The Looks of the Week #121

 Olá! Bem-vindos a mais um fabuloso post dos Looks da Semana! Hoje, dia em que escrevo este post, é 4 de Julho, os Estados Unidos celebram a sua independência. No entanto, a grande pergunta é: como é que um país com 330 milhões de habitantes conseguiu escolher como candidatos a Presidente dois homens idosos, Trump e Biden? É quase cómico pensar que, numa nação repleta de mentes brilhantes, estas são as opções dos americanos. Eu pergunto-me onde estão os líderes de hoje, jovens e inovadores? Se a política americana vos dá vontade de chorar - a mim dá - relaxem e vejam os meus Looks da Semana! Escolham um favorito, como se estivessem a votar para o Presidente dos EUA e, quem sabe a moda não nos salva desta decadente política americana. Afinal, até a democracia precisa um pouco de glamour para continuar a brilhar!

 Hello and welcome to another fabulous Looks of the Week post! Today, the day I'm writing this post, is the 4th of July, and the United States is celebrating its independence. However, the big question is: how did a country with 330 million inhabitants manage to choose two elderly men, Trump and Biden, as candidates for President? It's almost comical to think that, in a nation full of brilliant minds, these are the Americans' choices. I wonder where today's young, innovative leaders are? If American politics makes you want to cry - it does me - relax and take a look at my Looks of the Week! Pick a favourite, as if you were voting for the President of the USA, and maybe fashion will save us from this decadent American politics. After all, even democracy needs a little glamour to keep shining!






 Então, digam-me lá qual é o vosso look preferido? Qual o dia da semana que preferem?

So, tell me what is your favorite look? What day of the week do you prefer?






28 comentários

  1. Lindos atuendos . Me gusta el del viernes. Te mando un beso.

  2. It was so hard to watch that debate. I feel there needs to be a few rules added about the age of running for president. Needless to say in the primaries I didn't vote for either of these two. I thought we had learned our lesson previously but I guess we are all too busy on our phones these days to look up to see what's going on.

    Now to your latest looks ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Oh, you are rocking the floral body suit! I always love crochet too. Beautiful in green. You are very inspiring as always. Thanks so much for your comments. Great to see you post! All the best to fun and adventures!

    1. Maybe Mrs Obama will run for office and become the first female President of the USA! What I think is that if they continue, the story won't be a pretty one. Thank you for your comment!

  3. Wonderful choices! I really love the first three. The fourth is ssssoooo playful :D It feels like a field of flowers ready to be hugged, really. And the last one - reminds me of the summer in my childhood - I mean the summer I used to love and Know - wonderful
    I think, somehow, you brought so much youth with those outfits, as to compensate for the lack of youth in... other areas - and I refer to your question regardind US choices. :D
    Hugs :*

    1. That's exactly what I wanted to say, youth! It's not that I don't think older people are valid in society, but a position of such responsibility as President of the United States requires younger people! I loved your comments about my clothes! Hugs!

  4. I love them all so it's hard to pick a favorite, but if I had to, Tuesday's outfit would win this week for me. Though I myself would probably wear Monday or Wednesday the most myself.

    1. I'm glad you identify with my clothes and that you'd wear some of these outfits!

  5. Hi Marisa! Your Looks of the Week are fabulous as always! I absolutely loved the Tuesday look, so vibrant and full of life, perfect for enjoying the summer! Regarding your political reflection, I completely agree. It's concerning to see the lack of young, innovative leadership in a country with so much potential. Hopefully, one day we'll see a change and fresh faces with new ideas in charge. For now, I'll take inspiration from your fabulous looks to keep my spirits high. Big hug!

    1. Well, I also think that with the tragedy that will most likely happen in the USA, it's much better to see my looks to improve the mood of the whole world! Thank you for your comment!

  6. gorgeous as always! i love all your outfits but for this week, my favorite is the first one :)

    xoxo, rae


    1. It's an outfit suitable for a party, a wedding perhaps, it's a good choice!

  7. Fantástico cada look, todas as estilizações ótimas. E não sei qual escolher. Saudações, Marisa, estou voltando devagar, tive que descansar. Tenha uma boa semana nova.

    1. Isso também já me aconteceu e também parei com o trabalho no blog. Eu compreendo-te! Obrigada por estares de volta!

  8. Your weekly look posts are always so inspiring, Marisa! I can't wait to see what styles you've put together this week. Do you have any favorite trends you're incorporating into your outfits lately? Would love to hear more about your style inspiration!

    Ferbena Fashion Blog

    1. I don't care much about trends, the important thing is that I like a piece of clothing, let's just say I'm not a fashion victim! I have clothes that are many years old that I still wear!

  9. O último look está incrível e deslumbrante.

    Boa semana!

    O JOVEM JORNALISTA está no ar cheio de posts novos e novidades! Não deixe de conferir!

    Jovem Jornalista

    Até mais, Emerson Garcia

  10. Eu escolho o look de terça-feira, embora não goste muito de verde.
    Mas concordo com você com relação a política americana.
    Trump é terrível, não dar! Beijos e boa semana! 🙂

    1. Eu adoro a cor verde, e esse look é fenomenal! Um desastre esse político né?

  11. So many beautiful outfits, it's hard to pick a favourite.
    I really like the pleated long green dress.
    I also like the printed jumpsuit you paired with a cropped green top. That's a very original look.

  12. I love all these looks and it's really hard to pick a favourite, but the printed jumpsuit is really fun!
    Julia x


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