Look Nº 845 - The Maritime Museum!

 Olá queridos amigos e leitores,

Recentemente, tive a oportunidade de visitar o Museu Marítimo de Ílhavo. Uma das partes mais marcantes foi estar dentro de um dos barcos que antigamente navegavam rumo ao Mar da Noruega para a pesca de bacalhau. As condições a bordo eram duras e precárias, o que evidenciava a coragem e a resistência destes homens.

 Hello dear friends and readers,

I recently had the opportunity to visit the Ílhavo Maritime Museum. One of the most striking parts was being inside one of the boats that used to sail to the Norwegian Sea to fish for cod. The conditions on board were harsh and precarious, which showed the courage and endurance of these men. 


Além disso, tive a oportunidade de ver também os barcos tradicionais moliceiros que navegam nos canais da  chamada "Veneza Portuguesa", a cidade de Aveiro.
I also had the chance to see the traditional moliceiros boats that sail the canals of the so-called “Portuguese Venice”, the city of Aveiro.

Quero também aproveitar para pedir desculpa pelo atraso na publicação e pela ausência da rubrica dos Looks da Semana, que eu sei que vocês gostam muito, infelizmente, não consegui fotográ-los a tempo, mas espero em breve compensar-vos com novos conteúdo!

I also want to take this opportunity to apologize for the delay in publication and for the absence of the Looks of the Week section, which I know you like very much. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to photograph them in time, but I hope to make it up to you soon with new content!




Thanks for reading!!!
Marisa Cavaleiro Torres

14 comentários

  1. O barco parece pequeno, quantos homens iam nele?
    E teu vestidinho branco é muito bonito, bem leve.
    Beijos nas bochechas! :)


  2. You look wonderful, I love the photo with the water in the background.
    Wish you a very nice evening <3

  3. Very beautiful post, such museums are always very interesting, history is one of the most beautiful things in which we could invest our interest and time.

  4. Foarte interesat muzeul vizitat. Intr-adevar, munca de pescar este foarte grea.
    Eu urmaresc cu interes emisiunile cu pescuitul de ton. Si chiar si acum aceasta meserie se desfasoara in conditii foarte grele.
    Iti doresc o zi frumoasa.

    1. Translation:
      Very interested museum visited. Indeed, fishing is very hard work.
      I watch tuna fishing programs with interest. And even now it's a very hard job.
      Have a nice day.

  5. What a lovely museum! I was always fascinated by boats...and I simply love the sea.
    It is lovely seeing these traditional boats. So many lovely details in this museum.
    The ceramic plate with painted fish is beautiful. It's really great to visit this museum virtually with you.

    The white dress you're wearing is fantastic. You look like a mermaid. A very suitable look for a visit to the museum.

  6. My dear friend - I love when you take us in such interesting places. The traditional moliceiros boats are really special. It is the first time I have seen such an unique boat.
    I hope everything is fine :*. Sending hugs :)

  7. Quando estiver por Aveiro, tenho que dar um saltinho a Ílhavo para visitar! Obrigada pela partilha!
    Aproveito para desejar um bom fim de semana!

    Beijos e Abraços,

    BLOG | Instagram

  8. These photos are enough for "Look of the Week" - you look beautiful :)
    The first ones in particular remind me of the movie "Titanic".
    Best regards

  9. Que lugar mais interessante. Eu adorei o seu look .
    Beijos e boa semana.

  10. Lovely dress and this place looks very interesting...thanks for sharing dear :-)
    Beauty and Fashion

  11. This looks like such an interesting experience, and you look wonderful, Marisa. I love this outfit!
    Julia x


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