Look Nº 837 - We are the World!!

 Olá, como têm passado? Impressionados por esta foto? Eu já vos dou todas as informações sobre este vulto representado nesta estátua! A história que vos tenho para contar não pode esperar! Espero que reflictam sobre o que vão ler! Podem ficar descansados que estou muito bem acompanhada!

Hello, how are you doing? Impressed by this photo? I'll give you all the information about this figure represented in this statue! The story I have to tell you can't wait! I hope you'll think about what you're about to read! You can rest assured that I'm very well accompanied!

 Sabem aqueles programas de entrevistas que dão nas tardes das televisões? Ao assistir a um programa desses, fui abalada por uma história que, inicialmente, parecia ser um exemplo clássico de superação. A convidada era uma senhora que, após enfrentar grandes dificuldades ao longo da vida, conseguiu completar o seu curso superior e tornar-se numa gestora de topo em grandes empresas. A sua trajectória de luta e resiliência até aqui era admirável e inspiradora.

 You know those interview shows that are on TV in the afternoons? Watching one of those shows, I was struck by a story that initially seemed to be a classic example of overcoming. The guest was a lady who, after facing great difficulties throughout her life, managed to complete her university degree and become a top manager in big companies. Her journey of struggle and resilience up to this point was admirable and inspiring.


A história tomou um rumo inesperado quando ela começou a falar das suas viagens. Ela gostava de viajar sózinha e a viagem mais significativa da sua vida, tinha sido à Índia. Foi então que fez uma declaração que eu achei ser chocante: Ela disse que essa viagem "lavou a sua alma" porque viu muita miséria, viu muitas pessoas pobres, viu fome, tudo pessoas que estavam numa situação muito pior do que as que ela tinha enfrentado na sua vida, isso deu-lhe ainda mais alento para continuar a viver!

The story took an unexpected turn when she started talking about her travels. She liked travelling alone and the most significant trip of her life had been to India. It was then that she made a statement that I found shocking: She said that this trip ‘washed her soul clean’ because she saw a lot of misery, she saw a lot of poor people, she saw hunger, all people who were in a much worse situation than the ones she had faced in her life, and this gave her even more encouragement to continue living!

 Podem respirar um pouco depois do que acabaram de ler.

Take a breather after what you've just read.


 A apresentadora ficou em silêncio, sem saber como responder a esta afirmação. E eu, em casa, fiquei profundamente incomodada. A declaração da entrevistada parecia mostrar que ela encontrava uma espécie de consolo ou até alegria ao ver  o sofrimento alheio, algo que considero extremamente perturbador e desumano.

 The hostess remained silent, not knowing how to answer this statement. And I, at home, was deeply disturbed. The interviewee's statement seemed to show that she found a kind of consolation or even joy in seeing the suffering of others, something that I find extremely disturbing and inhumane.

 Esta atitude revela uma mentalidade preocupante, que não é tão incomum quanto gostaríamos de acreditar. Algumas pessoas, ao depararem-se com o infortúnio alheio, sentem-se de certa forma superiores ou mais afortunadas, usando a miséria dos outros como uma forma de validação pessoal. Em vez de compaixão e empatia, essas pessoas demonstram uma insensibilidade chocante, rindo ou alegrando-se com a desgraça alheia.

This attitude reveals a worrying mentality that is not as uncommon as we would like to believe. Some people, when faced with the misfortune of others, feel somehow superior or more fortunate, using the misery of others as a form of personal validation. Instead of compassion and empathy, these people display a shocking insensitivity, laughing or rejoicing at the misfortune of others.

 O verdadeiro sentido de viajar, especialmente para lugares onde a pobreza é visível, deveria ser o despertar da empatia, compreensão e, possivelmente, inspirar acções para ajudar os menos afortunados. Usar a pobreza alheia como um espelho para se sentir melhor é uma distorção moral e ética.

The real point of travelling, especially to places where poverty is visible, should be to awaken empathy, understanding and possibly inspire action to help the less fortunate. Using other people's poverty as a mirror to make yourself feel better is a moral and ethical distortion.

