A semana passada a Greta Thunberg passou por Portugal a caminho de de Madrid para a Cimeira do Clima. Li um post que ironizava que as bandas rock iriam deixar de fazer digressões mundiais evitando, desse modo, andar de avião, que como todos nós sabemos, é um transporte altamente poluente e, por isso é que a Greta não o faz!! Mas sobre isto já falei aqui neste post.
Last week Greta Thunberg passed through Portugal on its way to Madrid to the Climate Summit. I read a post that mocked that rock bands would stop touring the world, thus avoiding flying, which as we all know, is a highly polluting transport and that's why Greta doesn't fly! But about this I already mentioned here in this post.
O mais grave para estes jovens grevistas às aulas em luta pelo clima é que estas bandas rock vão deixar de dar espectáculos em festivais rock!! Uiiii!!! Agora é que dói!! É isto mesmo que estão a ler!!! Os festivais de verão que se fazem por todo o país vão acabar!!! ahahhhah!!! E porquê? Porque nestes festivais se fazem toneladas de lixo, especialmente plásticos!! E, quem faz este lixo? Os jovens, muitos grevistas à aulas pelo clima!!
The most serious thing for these young school strikers fighting for the climate is that these rock bands will stop giving shows at rock festivals! Wow!!! Now it hurts !! This is exactly what you are reading!!! Summer festivals around the country will end!!! ahahhhah !!! And why? Because in these festivals tons of garbage are made, especially plastics!! And who makes this trash? Young people, many school strikers for the climate!!
Não me lixem, mas somos todos defensores do clima mas não estamos dispostos a viver como há 300 anos atrás, porque é isso que a Greta quer!! Querem abdicar do conforto que têm em prol do ambiente? Acreditam que há outros interesses por detrás da Greta Thunberg? Estão dispostos a fazer greve aos festivais rock e levar este e outros negócios à falência? Como aquele que faz rir... os jovens!! Quem está disposto a isto?? Falar é fácil. Praticar? Só em greve às aulas, claro!
Don't screw me, but we are all climate advocates but we are not willing to live like 300 years ago, because that's what Greta wants!! Do you want to give up your comfort for the environment? Do you believe there are other interests behind Greta Thunberg? Are you willing to strike rock festivals and bankrupt this and other businesses? Like the one who makes laugh... young people!! Who is willing to this?? Talking is easy. Practice? Just on school strike, of course!
Look: Zara
Blusa/Blouse: Purificacion Garcia
Carteira e Bóina/Bag and Beret: Stradivarius
Anéis/Rings: Parfois
Hope you like it!!! And keep reading..
Gosto muito do look!!! Bj
ResponderEliminarQue chique
A bolsa está bonita.
Cores do Vício
very true, protesters hardly ever think through any knock on impact and they don't event want to see/acknowledge a bigger picture and their interconnections. hey ho this is the world we are living in.
ResponderEliminarYou look fabulous, what a powerful look you created!! xx
Elegant Duchess xx
Casaco e bolsa bonitos, combinaram ♥
Oh que conjunto mais diferente
Novo post
Tem post novos todos os dias
Wow!! This look is super from head to toe!! You look stunning!
ResponderEliminarOlá Marisa! Um look lindo!
ResponderEliminarInvítote a passar pelo meu blogue. Beijo!
Não estou a ver ninguém querer voltar à idade da pedra. para poupar o meio ambiente....no entanto há sempre algo que os governantes podem fazer para minimizar o impato da poluição...num mundo cada vez mais industrializado.
ResponderEliminarIsabel Sá
Brilhos da Moda
Isabel Sá
Brilhos da Moda
Totally agree with you about Greta! This phenomenon started on right basis but, in my opinion, is becoming more and more ridicoulous with time!
ResponderEliminarThere are obviously interests behind, she is pure marketing, and I guess that her followers are mainly very young people not because youngers are more sensible to the climate issue than adults, but just because they're more naive!
Very nice and chic outfit anyway, love the combo of classic and romantic pieces!
que look lindo! adorei os detalhes em verde e gostei mt do blazer
Great look. I love the skirt :-D
ResponderEliminarI love your outfit. There's quite a lot to think about, the younger generation is very different nowadays. As long as the motives come from the heart. I agree one should understand ramifications generally.
