O escritor português José Rodrigues dos Santos (JRS) no seu último livro "Imortal" - JRS é o Dan Brown português - obra de ficção, cuja matéria é real, ou seja baseia-se em factos reais e a partir daí ficciona uma história.
The Portuguese writer José Rodrigues dos Santos (JRS) in his latest book "Immortal" - JRS is the Portuguese Dan Brown -, a work of fiction, but whose subject is real. Let's say the writer relies on real facts to then fictionize a story.
Feitas as apresentações, vamos ao que interessa, vocês nem vão acreditar em que é que o JRS se foi basear!! É algo que eu também desconhecia, devo confessar!! Segundo este escritor, que também é jornalista, os chineses estão a criar uma super raça humana através da manipulação do ADN e, pasme-se o homem que vai viver eternamente já nasceu!!! E, isto não é ficção isto é a realidade!!
After the presentations, let's get down to business, you won't even believe what JRS was inspired by!! It's something that I also didn't know, I must confess!! According to this writer, who is also a journalist, the Chinese are creating a super human race through DNA manipulation and, amazed the man who will live forever is already born!!! And this is not fiction this is reality !!
Isso mesmo que vocês leram!! Pois a ciência já chegou no ponto onde é possível viver para sempre. Esste homem é uma espécie de Adão antes de comer a maçã - mas este até pode comer muitas.... entenda-se maçãs ahahah!!! - E, mais incrível de tudo é que afinal o Adão é chinês!! Ahahah!! Uma espécie de super herói chinês, qual herói da Marvel!! Chinês!!! Tipo Tartaruga Ninja, Jackie Chan!
That's right what you read!! Science has already reached the point where it is possible to live forever. This man is a kind of Adam before eating the apple - but this one can even eat many.... understand apples ahahah!!! - And most amazing of all is that Adam is Chinese after all!! Ahahah !! A kind of Chinese super hero, not Marvel hero!! Chinese!!! Like Ninja Turtle or Jackie Chan!
Vocês conseguem imaginar o que é viver eternamente? Uma sociedade que ninguém morre, é isto o futuro. A única coisa em perigo de morrer é mesmo o planeta!! Seremos todos deuses imortais e, por isso escolhi este conjunto de saia e blusa em pied de poule porque é um padrão imortal, isto é um clássico minhas amigas, é daqueles padrões que nunca está fora de moda, vai viver para sempre!!!
Can you imagine what it is like to live forever? A society that no one dies, this is the future. The only thing in danger of dying is really the planet! We will all be immortal gods and so I chose this set of skirt and blouse in pied de poule because it's an immortal pattern, this is a classic my friends, it's one of those patterns that is never out of fashion, it will live forever!!!
Uma bela roupita para uma deusa, não acham? Podem encontrá-la na DRESSLILY Uauuuuu!!! Para finalizar, este casaco da Blair do blog Atlantic-Pacific, estupendo, fantástico, que máximo!!! Gostaram? Contem-me tudo nos comentários, vou adorar ler!!!
A nice outfit for a goddess, don't you think? You can find it at DRESSLILY wowwww!!! Finally, this coat from Blair Atlantic-Pacific blog, stupendous, fantastic, how great!!! Did you like it? Tell me everything in the comments, I will love to read !!
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Podem ver aqui no video de um minuto o super herói chinês ahahah!!!
You can see here in the one minute video the Chinese super hero ahahah!!!
In my opinion we are not made to live forever, so probably an immortal human being will be crazy and at the end destroy himself... Anyway I totally love your outfit!!! That coat looks wonderful and the color is so chic! The perfect pairing with a b&W outfit! You look very very nice, Marisa! :D XO S https://s-fashion-avenue.blogspot.com
Marisa, eu gosto especialmente do vestido, o vestido está muito na moda ultimamente não, eu não gostaria de viver para sempre - meus parentes não serão difíceis de imaginar ... saudações Lili
Really??????? The first immortal human being is chinese??? I new they were rising stars but now they have really surprised me! I want to learn more about it. I really LOVE your fluffy coat!! and the dress as well! Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger Facebook Bloglovin'
No caso de alguma vez a imortalidade ser descoberta, será coisa para ricos e depois ficaremos a viver num filme qualquer desses que têm feito sobre esta temática! :) Gostei do look. Beijinhos -- O diário da Inês | Facebook | Instagram
Nunca li nada do homem, nem tenciono. Estou mesmo a ver o filme, nunca mais largamos a praga das lojas dos chineses :)) Beijinho e as melhoras desse pé.
The teddy bear coat trend (especially with belts) is a firm favourite of mine right now and the mint green colour of the one you're wearing here is an absolute dream! Loving the combination with the houndstooth printed dress too - fabulous! :)
That is a spectacular dress. We call that pattern "hounds tooth". I love the cut of it - very nice on you. I love that fuzzy coat so much! It looks very snuggly.
