Look Nº 484 - SkirtsXTrousers

No final do séc. XIX as mulheres começaram pela primeira vez a usar calças, com a revolução industrial, fizeram-no para trabalhar nas fábricas. Com a II Guerra Mundial e, na falta de homens mobilizados para a guerra, com o racionamento de produtos nomeadamente de vestuário, as mulheres começaram a usar a roupa dos maridos, calças entenda-se, para realizar as tarefas mais duras. Com o pós guerra as mulheres usavam calças sobretudo em actividades de lazer.

In the late nineteenth century women first started wearing trousers, with the industrial revolution, they did so to work in factories. With World War II and, in the absence of men mobilized for war, with rationing of products namely clothing, women began to wear the husbands clothes, understandably trousers, to do the hardest tasks. With the post war women wore trousers mainly in leisure activities.

Só na década de 1960 o estilista André Courréges introduziu as calças, no universo feminino, como um item de moda. As primeiras mulheres a fazê-lo em sociedade escandalizaram mentalidades. Nos anos 60 as hippies vulgarizaram o uso de jeans tornando-as um item icónico de moda. Actualmente em alguns países árabes, as mulheres que arriscarem usar calças podem ser presas e serem punidas severamente. É este o contexto histórico das calças no guarda roupa feminino. 

Only in the 1960s the designer André Courréges introduced trousers into the female universe as a fashion item. The first women to do so in society scandalized mentalities. In the 1960s hippies made the use of jeans popular, making them an iconic fashion item. In some Arab countries today, women who risk wearing trousers can be arrested and punished severely. This is the historical context of trousers in the women's wardrobe.

Mas, agora vocês perguntam-se o porquê desta apresentação?
Nas últimas eleições em Portugal foi eleita uma deputada de um partido radical, no dia em que se apresentou no Parlamento, esta deputada foi acompanhada pelo seu assessor - homem- que se apresentou de... saia!! Ficou Portugal escandalizado, mas eu penso que são apenas sinais dos tempos. As sociedades evoluídas estão a mudar e não tardará que homens de saias se torne vulgar e comum, tal como aconteceu com as mulheres a usarem calças. Com uma diferença, elas foram umas feras a usarem-nas e, por isso o meu casaco de leopard print!!!

But, now you wonder why this presentation?
In the last elections in Portugal was elected a member of a radical party, the day she appeared in Parliament, this member was accompanied by her advisor - man - who present himself in ... skirt!! Portugal was scandalized, but I think it's just signs of the times. Evolved societies are changing, and soon men in skirts will become ordinary, just as women wear trousers. With one difference, women were wild beasts wearing them, so my leopard print coat!!!

Eu só lamento... já que era para ir de saia que não tenha escolhido um modelo mais bonito ahahahah!!! Já que era para escandalizar mentalidades conservadoras pelo menos fazia-o em bom!!! Ahahahahhah!!! E vocês o que acham? Ficavam, também, escandalizadas? Gostaram do meu casaco? Contem-me tudo nos comentários, vou adorar ler!!!

I only regret ... since it was to go in skirt that he did not choose a prettier model ahahahah !!! Since it was to scandalize conservative mindsets at least he could do it in great style!!! Ahahahahhah!!! And you, what do you think? Are you also scandalized? Do you like my coat? Tell me everything in the comments, I will love to read!!!
Casaco/Coat: QED LDN Aqui/Here
Calças/Trousers: Zara
Top: Zara
Carteira/Bag: Cortefiel
Anéis/Rings: Swarovski and Parfois
Óculos/Sunglasses: Hilfiger

Hope you like it!!! And keep reading..
And follow me on Instagram: @marisasclosetblog

36 comentários

  1. Marisa... eu sou mulher de calças desde menina e moça!
    Gosto do casaco... aliás o look é bem elegante!
    Quanto à saia no deputado não me escandalizou!

  2. Hi Marisa,
    so great he wore a skirt! I think it should be okay for both genders to wear skirts and trousers. At least women are free know to wear trousers! Like your look, what a wonderful blouse!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  3. O casaco tem um padrão bem bonito

    Novo post
    Tem post novos todos os dias

  4. beautiful blouse....

    # Love to read your thought....men with skirt

  5. O que as pessoas usam nunca me escandaliza. Por mim os homens podem usar saia e o que eles quiserem.
    Adorei o seu casaco. Parece bem quentinho.


  6. Adoro o teu casaco, deve ser quentinho
    Eu também acho que o homem devia ter levado outro tipo de saia, por exemplo uma mini!