ResponderEliminarOi Marisa,
ResponderEliminarQue look mais charmoso. Tenho um casaco parecido com o seu e essa bolsa verde é uma graça.
big beijos
Lulu on the sky
Maravilhosa e sempre exalando estilo.
Ainda bem que essa história de não ir às aulas para lutar pelo meio ambiente não chegou por aqui. Existem maneiras mais eficientes para lutar pelo meio ambiente, mas ninguém quer deixar o conforto de lado.
ResponderEliminarAdorei o seu look. O verde e o preto ficaram perfeitos.
You look stunning and I believe there are many ways to help the planet we can all do a little and no I will still have my holidays and we can do a lot for example recycling Much love xoxo Cris
Greta is just a marketing product, basically the aim is right but the means aren't.
ResponderEliminarYou look great with this outfit Marisa, I love that skirt!
Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger
Hi dear,
ResponderEliminarI am trying to live eco but I know there are things that it's difficult to avoid. It's good that young people try to do something to fight with the climate but I think strike it's not an option. I prefer deeds than talking :-)
I like so much your outfit- so original and in your style :-) You are like a fashion butterfly my dear xx
This is indeed a strange demand ... But I love your look, you look wonderfully elegant and I like it so much how you combined the pieces and colours together!
ResponderEliminarxx Rena
Chique e elegante!
ResponderEliminarAdorei a combinação de preto e verde.
Love this look, Great post!
ResponderEliminarI'm following you! X.
This outfit has so much sass, lady- I love it!
Le Stylo Rouge
My opinion is that Greta is a spoiled and aggressive teenager but then when I was her age, I didn't understand how complex this world was either. It is something one learns with years. Today ecology is a fashionable subject and people exploit it to get to media attention. Many people who are advocates for environment have private jets and fly them all the time- talk about hypocrisy. What is better for the environment, 500 people travelling in an airplane for two hours or 500 people travelling in cars for 20 hours? Either way, people will travel. No means of transport is completely ecological. Air travel is safe, much safer than road traffic. There is a lot of hypocrisy among the preachers of ecology. How come all those fighters for the environment buy island homes and mansions? Obviously they do not believe that the sea will rise in the next few days.
ResponderEliminarYou look great in this outfit! Very elegant and chic.
Já há alguns festivais em que não dão copos de plástico para diminuir a produção de lixo! :) Gostei do look. Beijinhos
O diário da Inês | Facebook | Instagram
Beautiful outfit, Marisa.!
ResponderEliminarHappy week!
I like the green with the black, nice touches of colour! :)
ResponderEliminarI'm making little changes - we take a lot of public transport, and walk, and we don't fly often (although with Australia being so big sometimes flying is the only choice!). I feel there's no harm in trying to leave the world in a better state for our kids - and the worst thing that could happen is that we will create a better world, which isn't bad at all! I'm trying to use resuable things more and recycle more too :)
Hope that your week is off to a great start! Going to be a busy one here with lots of fun Christmas events :)
Away From Blue | Handbag Gift Guide
Que look lindo, amei.
ResponderEliminarDevemos nos preocupar com o meio ambiente e trabalhar para que conseguimos deixar o mundo ainda habitável, só que é tão frustrante como todo mundo só finge se importar e em não praticar o real ato.
I agree with you...
ResponderEliminar# beautiful outfit
Eu amei o look, achei bem chic :). Esse lenço verde ficou demais!
Mundo Perdido da Carol
Instagram: @carolinsweet
Fan Page
Há que lutar por um meio ambiente muito melhor mas o conforto também é essencial!! (há muita coisa por trás dela com certeza, outros interesses)
You look very cool. Great accessories in this green colour :) best regards
ResponderEliminarClaro que há interesses à volta da miúda.
ResponderEliminarGostei do look.
Nice look!
ResponderEliminarXoxo ♡
Sei vestita egregiamente. Bello il colore verde che fa da padrone su tutto l'outfit.
I always enjoy reading your thoughts on different topics! And I love the pops of green in this outfit. You always look great!
ResponderEliminarx Kara | http://karascloset.net
Adoro a blusa, cores garridas ahahahahah
This was a really interesting post to read. While there is something to be said for the idea that every little bit helps, I think it's better to choose the things that matter most and tackle those when it comes to helping the environment.
ResponderEliminarKathrin | Polar Bear Style