This skirt and blouse set is wonderful and you look great wearing it. I also read a short story in which a Chinese government tried to buy the immortality elixir but in this story the inventor's plane crashed so nobody got the immortality elixir. I think that science will be able to make some people live longer (it will never be available to everyone because humans value their worthiness by the things other lack, so it will only be available to people in power). However, I don't think that true immortality is possible. Prolonged life? Definitely.
Dear Marisa, your dress is super lovely and I like it together with the green coat. No, I don't want to live forever - I think one day it will become boring and the world will be overcrowed finally! Unbelievable that this man in China is already born ... xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena www.dressedwithsoul.com
this was so interesting for reading. I'm not surprise because now we have robot influencers, so I thing that future that we look in SF movies is coming.
New Post - http://www.exclusivebeautydiary.com/2019/11/by-terry-gloss-terrybly-shine-cupcake_4.html
You look fabulous wearing the DressLily houndstooth top with the coordinated skater skirt. The book 'Immortal' sounds fascinating, as does the idea of living forever. I love your immortal goddess outfit and love your YouTube videos!!!!!! They are wonderful (I subscribed).
A very interesting post, I don't know if I would like to live forever, but I would like to live as much as life has a meaning for me. Since we are on this topic, I remember that 20 years ago when I was in highschool, we studied a research that stated that the human body was designed and planned to live until 140 years old and in this era, the only reason why we are living less is depending on our habits, choices, foods, stress, vices. Ours or of those next to us.
Esse casaco é incrível, amei. Que bom que todos temos um ciclo de vida e não somos eternos, imagine o caos que seria. Beijos http://www.dearlytay.com.br/
What a cute houndstooth outfit! :) I think it's interesting but a little scary when people mess with DNA! I think science can be very helpful but there's a difference between messing with something and helping people, haha!
Your green coat is so cute and cosy - looks nice and warm like a bathrobe!
Hope that you had a great weekend! Thank you so much for joining the #weekdayWearLinkUp :) I just posted this week's linkup, I'd love you to join again! :)
Oi!!! Eu tive (ou ainda tenho algures) um vestido nesse padrão feito na loja da Kitty's na Figueira!!! Foi o meu presente dos 17 anos e foi dos meus vestidos prediletos!!! Estás muito gira e elegante!!! Bj
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Marisa essa possibilidade é assustadora!
Seu look esbanja charme!
Boa semana 🌹
Fiquei fã do vestido e do casaco, quanto ao livro não li e até já estou com medo… Bjs
ResponderEliminarEu ADOREI esse vestido, tanto modelo como estampa!
ResponderEliminarUm abraço,
Blog Patricia Faria
Fanpage Patricia Faria
Não é vestido é saia e blusa❤
Eliminarmesmo com a bota vc está divina! amei o vestido e a cor do casaco
Adorei o casaco e o vestido!
ResponderEliminarLindo seu look :)
Cool chat and I like the color!!
NUEVO POST!!! NEW POST IN MY FASHION BLOG!! 💃🎶🎵: http://www.adrianosle.com/2019/11/mtv-ema-2019-sevilla.html
Assusta um pouco mas temos de seguir em frente!!!
ResponderEliminarFotos lindas, beijinhos.
Oh que lindo vestido, adorei o conjunto
Novo post
Tem post novos todos os dias
You look great! I love your dress and the long coat.
ResponderEliminarA nice Chinese music in your video. Thanks.
Esse vestido é lindo, adoro o padrão. O look ficou incrível.
I love the colour of your coat!!
Effortlessly Sophisticated
In my opinion we are not made to live forever, so probably an immortal human being will be crazy and at the end destroy himself...
ResponderEliminarAnyway I totally love your outfit!!! That coat looks wonderful and the color is so chic!
The perfect pairing with a b&W outfit!
You look very very nice, Marisa! :D
Gostei bastante do look.
Lovely words! Love how you're rocking the outfit. Minty green suits you super well :)
Marisa, eu gosto especialmente do vestido, o vestido está muito na moda ultimamente
ResponderEliminarnão, eu não gostaria de viver para sempre - meus parentes não serão difíceis de imaginar ...
Really??????? The first immortal human being is chinese???
ResponderEliminarI new they were rising stars but now they have really surprised me! I want to learn more about it.
I really LOVE your fluffy coat!! and the dress as well!
Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger
No caso de alguma vez a imortalidade ser descoberta, será coisa para ricos e depois ficaremos a viver num filme qualquer desses que têm feito sobre esta temática! :) Gostei do look. Beijinhos
O diário da Inês | Facebook | Instagram
Tudo tem um começo e um fim, até a vida. Não sei se iria gostar muito de ser imortal :o
ResponderEliminarGostei do casaco!
Não adianta ter a imortalidade e não ter um planeta para viver.
ResponderEliminarO seu vestido é muito bonito. Essa estampa é um clássico.
Marisa que look mais lindo adorei as fotos, quem dera se pudesse-mos ser eternos mas eu não queria era envelhecer hahaha!!
ResponderEliminarBeijos ♥
I love the bag!
ResponderEliminarIl tuo outfit è strepitoso.
I follow you blog, do you want to reciprocate to mine?
