The Looks of the Week #141

Olá! Sejam muito bem vindos a mais fabuloso post dos Looks da Semana! Depois destas férias sinto-me revigorada e com muita vontade de vos inspirar com looks com muita pinta! O que vos quero dizer é que estou muito feliz por estar de volta e espero estar à altura das vossas expectativas. A moda tem esta magia de agregar pessoas de todo o mundo! Esta comunidade que construí à volta do meu blog é um tesouro que merece ser cuidado com todo o carinho! Durante este tempo em que  estive ausente, o meu blog foi sempre visitado à procura de saberem sobre o meu regresso, essa vossa preocupação dá-me ainda mais alento e vontade de continuar este trabalho de sonho! Sempre de mãos dadas convosco! Muito obrigada por estarem desse lado e pelo vosso apoio! Sem vocês isto não era a mesma coisa! Por isso deixo-vos com 5 looks inspiradores. Eu sei como vocês adoram esta rubrica!


 Hello and welcome to another fabulous Looks of the Week post! After this holiday I feel refreshed and eager to inspire you with some great looks! What I want to tell you is that I'm very happy to be back and I hope I can live up to your expectations. Fashion has this magic of bringing together people from all over the world! This community that I've built around my blog is a treasure that deserves to be looked after with the utmost care! During the time I've been away, my blog has always been visited to find out about my return, and your concern gives me even more encouragement and desire to continue this dream job! Always hand in hand with you! Thank you so much for being there and for your support! Without you this wouldn't be the same! So I leave you with 5 inspiring looks. I know how much you love this feature!


Normalmente, não sou muito de usar camisolas, aliás quando decido vesti-las faço questão que tenham algo de especial, adoro-as ou brancas ou muito coloridas. Em 2018, resolvi vestir esta camisola num evento nocturno chique. Ela tem um design e uma energia contagiante. Em 2025, usei-a num look casual com umas jeans e o resultado foi surpreendente. Este visual mais descontraído, mas com muita personalidade, irradia energia positiva por onde passo. Penso para comigo, como é incrível que algumas peças de roupa conseguem passar na prova do tempo e continuarem cheias de estilo, mesmo em contextos diferentes! Não vos parece?
  Normally, I'm not much of a jumper wearer, but when I do decide to wear one, I make sure it has something special about it, I love it either white or very colourful. In 2018,I decided to wear this jumper in a chic evening event. It has a contagious design and energy. In 2025, I wore it in a casual look with jeans and the result was amazing. This more relaxed look, but with a lot of personality, radiates positive energy wherever I go. I think to myself how incredible it is that some items of clothing can stand the test of time and remain stylish, even in different contexts! Don't you think?



Este look de 2020, foi usado no meu aniversário dos 49 anos, é um dos meus looks favoritos publicados no blog e à época fez muito sucesso. Tem um charme intemporal e eu senti-me empoderada usando-o! Em 2025, decidi recriar o look desse dia! Eu acho que continua actual e serve-me perfeitamente! Ao recriar este look revivi todas as emoções daquele dia fantástico. É incrível como algumas roupas têm o poder de nos transportar para momentos da nossa vida que guardamos com carinho. Não vos acontece isto?

This 2020 look was worn on my 49th birthday, it's one of my favourite looks published on the blog and it was very successful at the time. It has a timeless charm and I felt empowered wearing it! In 2025, I decided to recreate the look from that day! I think it's still relevant today and fits me perfectly! By recreating this look I relived all the emotions of that fantastic day. It's incredible how some clothes have the power to transport us to moments in our lives that we treasure. Doesn't that happen to you?



  Qual o vosso look favorito? Contem-me tudo nos comentários, estou curiosa para saber!!

What is your favorite look? Tell me everything in the comments, I'm curious to know !!

Thanks for reading!!!
Marisa Cavaleiro Torres

16 comentários

  1. Welcome back!
    All the outfits are beautiful, but my favorite is Friday's.
    I wish you a pleasant weekend, Marisa.

  2. It's wonderful to see your enthusiasm and gratitude for the community you've built! Your passion for fashion and your connection with your readers really shines through. The idea of sharing five inspiring looks is always a treat, and it’s clear you’ve been missed during your break. Fashion does indeed have the unique power to bring people together, and it’s great to see you so inspired to continue sharing your style journey with your loyal followers. Can’t wait to see what looks you’ve picked for this week!

  3. Like always you look like a beautiful full of color bird from paradise- your style is very unique

  4. Always sustainable and radiant! I love that coat in the first photo! So great to see your wardrobe and more. I hope you are doing well and wishing you lots of sweet times in the months ahead. Thank you for being inspiring and fabulously you💗💗💗💗💗💗💗

  5. Love all of these!


  6. Great outfits, I love it when you wear white and cream tones.
    Tuesday and Wednesday are absolute favorites.

    Happy weekend <3

  7. Loving your looks this week, Marisa! Always so chic with so much personality!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  8. Me gusta el look del lunes. Te mando un beso.

  9. Looks lindos e maravilhosos como sempre!

  10. Dear Marisa, you have been missed a lot and I am glad I can see you back doing fashion week looks again. You are right, fashion unites people and in the most genuine and surprinsing way I might say.
    I love all your looks and love to see that some pieces were used in the past because fashion is about recalibrating and reorganizing and classics are much more appreciated that use and throw. That being said, my favorite look is Friday, there is something about you wearing white that makes you invincible!

  11. It is wonderful to have you back in Blogland, Marisa! Like you, I'm not a jumper wearer but I absolutely love your Pop Art jumper and that fantastic jacket! xxx

  12. beautiful post thank you, have a nice saturday:)

  13. Marisa lindos os looks amei todos principalmente os looks de terça e quarta bjs.

  14. You looking stunning Marisa! My favorites are the cream outifts!

  15. Ainda bem que voltou! A sua energia inspira-me. Os seus looks são sempre maravilhosos. Tudo lhe fica bem! 🌹
    🤍 SAUDADES 🤍
    Beijos. Votos de um excelente fim de semana!

  16. All your outfits are beautiful, but I really love the hot pink cardigan/jacket
    Julia x


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