Caros amigos e leitores do blog, chegámos ao final de mais um ano e, é impossível não olhar para trás com gratidão e orgulho. O ano de 2024 foi um ano incrível para o blog, e tudo isso graças a vocês, que acompanham, leem, comentam e tornam este espaço ainda mais especial. Ao longo deste ano, o meu objectivo era ambicioso: fazer 100 posts. Com dedicação e sem pausas, consegui ultrapassar essa meta e chegar aos 103 posts! Foi desafiador, mas muito gratificante. Cada texto, ideia e comentários valeram a pena. Contudo, agora chegou a hora de fazer uma pausa! O blog vai de férias e eu para o descanso e recarregar as energias. Mas não se preocupem, durante este período, estarei a trabalhar em novos conteúdos para vocês. A pausa será curta, prometo! Enquanto isso, convido-vos a reverem os posts mais populares do ano 2024! Espero que gostem de os rever e reler! É só clicarem nos links!
Dear friends and readers of the blog, we've come to the end of another year and it's impossible not to look back with gratitude and pride. 2024 has been an incredible year for the blog, and it's all thanks to you, who follow, read, comment and make this space even more special. Throughout this year, my goal was ambitious: to make 100 posts. With dedication and no breaks, I managed to exceed that target and reach 103 posts! It was challenging, but very rewarding. Every text, idea and comment was worth it. However, now it's time to take a break! The blog is going on holiday and I'm taking a break to recharge my batteries. But don't worry, during this period I'll be working on new content for you. The break will be short, I promise! In the meantime, I invite you to take a look back at the most popular posts of the year 2024! I hope you enjoy revisiting and re-reading them! Just click on the links!
Por fim, quero deixar o meu agradecimento sincero por estarem ao meu lado em mais um ano e desejar a todos vocês um Feliz Ano Novo! Que 2025 vos traga muita felicidade, realização e que todos os nossos sonhos se concretizem!
With love,
Beautiful outfits!
Happy New year's! Oh, some great high lights of the year. You always look fantastic in white! Some very fine times this past year. And how is that car? Love the accessories as well. You are always inspiring. Wishing you good health and keeping that fantastic smile of yours. I hope 2025 is good to you and all that you do. Thank you for reading and thank you for your comments. All the best! Peace, everyday.
ResponderEliminarBom dia e uma excelente segunda-feira. Desejo um Feliz 2025, cheio de paz e saúde. Fico feliz minha querida amiga Marisa, em saber que você conseguiu, realizar seus objetivos. Que em 2025, você realize novas conquistas. Grande abraço carioca.
ResponderEliminarWishing you a wonderful Happy New Year!
ResponderEliminarWishing you a fabulous, a healthy and a happy New Year, Marisa! 2024 was great as it was the year I discovered your blog.
ResponderEliminarI love each and every one of these outfits but September is the winner for me, that blue dress I beautiful on you!
See you in 2025 xxx
May 2025 be a a beautiful year full of many blessings.
Iti doresc vacanta placuta, plina de bucurii si te astept cu noile idei.
ResponderEliminarCa de fiecare data, tinutele tale sunt foarte frumoase.
EliminarI wish you a pleasant and joyful vacation and I am waiting for you with new ideas.
As always, your outfits are very beautiful.
It was a great blogging year Marisa. You showed beautiful outfits.
ResponderEliminarI'm already looking forward to 2025. Happy new Year!
Parabéns pela conquista! Que venham muitas mais no próximo ano!
ResponderEliminarBeijos e Abraços,
BLOG | Instagram
So many amazing outfits and post.
ResponderEliminarI enjoyed this recap of your most popular posts of the past year.
I wish you all the best in 2025.
Enjoy your little break.
Recharge your batteries!
Lindos atuendos. Mi preferido es el de mayo. Te mando un beso y te deseo un feliz año.
ResponderEliminarSeems like such a wonderful year! You look great in all the costumes. Wishing you a blessed New Year!
Para além de admirar e elogiar a publicação, passo a fim de deixar
Votos de um Feliz Ano Novo de 2025. Muita Saúde, Paz, Amor, Solidariedade.
Marisa você é uma pessoa maravilhosa Feliz Ano Novo pra você bjs.
ResponderEliminarThis linked 2024 recap is wonderful!
ResponderEliminarI love that you included links to all of the posts that these beautiful looks were featured in.
Just a few of my favourite looks are from your
March, September and October posts and, of course, the delightful short New Year's video which you look extremely attractive in.
All of the looks you styled looked beautiful!
Best wishes for your Year 2025 and beyond!
Congratulations :)
ResponderEliminarI wish you a nice vacation from the blog, and all the best in 2025
Best regards
Ameiii essa retrospectiva ♡
Feliz 2025 e que seja ainda melhor! :)
ResponderEliminarUm beijinho,
what a lovely recap! happy new year!
ResponderEliminarEspero que tenha um novo anos fantástico! Boas férias.
ResponderEliminarIsabel Sá
Brilhos da Moda
I am so glad to see your 2024 recap, you had a wonderful year but the part I like most is seing you smile, serene and happy. I wish you to always stay and remain like this no matter the things and people you will have around. Wish you a happy and serene 2025! Kisses!
ResponderEliminarWhat a fantastic milestone! Reaching 103 posts in 2024 is an incredible achievement, and it's clear how much effort and dedication you’ve put into creating this wonderful space for your readers. It’s so thoughtful of you to share the best posts of the year for a little rewind, and I’m sure everyone will enjoy revisiting them while you take a well-deserved break. Rest up and recharge—I'm looking forward to seeing what new content you have in store for us when you return!
ResponderEliminarCongrats on hitting 103 posts, Marisa! That’s awesome! I’ve loved reading your blog this year and can’t wait to check out the popular posts again. Enjoy your break and Happy New Year! Wishing you all the best for 2025! See you soon!
ResponderEliminarLovely pictures
ResponderEliminarLovely post
ResponderEliminarEspero que este novo ano tenha começado da melhor maneira e que todo o ano seja fantástico!
ResponderEliminarIsabel Sá
Brilhos da Moda
A great round-up of 2024 and Congratulations on over 100 posts! Enjoy your blogging break and I am looking forward to seeing more of your posts and outfits in 2025.
ResponderEliminarJulia x
Nice post about 2024 , I enjoyed to read it, wish you a happy new year 2025 with more challenges and beautiful things.
ResponderEliminarOlá, Marisa. Feliz 2025! Adorei acompanhar esses momentos.
ResponderEliminarEstou com uma pesquisa de público no blog e te convido para responder.
Congratulations on hitting this goal, 103 posts that is truly impressive! Love all these looks here, and the color of your dress in the first photo is so fun, I love it!
ResponderEliminarAllie of
Happy New Year! I look forward to your return in 2025.
ResponderEliminarCongratulations on exceeding your blog post targets. Looking at the pictures from 2024 it's clear it was a very colourful and stylish year for you. Cheers to an amazing 2025.
Benita James
Congratulations on 103 posts, that's an amazing achievement! Here's to an equally prolific and successful 2025. :)
ResponderEliminarUau! Eu adorei conhecer seu blog, gosto demais dos looks e toda a produção das fotos. Boas férias e volte com muita vontade para os looks de 2025! Beijos nas bochechas! :)