Look Nº 823 - The Road to Hell!

Olá, meus caros leitores e amigos, sejam muito bem-vindos a este blogue! É com toda pujança que vos dou a seguinte novidade, tenho um carro novo!! Yeah!!! Não é pelas melhores razões, mas é sempre bom quando mudamos de carro. O meu outro carro, podem ver aqui, não teve nenhum acidente, bate na madeira! Não, não foi isso que aconteceu! O que aconteceu foi o seguinte, mas têm de fazer scroll down para saberem e, estão vocês a pensar, mas que raio terá acontecido? Verdade?

Hello, my dear readers and friends, and welcome to this blog! I'm delighted to tell you that I have a new car! Yeah! It's not for the best reasons, but it's always nice to change cars. My other car, you can see here, didn't have an accident, knock on wood! No, that's not what happened! Here's what happened, but you have to scroll down to know and, you're thinking, what the hell happened? Right? 

Então é o seguinte, como vocês sabem a minha doença afecta-me os pés, nós vamos perdendo a força e a sensibilidade, para agravar todo este quadro eu parti o pé esquerdo, quem acompanha o blog há muito tempo sabe que isto é verdade, ora o pé esquerdo é o pé que tem de carregar na embraiagem. Como o meu pé esquerdo ficou com menos força e com defeito, pois os ossos colaram fora do lugar, e a minha condição não permite fazer cirurgia aos pés. Conduzir começou a tornar-se um sério problema!
So here's the thing, as you know, my illness affects my feet, we lose strength and sensitivity, and to make matters worse I broke my left foot. Anyone who has been following the blog for a long time knows that this is true, because the left foot is the foot that has to press the clutch. As my left foot became less strong and defective, the bones stuck out of place, as my condition doesn't allow foot surgery. Driving became a serious problem!

O que aconteceu foi que eu passei a ter medo de conduzir o carro, apanhei dois sustos, tudo porque, para além de custar carregar na embraiagem, passei a confundi-la com o travão! Estão a ver a situação perigosa que se estava a desenhar. Isso aconteceu-me duas vezes, a sorte foi que eu ia devagar, estão a imaginar esta situação numa velocidade mais elevada, eu faria uma travagem brusca, pondo-me em perigo e aos outros! Também me acontecia posicionar mal o pé na dita cuja embraiagem e o pé escorregar, como sabem quando se tira o pé repentinamente o carro dá um solavanco! Pois estava criada uma situação de terror para mim!
 What happened was that I became afraid to drive the car, I had two scares, all because, as well as finding it hard to press the clutch, I began to confuse it with the brake! You can see the dangerous situation that was developing. This happened to me twice. Luckily I was travelling slowly, but if you can imagine this situation at a higher speed, I would have braked suddenly, putting myself and others in danger! It also happened that I misplaced my foot on the clutch and my foot slipped, as you know when you take your foot off suddenly the car jerks! I was in for a horror situation!

Então, estava eu nesta situação sem saber o que fazer, quando me liga o vendedor do meu outro carro. Disse-me que estavam com uma campanha e se eu queria trocá-lo. Eu que estava com este problema disse-lhe "o meu carro está novo ainda, mas se tiver algum com caixa automática ainda sou capaz de pensar duas vezes, mande-me uma proposta, sem compromisso para eu analizar". E, assim foi!
So I was in this situation, not knowing what to do, when the salesman of my other car rang me. He told me they were running a campaign and if I wanted to change my car. I told him "my car is still new, but if you have one with an automatic gearbox I might think twice, send me an offer, no strings attached, so I can analyse it". And so it was!

Ponderando os prós e os contras de uma compra de carro e sabendo que só devo conduzir por mais uns 10 anos, porque não mudar de carro agora, cheguei à conclusão que de facto era a melhor altura para o fazer. Porque ainda tenho vitalidade para conduzir e, também, a pensar na idade da minha mãe que ainda pode usufruir comigo, de um carro novo, na esperança de vida que ainda lhe resta! Mais à frente digo-vos o que é conduzir um carro automático, curiosos? 
 Weighing up the pros and cons of buying a car and knowing that I'm only going to be driving for another 10 years or so, why not change my car now, I came to the conclusion that it was indeed the best time to do it. Because I still have the vitality to drive and, also, thinking about my mum's age, who can still enjoy a new car with me and the life expectancy she still has left! I'll tell you what it's like to drive an automatic car later, curious?

Look: Zara
Concluindo, passar de um carro normal para um carro automático, primeiro estranha-se e depois entranha-se! Foi a melhor decisão que poderia ter tomado! É um descanso não ter de usar o pé esquerdo! Adoro conduzi-lo e estou apaixonada por este modelo topo de gama! O que é um facto é que nunca fiquei tão satisfeita com a compra de um carro! Adoro a cor, sempre quis ter um carro preto! E tudo nele combina comigo, o que acham?? Já conduziram carros de caixa automática? Contem-me tudo nos comentários!!
In conclusion, going from a normal car to an automatic car, first you snub it then you luv it!! It was the best decision I could have made! It's a relief not to have to use my left foot! I love driving this car and I'm in love with this top-of-the-range model! The fact is that I've never been so satisfied with a car purchase! I love the colour, I've always wanted a black car! And everything about it suits me, what do you think? Have you ever driven a car with an automatic gearbox? Tell me all about it in the comments!!!
E, a banda sonora deste post só pode ser a música de Chris Rea, "The Road To Hell", uma música para ouvir bem alto e... acelerar! Esta música fala sobre as dificuldades e obstáculos que vamos encontrando ao longo do nosso caminho, da nossa estrada, da nossa vida!

