Vocês estão a par da febre que atacou as mulheres brasileiras e... acho que todas as mulheres ocidentais, bem... quase todas! Como sabem as novelas coreanas - os doramas - têm ganho muita popularidade e conquistaram o coração de muitas mulheres em todo o mundo. Esses doramas, com enredos envolventes e personagens cativantes, criaram uma imagem do homem asiático que está a dar a volta ao mulherio ocidental! Isto porque li um post num blog brasileiro, da minha amiga Lizzie, no qual ela escrevia o inferno que vivia, pois o seu marido - asiático - era assediado por muitas mulheres. Segundo ela, isso acontecia porque nos doramas o homem asiático é retratado como sendo fiél, gentil, protector, e incrivelmente carinhoso. Constratando com o homem brasileiro, que é infiel, mulherengo e menos atencioso, um verdadeiro galinha! E vocês tem conhecimento desta febre que atacou as mulheres por todo o mundo????
Hello dear friends and readers:
Are you aware of the fever that has attacked Brazilian women and? I think all Western women, well... almost all of them! As you know, Korean soap operas - K-dramas - have gained a lot of popularity and won the hearts of many women around the world. These K-dramas, with their engaging plots and captivating characters, have created an image of the Asian man that is turning Western women's heads! This is because I read a post on a Brazilian blog by my friend Lizzie, in which she wrote about the hell she was going through because her husband - Asian - was harassed by many women. According to her, this was because in K-dramas Asian men are portrayed as being faithful, kind, protective and incredibly affectionate. Compared to Brazilian men, who are unfaithful, womanizers and less attentive! And are you aware of this fever that has attacked women all over the world????😁😁😁
Nos doramas, os protagonistas masculinos são descritos como cavalheiros, sempre atentos às necessidades da parceira, sempre prontos a defendê-la de qualquer situação, sempre dispostos a fazer gestos românticos que parecem tirados de contos de fadas. Eles demonstram esse carinho, por exemplo, ao proteger a parceira da chuva com um guarda chuva e ficar com ela em tempos difíceis!!! Não está a chover, mas o sol forte obrigou-me a usar este guarda chuva... sol. Acho que tenho de mudar o meu foco para um homem asiático😁😁😁O que acham?? É uma ideia um pouco estapafúrdia, mas que tem piada, tem!!!
In K-dramas, the male protagonists are described as gentlemen, always attentive to their partner's needs, always ready to defend her in any situation, always willing to make romantic gestures that seem straight out of a fairy tale. They show this affection, for example, by protecting their partner from the rain with an umbrella and staying with her in difficult times!!! It's not raining, but the strong sun has forced me to use this umbrella. I think I need to change my focus to an Asian man😁😁😁What do you think? It's a bit of a silly idea, but it's funny, it is!!!
É curioso pensar que a popularidade dos doramas está a influenciar até as expectativas amorosas de muitas mulheres. A procura por um "princípe asiático" está a crescer de dia para dia e, não é raro ver em comentários nas redes sociais, as fãs dos doramas a dizer que gostariam de encontrar um homem com as características dos homens asiáticos. parece que de repente, estes homens tornaram-se no "sonho de consumo" para quem procura um relacionamento amoroso sério e estável! E, eu conheço, até, quem tenha ido viver para esse país tão interessante e exótico, que é a Coreia do Sul! A febre no seu expoente máximo!😁
It's curious to think that the popularity of K-dramas is even influencing the love expectations of many women. The search for an “Asian prince” is growing by the day and it's not uncommon to see female fans of K-dramas saying in comments on social media that they would like to find a man with the characteristics of the Asian men. It seems that these men have suddenly become the “consumer dream” for those looking for a serious and stable love relationship! And I even know people who have gone to live in the interesting and exotic country of South Korea! Fever at its peak! 😁
E, vocês minhas queridas leitoras, também veêm estes doramas na tv? Também suspiram e sonham com um homem asiático? A discussão está aberta e, eu quero saber: vocês estao prontas a caçar um "oppa" (namorado) perfeito? Partilhem as vossas opiniões, estou super curiosa para saber!
And do you, my dear readers, also watch these k-dramas on TV? Do you also sigh and dream of an Asian man? The discussion is open and I want to know: are you ready to hunt for the perfect “oppa” (boyfriend)? Share your opinions, I'm super curious to know!
