Caros amigos e leitores, quero partilhar convosco como foi a minha primeira ida ao cinema. Foi em 1985, tinha 13 anos! Foi na grandiosa sala do Casino da Figueira da Foz, foi na estreia do filme "A View to a Kill", o charme de Roger Moore no papel de James Bond e sem pipocas barulhentas! Uma época que, de certa forma, simboliza o prestígio do cinema clássico. A memória desse dia, tal como de 007, faz-me ficar nostálgica desse tempo passado!
Dear friends and readers, I want to share with you the first time I went to the movies. It was in 1985, I was 13 years old! It was in the grand hall of the Figueira da Foz Casino, at the premiere of the movie “A View to a Kill”, the charm of Roger Moore in the role of James Bond and no noisy popcorn! A time that, in a way, symbolizes the prestige of classic cinema. The memory of that day, like 007, makes me nostalgic for a time gone by!
Há argumentos fortes de ambos os lados. Os que defendem a Bond feminina dizem que o cinema é dominado por heróis masculinos e, que chegou a altura de acabar com esse esterótipo. Por outro lado, aqueles que acreditam que Bond deve permanecer homem, sugerem a criação de uma personagem feminina forte para rivalizar com Bond e que se afirme por si mesma, uma nova heroína poderosa!
O cinema, como qualquer arte, é um espelho da sociedade e as questões de género dividem opiniões e pessoas, talvez o problema não esteja em escolher um Bond masculino ou feminino, mas em criar novas e fantásticas personagens tanto para homens como para mulheres que desafiem as nossas expectativas! Que tal eu no papel de uma agente secreta ao serviço de Sua Majestade?
Cinema, like any art, is a mirror of society and gender issues divide opinions and people, perhaps the problem is not in choosing a male or female Bond, but in creating new and fantastic characters for both men and women that defy our expectations! How about me in the role of a secret agent in Her Majesty's service?
E vocês? como se posicionam? Defendem um Bond fiel à tradição, ou agradar-vos-ia uma mulher 007? A polémica está longe de terminar, mas o que é certo é que Bond continua a gerar paixões, tal e qual como o vi sentada nas cadeiras de veludo no Casino da Figueira da Foz!
How about you? Do you support a Bond faithful to tradition, or would you like a female 007? The controversy is far from over, but what is certain is that Bond continues to generate passions, just as I saw him sitting in the velvet chairs at the Figueira da Foz Casino!
Lindo atuendo. Te mando un beso.
ResponderEliminarBom dia:- o seu papel como agente secreto seria fantástico. Eu acredito
Saudações cordiais e poéticas.
What a great memory! Cinema really has changed. I like the idea of strong characters for everyone. Let’s create new heroes!
ResponderEliminarI love the skirt!!
Oh, such a lovely photo shoot. Love those Mary Janes. Oh Sean Connery was the man for me in the Bond films. I can't think of a female actress up to that magnitude and could Tateum Channing be just eye-candy in a Bond film? Of course, some day I feel certain there will be a blend where we won't know the difference between man and woman. Just a person will play the part.
ResponderEliminarI also agree that 007 should remain a man. You look great <3
ResponderEliminarGreetings and I invite you to see my new painting :)
Well.. James Bond is and should be Jame Bond. Just Saying. Why not a new character? Agent whatever they want.
ResponderEliminarMaybe they should make some movies about how life should be on Earth. Too much negativity....
I love your outfit. The jacket (by the way, there is a movie Thw Jacket, a great movie - Daniel Graig plays in it as well), is ... wonderful. I love it. And the hairband is also beautiful.
Acho que podia ser uma heroína feminina, sim. Tudo é possível. Adorei as fotos e o seu look, bem princesinha e rainha. Genial!
ResponderEliminarBoa semana!
O JOVEM JORNALISTA está no ar cheio de posts novos e novidades! Não deixe de conferir!
Jovem Jornalista
Até mais, Emerson Garcia
James Bond este James Bond, o legenda. Si asa ar trebui sa ramana. Parerea mea.
ResponderEliminarImi place foarte mult tinuta ta.
EliminarJames Bond is James Bond, a legend. And so he should remain. In my opinion.
I like your outfit very much.
Elegante e fantástico look, adorei especialmente o casaco.
ResponderEliminarComo sou um pouco tradicionalista apoio o Bond continuar a ser um homem, mas seria interessante surgir uma nova heroína estilo Bond, em cinema à espaço para todos 🙂
Oh my dear, I wasn't aware that there was this problem and that it was so much discussed but to be honest I would also prefer that Bond remained a man. They already tried bringing a female 007 in the last movie, where the character played by Craig "retired" and it didn't impress nobody. If the test didn't had succes, why change and apply the change? Anyways there are already many female main characters and heroes, there is no reason to take something and force a change that could ruin everything.
ResponderEliminarP.S.: you would be a fantastic movie hero 😉
You are looking like a this look on you :-)
ResponderEliminara href="">Beauty and Fashion
You look adorable! I love the beautiful Outfit and the wonderful Location.
ResponderEliminarHugs <3
Amei amei essa saia :)
ResponderEliminarUm beijinho,
O teu vestido é faz-me lembrar uma princesa!
ResponderEliminarBeijos e Abraços,
BLOG | Instagram
You look so gorgeous in this outfit. The dress is fit for royalty and I love love love the cardigan!
ResponderEliminarI agree. Bond should stay male. As a woman, I am getting sick and tired of the feminist agenda being shoved down everyone's throats. Yes, women can be Bond, but how about write something just as wonderful but ORIGINAL for women and stop trying to take from the men? It's getting insane.
I love this look, Marisa. The cardigan is so beautiful! I prefer a male bond staying true to tradition.
ResponderEliminarJulia x
I don't care if it is a man or a woman, as long as the movie is good and well written. However, I think many fans might be disappointed and this is something to consider. Any franchise needs to respect the fans if it wants to keep the fans. Furthermore, by making male characters female, we imply that women should imitate men heroes and that they cannot be heroes on their own, just written copies. I want to see more movies about women- but not women imitating men, but women who are sure of themselves. I think there are many ways to be inspiring. One doesn't have to be a spy to be inspiring. Not that there weren't female spies- there were. Why not make more movies about female spies, maybe even based on real spies and historical events. Why not make movies about women doctors, scientists and so on? All these stories deserve to be told.
ResponderEliminarI love your styling btw. It's very sophisticated. I'm sure you'd make a great spy.