And the soundtrack to this post can only be Chris Rea's "The Road To Hell", a song to listen to loud and fast... speed up! This song talks about the difficulties and obstacles we face along our path, our road, our life!



 The road to hell to reach heaven!



Thanks for reading!!!
Marisa Cavaleiro Torres



40 comentários

  1. Congratulations! I think I've always driven an automatic. I was very bad with clutches too. I hope you can get used to the car. Love the outfit. Perfect for those fabulous drives. Wishing you all the best with your new vehicle? Does the car have a name? (✿◡‿◡)(✿◕‿◕✿) I have always named my cars, especially the ones I had troubles with. I have had Mitchel, Daniel and now Henry. Granted most were old cars. And Henry (although small and compact) is paid for.

    1. American cars are very different from European cars, they're huge, in Europe cars are more compact. In Europe there are few automatic cars, because they are more expensive! I affectionately call my car popó, popó is the way small children start calling cars! Obrigada Ellie!

  2. Parabéns pela aquisição. O carro é um deslumbre que só. Você parece ser uma boa condutora.

    Boa semana!

    O JOVEM JORNALISTA está no ar cheio de posts novos e novidades! Não deixe de conferir!

    Jovem Jornalista

    Até mais, Emerson Garcia

  3. It's good that you now have a new car with an automatic. Now you are much safer on the road.
    Have fun with the new car and have a safe trip <3

    Your outfit is great, you look beautiful

    1. That's why I bought this car, to feel safe on the road and for others to be safe with me too! We can't just rely on ourselves on the road, can we? Thank you, hugs!

  4. Congratulations.

  5. Nunca dirigi carro automático, aliás faz anos que não dirijo. Tenho medo na direção. Quem sabe um dia, volte a dirigir e se tiver a oportunidade compre um carro assim como o seu.

    1. Estou na torcida para que isso aconteça na sua vida Lulu!!

  6. I wish you to enjoy driving!! It is a wonderful car and I am so happy for you :).
    I really like the song too!
    And your outfit itțs wonderful!
    Hugs :*

    1. Aw thank you very much, you are so kind! <333
      I love your comments, they make me very happy<3

  7. You look stunning and so does your new car. It was a really good idea to switch to an automatic.
    Julia x

  8. Respostas
    1. Terias ganho pontos se tivesses dito: Uau que bombas!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!

  9. Congratulations on your new car - it's very nice :)
    I drove the car several times, but I have no idea whether it had an automatic transmission...

    1. Hello,
      An automatic car is a car that doesn't have a clutch, it just has a brake and accelerator! The gears shift automatically! Thank you!

  10. Marisa, congrats on the new car! It looks fantastic, and I'm glad to hear you're feeling safer with an automatic transmission. Your decision was wise given the challenges with your left foot. Your outfit is stunning as always

  11. Hello =)
    Yes it's really annoying that he cat disqualified because of a little hand gesture, that he used to say he don't get filmed now.
    I like rain but now it's enough rain for some weeks :D Okay it can rain in the night, that's no problem for me.

    Really nice post =) Road trips are always a big adventure and your outfit is perfect for that.
    It's always important to drive safe and not too fast.
    Have a great week too

    1. Thank you, I always drive very cautiously thinking of myself and others!!!

  12. Parabéns pela nova aquisição. O seu carro é lindo.

  13. Parabéns pelo carro novo, esse modelo é muito giro :)
    Amei este conjunto btw!
    Um beijinho,

  14. Wunderschön und die Sonnenbrille ist echt cool. LG Romy

    1. Translation:
      Beautiful and the sunglasses are really cool.

      Thank you!

  15. É um lindo carro, muita sorte com ele. Nunca conduzi um carro de caixa automática, acredito que seja bem mais fácil de conduzir.
    Adorei o look, lindo e super elegante.

    1. É mais fácil, mas ao início temos a tentação de ir à alavanca das mudanças, mas depois isso passa! Obrigada!

  16. I saw from your Insta that you changed car and I had an idea about the motives that stood behind this devision and reading your post, my supositions were confirmed. I am glad you did it because it was the best decision, given the situation. In cases like this, we have to take best care of our needs and problems while we are still in time.
    I am really glad you are happy with your new car and hope you will drive it safely as much as you like and wish.
    Hugs and kisses dear!

    1. Thank you dear Flo, I was in a situation that couldn't last much longer, on the one hand I was afraid to drive, on the other hand staying at home without going out was also affecting my psychiatric problems, in fact it's the worst thing that can happen! But now it's like I've gained a second life, I feel safe driving again, I'm really happy!


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