Quanto ao meu look, inspirei-me nas mulheres coreanas, tentei entrar na sua personalidade delicada, muito cuidada e discreta, a cultura coreana valoriza muito o cuidado com a aparência. O padrão de beleza coreano é muito exigente, por isso elas são muito cuidadosas quando se trata da sua apresentação. Acham que eu personifiquei bem a mulher coreana?? Amigas, finalmente alegrem-se, já imaginaram a quantidade de chineses, japoneses e coreanos que andam por aí soltos no mundo, finalmente está a chover homens (It's raining men), e com essa música termino este post! Aléluia!!!😁😂😀
As for my look, I was inspired by Korean women, I tried to get into their delicate, very careful and discreet personality, Korean culture places great value on taking care of one's appearance. The Korean standard of beauty is very demanding, so they are very careful when it comes to their presentation. Do you think I personified the Korean woman well? Ladies, finally rejoice, can you imagine how many Chinese, Japanese and Koreans are out there single in the world, it's finally "raining men", and with that song I end this post! Hallelujah!😁😀😂
Hiiiii!! I love Geri's version of It's Raining Men. :D
As fo K drama.. I have seen some short clips. But .. but, I have seen better :)). J-drama. :))). Really. i mean, for me. I like the fact that no matter if there is a silly one, a serious one.. all j-drama have somehing to learn from. A good sense between reality and fantasy. So yeah.. I have seen quite a few. And I have seen also movies. But, one has to know a little bit about Japan. Otherwise, there will be a gap between expectation (especially if that person is fond of american movies...) and the reality of japanese dorama/movies. I love your outfit. You are very creative :* Hugs
Hello, despite this post, I've never seen a K-drama, but I found it very funny that the Brazilian blog post reported on this collective hysteria of Brazilian women who, because they watch K-dramas, choose Asian men as ideal for dating and marriage!!!
Oh, I'm not sure I agree...and I watch many K-dramas. I find the MLs rather cold from time to time. They can still put the FL through hell. Oh, of course, there are so many boybands around and they do live such sheltered lives even those actors in the K-dramas. It is a scandalous world as well. Which might lead to suicide if they aren't faithful. So its a double-edged sword. And if you go way back in historic times there was always the worry of women becoming a concubine if you wanted to get anywhere in the world. There world was full of slavery. Status is still something taken seriously there. Sorry to ramble..I am adoring your umbrella and the outfit that goes with it. All the best to a beautiful October.
But because of these K-dramas, Brazilian women really want to find an Asian man to marry, because Brazilian men are very womanising. These K-dramas give the wrong image of what these Asian men are really like.
What a fun post! I love how you captured the whole K-drama vibe and its influence on our romantic fantasies. It's interesting to see how these shows shape what we want in relationships. Your look is fabulous and definitely channels that elegant Korean style!
I don't watch Korean tv drammas or soap operas, actually I don't watch soap operas of any kind but I get now why you dressed like a Korean lady. The look is awesome I must say, for as I know, you caught the style very well.
I don't watch soap operas of any kind either, but on some blogs that talk about K-dramas, I learn a few things about how they influence women. I know a Portuguese blogger who even went to live in South Korea. Some people are fanatical about Korean culture!
Hello Marisa, I don't watch TV series, I don't really have time for it. You described it funny. I don't know if I want to look for a husband anymore. :) And you look beautiful in this bright dress. Prasol and shoes are great too. It's already cold and raining here. Kind regards.
I admit that I haven't heard of the excitement about Asian men before. I don't read K-dramas, and when it comes to Korean inventions, I love their cosmetics :) A fashionable umbrella - it goes great with the styling :) You look great :) Best regards
Oi Marisa! Já vi alguns doramas e gostei, mas não virei fã e nem ando a "caça" de homens orientais, se bem que os atores são maravilhosos, lindos demais! Mas será que na vida real eles são mesmo tão perfeitos? Acho que não. Vestidinho lindo, adorei! Beijos nas bochechas!🌺
Eu também acho que os homens asiáticos não são assim tão perfeitos. Os doramas exageram nas características deles, eu até acho que devem ser escritos por mulheres kkkk Mas a caça ao homem asiático acontece neste momento no Brasil! Obrigada! Bjs
What a cute outfit! I love the elegance of it. I think you captured the elegance of Korean woman perfectly. This feminine outfit is so polished. The leopard shoes are so chic....The leopard umbrella is the perfect touch. I think in Korea they put a lot of emphasis on protecting their skin from the sun.
The other day in the shopping centre I saw a Korean girl who had such perfect skin that she looked like a porcelain doll! How beautiful and delicate she was! Thanks!
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You look great, thanks for your sharing
ResponderEliminarThank you dear!<33
EliminarLove the leopard print!
ResponderEliminarI love Geri's version of It's Raining Men. :D
As fo K drama.. I have seen some short clips. But .. but, I have seen better :)). J-drama. :))). Really. i mean, for me. I like the fact that no matter if there is a silly one, a serious one.. all j-drama have somehing to learn from. A good sense between reality and fantasy.
