The Looks of the Week #135

Olá bem-vindos a mais um fabuloso post dos Looks da Semana! Esta semana não vou falar de como está o mundo, porque efectivamente, está a cada dia pior, então resolvi falar de uma fofoca. Vocês nem vão acreditar, mas o Cristinao Ronaldo zangou-se com a sua mulher Georgina, a sério!! O mais famoso futebolista da actualidade conhecido por fazer um esforço sobre-humano para manter uma vida saudável, está a viver uma situação complicada em casa. E porquê? As más línguas dizem que a Georgina contratou cozinheiras para cuidarem da alimentação da família, mas os menus têm dado muita dor de cabeça ao nosso Ronaldo. Ao que parece a sua Georgina gosta muito da feijoada portuguesa e de refrigerantes! No meio deste conflito gastronómico familiar estão muitos milhões das arábias a pagar as extravagâncias deste casal. Mas comer uma feijoada em pleno voo no jacto particular de Ronaldo nunca me passaria pela cabeça!!! Bem há gostos para tudo! Mas pondo de lado a feijoada da Georgina, apresento-vos 6 looks fantásticos que vos farão levitar de inspiração!


Hello and welcome to another fabulous Looks of the Week post! This week I'm not going to talk about how the world is doing, because it's actually getting worse every day, so I've decided to talk about some gossip. You're not going to believe it, but Cristiano Ronaldo is angry with his wife Georgina, really!!! Today's most famous footballer, known for making a superhuman effort to maintain a healthy lifestyle, is experiencing a complicated situation at home. Why? Evil tongues say that Georgina has hired chefs to take care of the family's meals, but the menus are giving Ronaldo a headache. Apparently his Georgina is very fond of Portuguese feijoada (Portuguese food made with beans and pork) and soft drinks! In the middle of this family gastronomic conflict, there are many millions from the Arab world paying for this couple's extravagances. But eating a feijoada in the middle of a flight on Ronaldo's private jet would never have crossed my mind!!! Well, there's a taste for everything! But leaving aside Georgina's feijoada, I present to you 6 fantastic looks that will make you levitate with inspiration!


Eu sei que é uma pergunta díficil de responder, mas qual o look que mais gostam? Eu não me consegui decidir! Este vestido com esta cor maravilhosa faz-me sempre sentir poderosa. O equilíbrio perfeito entre sofisticação e sensualidade!

I know it's a difficult question to answer, but which look do you like the most? I couldn't decide! This dress in this wonderful colour always makes me feel powerful. The perfect balance between sophistication and sensuality!





A foto mais antiga que tenho deste vestido é de 2012, mas o vestido é muito anterior a esta data. Foi fotografado num cabide porque nesta época estava muito gordinha e ele não me servia. Mas, como entretanto, emagreci voltei a usá-lo e adorei a forma como ele me fica. É uma boa sugestão de look para os jantares de Natal!

The oldest photo I have of this dress is from 2012, but the dress is much older than that. It was photographed on a hanger because at that time I was very overweight and it didn't fit. But since I've lost weight I've worn it again and I love the way it looks on me. It's a great look for Christmas dinners!


 Qual o vosso look favorito? Contem-me tudo nos comentários, estou curiosa para saber!!

What is your favorite look? Tell me everything in the comments, I'm curious to know !!






17 comentários

  1. I adore Monday's skirt so much! I wish I had it. Actually, I have one in black but have never worn it anywhere. You look fab in Fuchsia! Oh, some trendy looks indeed. Awesome line up for the week, and so cool to look at the past too. Such a lovely post! Wishing you a beautiful weekend! Thanks for reading and thank you for your comments❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


  2. Your winter outfits are beautiful, I love them all.
    Sunday and Monday particularly excite me.

    Wish you a very nice weekend, hugs

  3. I love all of them! Especially the gold skirt and green dress.


  4. Lindos atuendos. Me gusta el del viernes. Te mando un beso.

  5. I love the firts outfit the most. The dress has a wonderful colour and the jacket is so cool. 💗💗💗
    Today is very sunny outside (but cold). I really hope good things will wait for us in the future :)
    Hugs :*

  6. So beautiful.

  7. Eu simplesmente ameeeeei os looks!

  8. Olá!
    Amei os looks da semana, gostei de novos estilos e as combinações ficaram bem legais.

  9. I cannot decide either. You look so stunning in that statement dress...and both the past and the present look is gorgeous.
    I love all of the outfits you have presented here!

  10. I love your round-ups, you're so colourful and gorgeous! It's a tricky one but I think Friday's outfit might be my favourite, the Baroque printed jumper and your tiny waist accentuated by that gorgeous belt. That green taffeta dress is beautiful, too!
    Cristiano Ronaldo must be very difficult to live with. He looks so fit and healthy but all that self-discipline must be a trial for his poor wife! xxx

  11. Bom início de semana, minha querida amiga Marisa. Imagino suas fotos e looks maravilhosos, aqui no Brasil. Grande abraço carioca.

  12. Um look mais bonito que o outro.

    Boa semana!

    O JOVEM JORNALISTA está no ar cheio de posts novos e novidades! Não deixe de conferir!

    Jovem Jornalista

    Até mais, Emerson Garcia


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