  7. I find it boggling that women so rarely wore pants/trousers prior to the 60s - I think Coco Chanel pioneered the "pajama pant" long before Courreges did, though. I adore your fun outfit - that fur is outrageous! What a lovely blouse with the lace inset.

    Hooray for a man wearing a skirt! Why the heck not?? They are so much more comfy than trousers.

  8. É incrível como uma peça de roupa consegue causar tanta controvérsia -.-

  9. Todo es estupendo ! El post genial! Buenas noches! 🧡🧡🧡

  10. Fiquei apaixonada pelo casaco!!

  11. Não fiquei nada escandalizado muito pelo contrário, o meu comentário foi parecido, o mal não foi levar uma saia, foi o não levar uma saia mais bonita! =)
    Gostei do look! =D


  12. Wonderful combo my dear, I love your fur :-)

  13. acho bem chic looks assim com calça e esse casaco é um escândalo de lindo


  14. Não consigo imaginar a minha vida sem calças e se eu as posso usar porque é que os homens não podem usar saias?! Estou de acordo que todos usem aquilo com que se sentirem mais confortáveis! :) Beijinhos
    O diário da Inês | Facebook | Instagram

  15. OI Marisa, gostei da introdução com a história do uso das calças pelas mulheres e do assessor fazendo uso da saia. Lindo o seu look de calça e casaco arrasador. Gostei do cenário das fotos também.

    Inventando com a Mamãe / Instagram  / Facebook / Pinterest

  16. I do LOVE your coat, definitely my style. I love pants, I can't live without them but I have to be honest...a man with a skirt? If you're a scotsman then ok otherwise.....
    Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger

  17. Não me sinto ofendido por isso - todos podem usar o que sentem bem, independentemente do sexo ☺
    legal é pele ☺

  18. Your coat looks so cosy and it's great you can still wear pants even with the boot on your leg!

    it's interesting the man chose to wear a skirt, but like you said fashion always changes and evolves! :)

    Hope that you have a great weekend ahead of you! It will be a quiet one here, we are all a little unwell and the smoke haze means we need to stay indoors mostly!

    Away From Blue

  19. Amei seu look!!! e hoje em dia vestimenta nenhuma me escandaliza.


    Anete Oliveira
    Blog Coisitas e Coisinhas

  20. Got to love this coat... it looks super hug-gable!
    Happy weekend Marisa <3 Radi


  21. Yes, of course I love your coat! Also, adore the goldden jewellery. I actually intentionally wear trousers and a suit to work certain days, espeicially when it's presentation day at work because it's mostly in a room full of men.

  22. I like your coat and your butterfly ring, Marisa! So pretty!

  23. I saw men in skirts and it didn't scandalize me, I think everyone should wear what they want. I think skirts are a more healthier option for both man and woman, but sometimes pants are more comfortable. I read in a paper about one professor in Croatia who wears maxi denim skirts because he had prostate cancer and can't wear pants anymore. He always dressed in a punk rock style so now pairs his skirts with Dr. martens, I think they suit him very well and it is good that he was able to keep his style. As for the Portuguese assistant, it seems to me that he only wants to draw attention to himself. Maybe I'm wrong. You're right too. If he decided to go against the rules, he could have worn a more dramatic skirt.

    The first woman to wear pants in my home city was arrested. She was the first woman to wear pants in Croatia, and I think she just returned from Paris where the fashion started and was immediately brought to the police. I'm not exactly about the date when it happened, it was either the late nineteen or early twentieth century. Funny how times changes, isn't it?

    You look gorgeous in your pants. You're always so stylish!!!

  24. Such a fabulous and stylish outfit! Enjoy your weekend.


  25. Man in skirt. I don't know what think about that, but I saw trend in few fashion shows. Maybe in few years it will become normal. And your coat is perfect. I like it so much.

    New Post - http://www.exclusivebeautydiary.com/2019/11/declare-caviar-perfection-luxury-anti_14.html

  26. Gostei da história das calças femininas. Seu look está incrível.
    Bom fim de semana!

    Até mais, Emerson Garcia

    Jovem Jornalista

  27. I like how great you look with any clothes you wear. You've got the look! :)

  28. I just love that women have the option to wear trousers now!! You look fabulous especially in that coat, Marisa.

  29. What was the aim of him being in a skirt? The pleated midi skirt he wore is quite pretty but he could have paired it with a more scandalized fitted top in leopard print! hahah. I enjoyed reading your post as I learned something new everyday. Guys here do wear a sarong-like garment during really hot and humid weather. Granted, it's not official wear to a parliamentary meeting. I love what you had worn, though! The leopard coat is such a statement, just like you! :D xoxo


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