous; unlike sweet, calm bees, they are extremely nervous and can sting several times.
ResponderEliminarI avoid them like the plague.
The background is beautiful and goes well with your style :)
This Asian wasp makes large cocoons and reproduces quickly and in a short time. They arrived in 2011 and are already all over Portugal! They've already made a big cocoon in a tree in my garden, and I had to call civil protection to come and blow poison on it, which is so strong that it kills them instantly! Thank you for your opinion!
EliminarEste look é todo uma vibe! Adoro :)
ResponderEliminarUm beijinho,
Obrigada!! Bem-vinda de volta!
EliminarMarisa, your photos are stunning as always! Despite the threat of the Asian wasp, you've captured the wisteria's beauty brilliantly. It's a reminder of the delicate balance of nature. Thanks for sharing and raising awareness. Stay safe!
ResponderEliminarThank you for your comment. That was my goal to sensitize people. The other day it was on the news that a lady was bitten by a poisonous spider that had come in a packet of fruit from Latin America! These are the dangers of globalization!
EliminarAs flores são maravilhosas e teu look combina com a cor delas.
ResponderEliminarQue pena saber desta praga de vespas atacando as abelhas,
tomara que isso se resolva.
Beijos nas bochechas!
Está muito complicado, cada ano que passa as vespas são cada vez mais😩