Look Nº 844 - Freedom of Speech!

Queridos  leitores e amigos,

Hoje, mais uma vez, venho aqui para expressar a minha opinião. É algo que faço com frequência nos meus posts, e, sinceramente, não espero a aprovação de todos. Sei que, ao expor os aquilo que penso, corro o risco de perder seguidores, mas estou disposta a isso. Acredito que a liberdade de expressão é um direito fundamental e, sinto que ela está a ser cada vez mais ameaçada.

Dear readers and friends,

Today, once again, I come here to express my opinion. It's something I do often in my posts and, frankly, I don't expect everyone's approval. I realise that by exposing what I think, I run the risk of losing followers, but I'm willing to do that. I believe that freedom of expression is a fundamental right, and I feel that it is being increasingly threatened.  

Percebo que cada vez mais pessoas têm medo de expressar as suas opiniões. Parece que há uma censura velada na forma de haters que, em vez de contribuírem para o debate de idéias, destilam ódio contra qualquer opnião que não compartilham. Essa atitude não enriquece o diálogo, pelo contrário, sufoca-o e desencoraja muitos de manifestarem os seus pensamentos. No entanto, não me vou calar!
I realise that more and more people are afraid to express their opinions. There seems to be a veiled censorship in the form of haters who, instead of contributing to the debate of ideas, spew hatred at any opinion they don't share. This attitude doesn't enrich dialogue; on the contrary, it stifles it and discourages many from expressing their thoughts. However, I'm not going to shut up!

A minha intenção aqui neste blog é abrir um espaço para troca de ideias. Se vocês concordam ou discordam do que digo, quero ouvir os vossos argumentos. Essa interacção é o que enriquece o debate e nos ajuda a crescer como indivíduos e como sociedade. Todos têm o direito de opinar e, é através dessa diversidade de pensamentos que encontramos soluções e entendimentos mais amplos.
My intention here on this blog is to open up a space for an exchange of ideas. Whether you agree or disagree with what I say, I want to hear your arguments. This interaction is what enriches the debate and helps us grow as individuals and as a society. Everyone has the right to express an opinion, and it's through this diversity of thought that we find solutions and broader understandings.
Agora, gostaria de partilhar a minha opnião sobre um tema polémico: não concordo que pessoas que se acham mulheres, se sentem como tal, mas que o seu sexo biológico seja homem (XY), compitam em categorias desportivas contra mulheres que efectivamente sejam consideradas mulheres biológicamente (XX). A complexão física masculina, regra geral, é mais forte do que a feminina, o que pode representar uma vantagem desleal. Não considero isso uma igualdade de condições e portanto, vejo que é uma forma de fazer batota! Mas as mulheres parecem aceitar esta situação que de justa não tem nada! Não me estou a referir a nenhuma situação em concreto, estou a falar por uma questão de princípio!

Now, I'd like to share my opinion on a controversial subject: I don't agree that people who think they are women, feel like women, but whose biological sex is male (XY), should compete in sports categories against women who are actually considered to be women biologically (XX). Men's physical complexion is generally stronger than women's, which can give them an unfair advantage. I don't consider this to be a level playing field, so I see it as a form of cheating! But women seem to accept this situation, which is anything but fair! I'm not referring to any specific situation, I'm speaking as a matter of principle

Pronto disse! Esta é a minha opinião sobre este assunto, mas neste mundo de likes e haters é perigoso ter opiniões! E vocês o que pensam sobre o assunto? Estou aberta a ouvir todas as opiniões, desde que vocês não tenham receio desta censura de que falei e, desde que sejam apresentadas com respeito. Vamos debater e, quem sabe, aprender uns com os outros. Afinal, é isso que significa viver em sociedade livre e plural!
This is my opinion on the matter, but in this world of likes and haters it's dangerous to have opinions! What do you think about it? I'm open to hearing all opinions, as long as you're not afraid of this censorship I've mentioned, and as long as they're presented with respect. Let's debate and perhaps learn from each other. After all, that's what it means to live in a free and plural society!




Thanks for reading!!!
Marisa Cavaleiro Torres



14 comentários

  1. Lindo y colorido traje. Te mando un beso.

  2. I am very much in support of the LGBTQ+ community. I have many in my family and friend circle, including transgender, that I love and wish the best for. However, where sports are concerned, that is a slippery slope to navigate. I think there needs to be additional testing, like measuring testosterone levels, to keep things equal in sporting events.

  3. I definitely agree with you. I understand completely. I don't think it's fair. Especially, when we look at the history of women and all they have had to fight for for equality. It's has if there is this other side of equality now. Especially, in sports. But there is a generation of women who have still been left behind and we tend to not think of them, but of the present and what science can do for us now. Of course, we might have a turn for the worst when we realize all this new life has its side effects..but time will tell. BTW you look marvelous in ORANGE!

  4. This is a beautiful orange styling. I really like this set! The yellow bag is lovely as well. Wonderful location and photos as well.

    It is true that there's no freedom of speech. People are pressured to side with whatever opinion is popular. I can understand why people choose to keep quiet on social media. People can get fired from their jobs if they say something that is perceived as negative by the woke media. So, one has to either stay silent or agree with whatever is deemed socially acceptable.

    I honestly don't like to debate online, because often everything we say is taken out of context, and it's hard to find people who know how to have an open discussion. Everyone is afraid of something or pressured into confirming.

    To allow men to compete against women in sports makes no sense from a scientific point of view. Obviously, the men will win because they are naturally more muscular and strong- so where's the competition? Perhaps the solution could be that transgender athletes have their own separate category, so they can still compete.

  5. Infelizmente vivemos numa época um pouco estranha, se por um lado a liberdade de expressão está a ser ameaça, por outro lado existem muitas pessoas que a usam para fazer e dizer o que lhes vai na cabeça sem pensarem duas vezes nos impactos das coisas!
    Sinceramente não vejo equilíbrio em algo tão fundamental!

    Beijos e Abraços,

    BLOG | Instagram

  6. Oh... things used to be .. simple.
    :) There was a time...
    Anyway.. maybe a special cathegory would solve this :).
    hugs !!

  7. Expressar a opinião de uma forma construtiva não faz mal a ninguém. Mas eu confesso que não sou muito de entrar em temas polémicos.
    Isabel Sá
    Brilhos da Moda

  8. Thank you for your honesty and candor.

  9. Orange looks good on you. Your approach to fostering open dialogue and embracing diverse opinions is both admirable and important. Creating a space where people feel comfortable sharing their thoughts, regardless of agreement or disagreement, can lead to richer discussions and deeper understanding.

  10. Orange is your colour :D Sharing what we think with others is amazing :D

  11. You look stunning! I love this color on you
    Julia x

  12. Hey! Du siehst toll aus! Orange ist eine meiner Lieblingsfarben, sie ist sehr fröhlich und ich habe sogar mehrere Paar Socken in einem ähnlichen Farbton :)


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