So yeah.. I have seen quite a few. And I have seen also movies. But, one has to know a little bit about Japan. Otherwise, there will be a gap between expectation (especially if that person is fond of american movies...) and the reality of japanese dorama/movies.
I love your outfit. You are very creative :*
Eliminardespite this post, I've never seen a K-drama, but I found it very funny that the Brazilian blog post reported on this collective hysteria of Brazilian women who, because they watch K-dramas, choose Asian men as ideal for dating and marriage!!!
I love that print!
ResponderEliminarThank you very much!
EliminarOh, I'm not sure I agree...and I watch many K-dramas. I find the MLs rather cold from time to time. They can still put the FL through hell. Oh, of course, there are so many boybands around and they do live such sheltered lives even those actors in the K-dramas. It is a scandalous world as well. Which might lead to suicide if they aren't faithful. So its a double-edged sword. And if you go way back in historic times there was always the worry of women becoming a concubine if you wanted to get anywhere in the world. There world was full of slavery. Status is still something taken seriously there. Sorry to ramble..I am adoring your umbrella and the outfit that goes with it. All the best to a beautiful October.
ResponderEliminarBut because of these K-dramas, Brazilian women really want to find an Asian man to marry, because Brazilian men are very womanising. These K-dramas give the wrong image of what these Asian men are really like.
ResponderEliminarYou look fantastic in that dress. Amazing photos!
Thank you!
EliminarThis post is so fun! K-dramas really do change how we think about love.
ResponderEliminarThat's what I wanted, for people to have fun reading it!
EliminarNão sou fã de Doramas, mas penso que devo deve mais alguns para avaliar concretamente!
ResponderEliminarEntretanto deixa-me dizer-te que adorei o teu guarda-chuva!
Beijos e Abraços,
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Obrigada! Eu também não vi nenhum dorama, achei piada ao post que li sobre o assédio aos homens asiáticos feito pelas brasileiras!!!
EliminarGostei muito do seu look Marisa. Nunca assisti Doramas sabia?
ResponderEliminarBoa semana!
Lulu on the sky
Eu também não kkkkk!!!
EliminarMe gusto tu atuendo. Te mando un beso.
ResponderEliminarGracias, besitos😘
EliminarWhat a fun post! I love how you captured the whole K-drama vibe and its influence on our romantic fantasies. It's interesting to see how these shows shape what we want in relationships. Your look is fabulous and definitely channels that elegant Korean style!
ResponderEliminar😁😁😁 It's really funny how so many modern, intelligent women still confuse an exaggerated romantic story in dramatised situations with real life!
EliminarI don't watch Korean tv drammas or soap operas, actually I don't watch soap operas of any kind but I get now why you dressed like a Korean lady. The look is awesome I must say, for as I know, you caught the style very well.
ResponderEliminarI don't watch soap operas of any kind either, but on some blogs that talk about K-dramas, I learn a few things about how they influence women. I know a Portuguese blogger who even went to live in South Korea. Some people are fanatical about Korean culture!
EliminarHello Marisa, I don't watch TV series, I don't really have time for it. You described it funny. I don't know if I want to look for a husband anymore. :) And you look beautiful in this bright dress. Prasol and shoes are great too. It's already cold and raining here. Kind regards.
I know and like the song. :)
Thank you! I've never seen these K-dramas either! Nor am I interested in an Asian man, I just thought it was a funny topic to talk about here! Hugs!
EliminarI admit that I haven't heard of the excitement about Asian men before. I don't read K-dramas, and when it comes to Korean inventions, I love their cosmetics :)
ResponderEliminarA fashionable umbrella - it goes great with the styling :)
You look great :)
Best regards
In Brazil, women are madly looking for an Asian man, they're tired of Brazilian men who are womanisers!!! Hugs!
EliminarOi Marisa! Já vi alguns doramas e gostei, mas não virei fã e nem ando a "caça" de homens orientais, se bem que os atores são maravilhosos, lindos demais! Mas será que na vida real eles são mesmo tão perfeitos? Acho que não. Vestidinho lindo, adorei! Beijos nas bochechas!🌺
ResponderEliminarEu também acho que os homens asiáticos não são assim tão perfeitos. Os doramas exageram nas características deles, eu até acho que devem ser escritos por mulheres kkkk Mas a caça ao homem asiático acontece neste momento no Brasil! Obrigada! Bjs
EliminarWhat a cute outfit! I love the elegance of it. I think you captured the elegance of Korean woman perfectly. This feminine outfit is so polished. The leopard shoes are so chic....The leopard umbrella is the perfect touch. I think in Korea they put a lot of emphasis on protecting their skin from the sun.
ResponderEliminarYou look fantastic!
The other day in the shopping centre I saw a Korean girl who had such perfect skin that she looked like a porcelain doll! How beautiful and delicate she was! Thanks!