Histórias como esta fazem-nos reflectir sobre o verdadeiro significado da humanidade e da solidariedade. A capacidade de rir do infortúnio alheio não é um traço de força ou resiliência, mas sim uma demonstração de ignorância e falta de compaixão. É triste perceber que ainda há muitas pessoas que pensam desta maneira e, isso desafia-nos a trabalhar arduamente para cultivar um mundo mais empático e solidário. 

Stories like this make us reflect on the true meaning of humanity and solidarity. The ability to laugh at the misfortune of others is not a trait of strength or resilience, but rather a demonstration of ignorance and lack of compassion. It's sad to realise that there are still many people who think this way, and it challenges us to work hard to cultivate a more empathetic and supportive world.

 A história desta mulher, ao contrário do que poderia ser, não me inspirou. Em vez disso, fez-me sentir pena. Pena por alguém que, apesar de todas as conquistas, parece ter falhado em desenvolver a mais essencial das qualidades humanas: a empatia pelo outro!

This woman's story, contrary to what it might have been, didn't inspire me. Instead, it made me feel sorry for her. Pity for someone who, despite all her achievements, seems to have failed to develop the most essential of human qualities: empathy for others!

E, agora devem estar curiosos para saber quem é esta pessoa que está representada nesta estátua, uma pista: é indiano! Um filósofo e líder espiritual indiano mundialmente conhecido! Passo a apresentar Sri Chinmoy!

And now you're probably curious to know who this person depicted in this statue is, here's a clue: he's Indian! A world-renowned Indian philosopher and spiritual leader!! Let me introduce you to Sri Chinmoy! 

Sri Chinmoy - Sonhador da Paz Mundial, teve a ideia de fazer uma Corrida pela Paz, por diversos países, promovendo o amor, a amizade e a compreensão mundiais, passando esta tocha de mão em mão. Pretendeu inspirar as pessoas de todas as religiões, culturas e nações no sentido de alcançar a Paz Mundial!

"Ó sonhadores da Paz, venham
vamos caminhar juntos
Ó sonhadores da Paz, venham
vamos correr juntos
Ó sonhadores da Paz, venham
vamos crescer juntos!"

 Vamos todos Sonhar com um mundo com mais compaixão e empatia por quem sofre! Que se respeite quem realmente passa por tribulações! A superficialidade da experiência desta mulher contrasta com a profundidade moral de Chinmoy!


Sri Chinmoy - Dreamer of World Peace, had the idea of doing a Peace Run through different countries, promoting world love, friendship and understanding, passing this torch from hand to hand. He wanted to inspire people of all religions, cultures and nations to achieve World Peace!

‘O dreamers of Peace, come
let's walk together
O dreamers of Peace, come
Let's run together
O dreamers of Peace, come
let's grow together!’

 Let's all dream of a world with more compassion and empathy for those who suffer! Let's respect those who are really struggling! The superficiality of this woman's experience contrasts with Chinmoy's moral depth!







 *Estátua oferecida pela Peace Run à cidade da Figueira da Foz pelo seu contributo para a Paz e Harmonia mundiais!

*Statue offered by Peace Run to the city of Figueira da Foz for its contribution to world peace and harmony!


Thanks for reading!!! 
Marisa Cavaleiro Torres



43 comentários

  1. I love your dress!


  2. I loved your outfits style, thanks for your sharing

  3. Such a chic, cool summer look! Hope you have an amazing rest of the summer beauty!

    xoxo, MidoriLinea


  4. The contrast between the woman's mindset and Sri Chinmoy’s message is striking.
    It’s a powerful reminder of the importance of empathy and using our experiences to support others rather than simply feeling superior.
    Thank you for sharing such an inspiring reflection, Marisa!

    1. I don't think these types of people realise that they're on national television saying these terrible things that say a lot about their character, I was shocked! But this is more common than you might think, unfortunately there are many people like this woman!

  5. Oh, such a passionate post! Great to see this philosopher too. Sometimes, we need a wake up call..like a major power outage that lasted over a week. This past week, we had 80 mile straight winds. A lot of trees went down and so did the power. We really are so much vulnerable than we know.
    Recently, a friend from India had raised her family here in the heartland for decades, but her husband's company was calling him back to his home country so they moved back. She was looking forward to seeing family and they were moving into a new apartment.
    Thanks so much for the post. It also makes me think of a young woman I know from the library who I know from various jobs like at the deli and a waitress. She was telling me she wanted to work and get to know other people's stories before she decided on a major in her studies. Oh, and of course, you look LOVELY in this dress. So daring. Happy August!☀️💛☀️💛☀️💛 Thank you for your comments too!