Nunca li nada do homem, nem tenciono.
ResponderEliminarEstou mesmo a ver o filme, nunca mais largamos a praga das lojas dos chineses :))
Beijinho e as melhoras desse pé.
The teddy bear coat trend (especially with belts) is a firm favourite of mine right now and the mint green colour of the one you're wearing here is an absolute dream! Loving the combination with the houndstooth printed dress too - fabulous! :)
ResponderEliminaraglassofice.com x
Não conheço esse autor que você mencionou no post e amei o seu look
ResponderEliminarbig beijos
Que vestido lindo! E uma pena que se o tal homem aí viver pra sempre nos não estaremos aqui pra saber se é verdade, kkkkkk.
Anete Oliveira
Blog Coisitas e Coisinhas
I love the dress, but I definitely don't want to live forever...
That is a spectacular dress. We call that pattern "hounds tooth". I love the cut of it - very nice on you. I love that fuzzy coat so much! It looks very snuggly.
ResponderEliminarWhat a pretty outfit babe... looking gorgeous.. :-)
ResponderEliminarBeauty and fashion/Glamansion
This skirt and blouse set is wonderful and you look great wearing it. I also read a short story in which a Chinese government tried to buy the immortality elixir but in this story the inventor's plane crashed so nobody got the immortality elixir. I think that science will be able to make some people live longer (it will never be available to everyone because humans value their worthiness by the things other lack, so it will only be available to people in power). However, I don't think that true immortality is possible. Prolonged life? Definitely.
Mi piace tantissimo la tua pelliccia... tonalità stupenda!!
O look está giro. Quanto ao livro fiquei com vontade de ler.
ResponderEliminarIsabel Sá
Brilhos da Moda
Dear Marisa, your dress is super lovely and I like it together with the green coat. No, I don't want to live forever - I think one day it will become boring and the world will be overcrowed finally! Unbelievable that this man in China is already born ...
ResponderEliminarxx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
Love this look, Great post!
ResponderEliminarI'm following you! X.
Esse conjunto ficou ótimo em você!
Cores do Vício
Both your coat and dress are fabulous- you have so unique style my dear Marisa and I love it
You rock girl! :)
ResponderEliminarthis was so interesting for reading. I'm not surprise because now we have robot influencers, so I thing that future that we look in SF movies is coming.
ResponderEliminarNew Post - http://www.exclusivebeautydiary.com/2019/11/by-terry-gloss-terrybly-shine-cupcake_4.html
Confesso que não sou fã do JRS, mas devo concordar que o conceito da obra até me parece interessante!
Ontem é só Memória | Facebook | Instagram
You look fabulous wearing the DressLily houndstooth top with the coordinated skater skirt.
ResponderEliminarThe book 'Immortal' sounds fascinating, as does the idea of living forever.
I love your immortal goddess outfit and love your YouTube videos!!!!!! They are wonderful (I subscribed).
my blog
my YouTube
my Twitter
Que look sensacional com esse casacão perfeito!
ResponderEliminarUm beijo,
scary if we all immortal...
ResponderEliminarYes, I agree that classic is never die...
This coat looks so soft and cozy! Love it!
Le Stylo Rouge
Very nice look
ResponderEliminarxoxo ♡
You look amazing my dear! Great review and beautiful photos! :)
ResponderEliminarA very interesting post, I don't know if I would like to live forever, but I would like to live as much as life has a meaning for me. Since we are on this topic, I remember that 20 years ago when I was in highschool, we studied a research that stated that the human body was designed and planned to live until 140 years old and in this era, the only reason why we are living less is depending on our habits, choices, foods, stress, vices. Ours or of those next to us.
ResponderEliminarEsse casaco é incrível, amei.
ResponderEliminarQue bom que todos temos um ciclo de vida e não somos eternos, imagine o caos que seria.
I love the print of that matching skirt and blouse! It looks beautiful with the coat. You always look amazing Marisa!
ResponderEliminarx Kara | http://karascloset.net
looking beautiful
ResponderEliminarThe Glossychic
Wonder Cottage
Belo vestido!
ResponderEliminarBoa semana.
Até mais, Emerson Garcia
Jovem Jornalista
I absolutely love your outfit! You're right that that it's truly a classic print.
ResponderEliminarAs for the immortal bit, how interesting! I'm going to have to read more about this.
Ekaterina | Polar Bear Style
What a cute houndstooth outfit! :) I think it's interesting but a little scary when people mess with DNA! I think science can be very helpful but there's a difference between messing with something and helping people, haha!
ResponderEliminarYour green coat is so cute and cosy - looks nice and warm like a bathrobe!
Hope that you had a great weekend! Thank you so much for joining the #weekdayWearLinkUp :) I just posted this week's linkup, I'd love you to join again! :)
Away From Blue
Oi!!! Eu tive (ou ainda tenho algures) um vestido nesse padrão feito na loja da Kitty's na Figueira!!! Foi o meu presente dos 17 anos e foi dos meus vestidos prediletos!!!
ResponderEliminarEstás muito gira e elegante!!! Bj