The Looks of the Week #128

 Olá, bem-vindos a mais um fabuloso post dos Looks da Semana! Quando chega esta altura do ano, fico sempre um pouco deprimida. Costumo-lhe chamar "depressão de fim de ciclo". Parece que já esgotei todas as opções do meu armário e não sei mais o que vestir, Fico cansada das roupas de verão, sinto que elas já não trazem aquela sensação de novidade que sentia no ínicio de estação. O que realmente me entusiasma é acompanhar as novas tendências de moda. A moda tem esse poder de mudar o meu humor e dá-me um empurrãozinho para sair da rotina. Mal posso esperar para me sentir renovada com novas tendências de moda para encarar o Outono. Mas agora deixo-vos com 6 looks que não são mais do que a recriação de looks que já por aqui passaram!

  Hello, welcome to another fabulous Looks of the Week post! When this time of year comes around, I always get a bit depressed. I often call it ‘end-of-cycle depression’. I feel like I've exhausted all the options in my wardrobe and I don't know what to wear anymore. I get tired of summer clothes, I feel like they no longer bring that sense of novelty that I felt at the start of the season. What really excites me is keeping up with new fashion trends. Fashion has this power to change my mood and give me a little push out of the rut. I can't wait to feel refreshed with new fashion trends to face autumn. But now I leave you with 6 looks that are nothing more than a recreation of looks that have already appeared here!



Para as más línguas aqui fica a prova de que este vestido não é novo, ele já anda no meu armário desde 2020! Todos os anos o visto e é para lá de lindo, numa cor que adoro! E, vocês lembram-se de me ver este lindo vestido? 

 For those who like to say bad things about others, here's proof that this dress isn't new, it's been in my wardrobe since 2020! I wear it every year and it's so beautiful, in a colour I love! And do you remember seeing me in this beautiful dress?







  Então, digam-me lá qual é o vosso look preferido? Qual o dia da semana que preferem?

So, tell me what is your favorite look? What day of the week do you prefer?



14 comentários

  1. Oh, you do have an exciting wardrobe. It's a joy to see you in so many beautiful clothes 💕💛🌈 but it is expected to be in that cycle of lows. I on the other hand am looking forward to sweater weather. All though, I can't say I love shoveling snow, but that usually gets here in January. Our seasons aren't quite what they used to be in the plains of the States. I'm thankful I lived in Upstate New York when I did. December has some beautiful snowfalls, but once winter really sets in it's a bout of bad cabin fever and even then you don't know when the gypsies might drop in. Summer is just too hot for me and really don't like going sleevless, unless I'm at home in my tank and sleep pants. Here's hoping you have a beautiful September. Thanks for being you! Thanks for taking the time to read on my blog. Yes, it is true I have way too many characters. And I do try to get to many of them through the month..if I can. Thanks for your comments. All the best to your beautiful creativity and your blog🌈💕❤️☀️

  2. It’s great to see how a beloved dress can be reinvented year after year.
    I especially loved the Thursday look – the color combination is fantastic!

  3. Pretty outfits!!!!!! All of them are wonderful mood-uplifting looks!
    My favourite is the lace Sunday dress - it looks wonderfully feminine and pretty,
    and I love its colour! You look beautiful wearing it.

  4. Lindos vestidos. Me gusta el del martes. Te mando un beso

  5. I choose Friday. Monday is a close second.

    Sorry to hear you're feeling depressed. It's hard when days grow noticeably shorter.

    Is Portugal nice in the fall?


  6. The whole week looks fantastic. I love Monday.
    I wish you a wonderful weekend!

  7. Hi Marisa,
    Your weekly outfits look really nice. My favorite is your first orange dress. :)

  8. So nice that you used a dress again four years later, so cute! <3

  9. The orange is stunning. Sending you love across the miles.

  10. They are all slaying but my favorite is the white crochet dress. What a stunner!! All your looks are alway giving the best fashion energy.

    Allie of

  11. Adorei as composições.

    Boa semana!

    O JOVEM JORNALISTA está em HIATUS DE INVERNO do dia 31 de julho à 05 de setembro, mas comentarei nos blogs amigos nesse período. O JJ, portanto, está cheio de posts legais e interessantes. Não deixe de conferir!

    Jovem Jornalista

    Até mais, Emerson Garcia

  12. You look fabulous in all of these!


  13. Tem roupa que a gente gosta tanto que nunca deixamos de usar!
    E este vestido é lindo! Mas se é pra escolher fico com o vestido de
    renda branquinho da sexta-feira, achei maravilhoso! (❤ ω ❤)


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