    1. Hi Ellie, I hope the weather has improved, it just shows us that our condition can take a turn without us realising, all it takes is one storm and we can lose everything! But people take everything for granted! And nothing is guaranteed in this life! Thank you also for the examples you mention, often by knowing the lives of others we can learn many lessons, so as not to fall into the same mistakes! Hugs!

  6. I've never been interested in these types of programs, and I usually spend my afternoons at work.
    It seems to me that people have a much bigger problem with envy than with empathy - they feel sorry for poor people, but for those who are better off...
    You look beautiful in that dress :)
    Best wishes

    1. When I'm working on the computer I sometimes switch on the telly, so I had the misfortune to see this interview! I agree with you, envy is a bad thing, unfortunately the Portuguese are an envious people, they say that in the US if a person builds a 3-storey house, the neighbour wants to build a 6-storey one, but in Portugal if a person builds a 3-storey house, the neighbour finds a thousand and one ways to knock it down! I've experienced this for years and years in my locality! They know little or nothing about compassion, they know nothing about humanity, they are capable of terrible things, but that's for another post!

  7. Obrigada por esta partilha! Confesso que não conhecia, como tal, gostei de aprender coisas novas!

    Beijos e Abraços,

    BLOG | Instagram

    1. De nada, de facto eu tento que os meus posts tenham algo de pedagógico!

  8. Uma história de vida... uma bela escultura e olhares de um look bem giro 👏😘

    1. Uma história de vida que por sinal lhe ensinou pouco! Obrigada!

  9. O mundo precisa mesmo de levar uma reviravolta.
    Isabel Sá
    Brilhos da Moda

  10. You look great in that dress, a beautiful outfit. I love the purse <3

  11. I really hope the lady didn't really mean it like that, but I'm afraid she did! Isn't it terrible when people think that they are lucky only when they see someone else struggling financially or in other ways. If she phrased it differently, it would have at least sounded civil. She could have for example said that her trips inspired her because she saw people who had little but were still grateful and so on....to phrase it in the way she did is horrible and to do it on public TV even worse. No wonder that the host didn't know how to respond. It is even worse if that was her intention of going to India. I'm afraid some people go to India only for 'poverty' tourism and completely miss the fact that India is a land of rich culture. Of course there are poor people in India, but not everyone there is poor, and many individuals are in fact rich. India has its own space program now and is a developing rapidly...who knows one day they might be ahead of us. There are poor people everywhere...but the idea of someone 'viewing' poor people as a tourist attraction is morbid.

    The statue of the Indian philosopher and his message is very inspiring. I think stereotypes like the ones people have about India can be really harmful. I imagine that Indian people aren't happy about them. I don't idolize India, I know it's a problem with its problems like other countries, but I don't believe in the Western stereotypes about India either. Unfortunately, the Western countries learn slowly on their mistakes. I occasionally listen to Indian media, and I've noticed that some of them are growing increasingly critical towards the Western countries. Some Indians clearly don't trust the West anymore, and who could blame them?

    It is so important to have a good attitude when travelling and show respect when recounting one's travelling stories. I heard stories from people who volunteered in different countries with a lower standard of living, but rather than being glad that there were others who had so little, they were inspired by the fact that people nurture many virtues and manage to live joyously even with little. They were inspired by them. Isn't that the better approach? At the end, money cannot buy happiness. I can't imagine what kind of happiness is to know that someone has less than us, it cannot be happiness, that's just a lack of empathy.

    I love your outfit. That white dress with floral details is so beautiful. White is your colour. The golden accessories are a great pairing with this white dress as well.

