Look Nº 838 - Accidental Tourist!

Bem-vindos mais um novo post, como já estão avisados, esta semana não haverá a rubrica Os Looks da Semana! Em substituição, escolhi umas fotos que tinha guardadas no telemóvel. Foram tiradas aquando da minha última viagem à cidade do Porto para as minhas consultas de rotina. A primeira consulta foi de manhã e a segunda à tarde. Com um intervalo significativo entre ambas, decidi aproveitar o tempo livre para explorar a cidade e fazer um pouco de turismo.

Welcome to a new post. As you've already been warned, there will be no Looks of the Week post, this week! Instead, I've chosen some photos that I had saved on my mobile phone. They were taken during my last trip to Porto for my routine check-ups. The first appointment was in the morning and the second in the afternoon. With a significant break between the two, I decided to take advantage of the free time to explore the city and do a bit of sightseeing. 

Ao sair do hospital pela manhã, fui directa para o centro histórico. A cidade do Porto é famosa pela arquictetura e pela atmosfera vibrante dos portuenses, quis aproveitar ao máximo esta oportunidade. Visitei palácios com os seus interiores sumptuosos. Visitei algumas igrejas, sim, no Porto o que há mais para visitar são igrejas! Tesouros autênticos da arte sacra! Cada monumento visitado merecia um post, mas como visitei várias coisas nesse dia não vou especificar o que visitei! Vocês podem fazer uma avaliação pelas fotos!
 When I left the hospital in the morning, I went straight to the historic centre. Porto is famous for its architecture and the vibrant atmosphere of its inhabitants, so I wanted to make the most of this opportunity. I visited palaces with their sumptuous interiors. I visited some churches - yes, there are lots of churches to visit in Porto! Authentic treasures of sacred art! Each monument I visited deserves its own post, but as I visited several things that day, I'm not going to tell you all about them! You can judge by the photos!

Enquanto passeei, não pude deixar de notar a quantidade de turistas que enchiam as ruas de máquina fotográfica em punho. A cidade vibrava de vida com pessoas de todas as partes do mundo. Era fascinante observar as diferentes culturas e línguas que se ouviam e que se misturavam, enquanto explorava as famosas praças da cidade.
As I walked around, I couldn't help but notice the number of tourists filling the streets with cameras in hand. The city was buzzing with people from all over the world. It was fascinating to observe the different cultures and languages that were heard and mixed together as I explored the city's famous squares.

A cidade também estava em plena transformação, com as obras do metro, o trânsito na cidade está um caos. As ruas estreitas e cheias de desvios devido a esta construção exigem paciência e atenção redobrada. Era como se jogasse um jogo de estratégia, tentando encontrar o melhor caminho, evitando congestionamentos e ruas bloqueadas.

The city was also in the midst of a transformation, with the construction of the metro, and traffic in the city is in chaos. The narrow streets full of detours due to this construction require patience and extra attention. It was like playing a game of strategy, trying to find the best route, avoiding traffic jams and blocked streets.

Apesar dos desafios, o dia foi inesquecível. A beleza e a vibração do Porto compensaram o inconveniente das obras, o tempo voou! Quando chegou a hora da segunda consulta, voltei para o hospital com a sensação de ter aproveitado ao máximo o tempo na cidade do Porto. Por fim, estava tudo bem com a minha saúde e, essa foi mesmo a melhor parte do dia!
 Despite the challenges, the day was unforgettable. The beauty and vibrancy of Porto made up for the inconvenience of the metro works and time flew by! When it was time for my second appointment, I returned to the hospital feeling that I had made the most of my time in Porto. Finally, my health was fine, and that was the best part of the day!
Thanks for reading!!! 
Marisa Cavaleiro Torres


21 comentários

  1. Beautiful pictures...amazing places and gorgeous architecture :-)
    Beauty and Fashion

  2. It's so fun to be a tourist in your own city.


  3. So happy you are doing well! This could be titled My Cowgirl Summer with that fringe jacket you are wearing. I love how it all goes perfectly with those boots you are wearing. Lovely in white. Awesome that you made it to this outing. So beautiful in white! Adoring this summer look. All the best to staying strong and being you everyday. Thank you for reading and thank you for your comments! It has been a bad start of August here with heavy winds that knocked out power for quite a while. But things seem to be looking up..hopefully. All the best to being radiant and great locations for your post! Be you!

    1. I saw on the news about the bad weather in the USA. Being without electricity is very annoying, nothing works! It's nerve-wracking! Thank you for your kind words and I loved you calling me Cowgirl, it's a country look that I loved wearing and very comfortable for the journey to Porto!

  4. Boa tarde de sexta-feira. Desejo um excelente final de semana. As fotos ficaram maravilhosas, Marisa e juntou-se com turismo.

    1. Obrigada Luiz pelas suas palavras carinhosas! Você também é um turista no Rio de Janeiro!

  5. Hello Marisa,
    I'm glad to hear you're doing well. Your walk around the city and the photos look good. Thanks for sharing with us. Have a good weekend :)

    1. Thank you very much, it's true that my health has improved and that's good news!

  6. So great that you took the time between the medical appointments to explore the city. Waiting in hospital for a long time can be quite depressing. It's good to go out and get some fresh air.
    Porto is a beautiful city and I can see there's much to admire and see in this city.
    The tourists must have enjoyed it too. It's nice to see tourists, because then you hear all kinds of languages spoken- to me it's always very interesting.
    Your white styling is so lovely.
    The churches look beautiful...and the city itself seems full of life.

    1. Yes, it's very good to get some fresh air because in hospital you can catch the Covid bug, it's still around! Porto is a historic city and is known worldwide for its good, great Port wine! This wine comes from the vineyards along the Douro River, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It's a stunning landscape. Since it was voted the best short break destination by an American magazine, Porto has seen a boom in tourists from all over the world. It's very pleasant to hear so many languages spoken in such a beautiful city! Thank you Ivana for your comment!


  7. Beautiful pictures, thanks for showing them. I really like your outfit, it looks great on you.

  8. I loved your style, thanks for your sharing

  9. Dear, I was in wonderful Potro in July and I simply fell in love: with the people, with the food, with this beautiful city, with the monuments! I am very impressed with your country! I will definitely go back there again.

    1. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed your stay in the beautiful city of Porto, and I hope you also enjoyed some great Port wine! And that you had a delicious "Francesinha"! I hope you visit the beautiful city of Coimbra next time! Hugs!

  10. Bom voltar aqui a ver que o estilo continua o mesmo🙂


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