    1. I find India a fascinating country. The history between Portugal and India goes back many centuries. The Portuguese arrived in India in the 15th century. Portugal colonised regions of India such as Goa, and our presence left a deep mark on local culture and life, for example there are still people who speak Portuguese in India, but we were also influenced by Indian culture and this can be seen in the architecture, cuisine and some traditions. The relationship between the two countries is strong in trade and is centuries old.
      India has a rich and diverse culture, and recently, as you say, it has stood out for its rapid economic growth, especially in new technologies. Recently, the richest man in India, linked to the pharmaceutical industry, got married and it made the news here. Our previous prime minister was an Indian from Goa, his family of course!
      On global politics, many people question the role of the US as the world's policeman. Relations between East and West can be complicated, and it would be important to focus on co-operation rather than confrontation.
      We all face difficulties, we should be understanding of each other, comparing sufferings doesn't help much, but it's good to know that there are volunteers to help, even if we have little too. The world and life take turns, I hope that in the future Indians and everyone can have a better life!
      And the woman interviewed really meant it, she added that she would like to visit India again! At least it contributes to tourism, which is also a source of income for India. Thank you Ivana for taking the time to comment!

  12. Concordo com você! E o pior é que existem pessoas que além de não terem empatia com os menos favorecidos, não querem que estas pessoas melhorem de vida e tenham o que elas tem. Infelizmente. E o vestido das fotos é lindo, me parece leve e fresco. Boa semana! Feliz agosto! 😘

    1. Sabes que essas pessoas sendo pobres e mal pagas no trabalho podem sempre servir os ricos a preço da banana, a sociedade brasileira é muito desigual. Obrigada, beijinhos 😘😘

  13. Me gusta mucho tu vestido, un look muy bonito. Besos

  14. You look fabulous in that dress. Very nice styling, Wonderful Post! Have a great day!

  15. This place looks amazing. And I just adore your outfit and accessories you have on. The bag is gorgeous and so is your dress. :) https://www.bauchlefashion.com/2024/08/how-to-be-stylish-at-gym.html

  16. Ah ah ah só agora é que reparei na tua bolsa! Adorei! Está fantástica!

    Ontem é só Memória | Facebook | Instagram

  17. Eu simplesmente amei o seu colar de estrela do mar; combinou muito com o seu vestido branco e a sua bolsa. Simplesmente adorável.

    Apesar de ela ser do mundo corporativo, um ambiente no qual minha profissão me obriga a estar às vezes, há muitas pessoas em grandes cargos que são assim. No entanto, ainda fico impressionada quando vejo a falta de compaixão com aqueles que precisam de ajuda. Concordo com você sobre usar a pobreza alheia como um espelho para se sentir melhor. Espero que um dia o mundo se torne um lugar mais bom, abundante e feliz.

    It's Lizzie

    1. Agora é que você disse tudo Lizzie, hoje podemos estar por cima, amanhã não se sabe, o mundo e a vida dão voltas! O mundo não precisa ser abundante para se ser feliz, isso é uma criação da sociedade de consumo! Mas para o mundo ser um lugar bom, isso tem de começar em cada um de nós!

  18. Dear Marisa, you always face some of the most interesting concepts and facts in your posts and this makes your blog always a great place to read. Anyways, I totally agree with what you have said, traveling the world without earning something at a spiritual level too is like throwing money away! But in this liberal world, any criticism is seen as an offence...
    P.S: you know I love the way you look in this dress 😘

    1. I've already written a post about freedom of expression being a threatened right, it should be out by the end of the month! Thank you so much for your beautiful words my dear Flo!

  19. These are such beautiful photos and I love your dress. I totally agree that empathy is the most essential human quality, and it makes me sad when it's lacking.
    Julia x

    1. Me too! But I think people are so self-centred that they can't look away!

  20. I love this article. I am happy I found out about the indian philosopher! Thank you!
    I really love the outfit you choose :*.
    I ... think that we should help and love eachother more. Knowing that there are people facing troubles gives me strenght I really hope that others facing hardships know that they are not alone.
    I can't feel better knowing that others suffer.. BUT whenever I am not feeling well, I think of everyone that suffers and Iit gives me strenght. Because they inspire me. And I hope ... that other people that have hardships can feel the same.
    I don't feel pitty. I feel admiration for those who are struggling and give gtheur best to recover. I think pitty doesn't help. Pitty means a low place.. but we can encourage eachother, help eachther and try to understand...

    ps: sorry my english is right now a mess... I have to practice more :)) - I got a little too emotional as well. I dream of a world where humans feel more (love)... and act with responsability and kindness and I am trying my best to do my part... in this world.


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