The Looks of the Week #29

Bem-vindos a mais um Looks da Semana! E que semana de Verão!! É assim, em Portugal temos este sol maravilhoso durante quase todo o ano.Mas, para este fim de semana a previsão é de chuva oh! Posso vos sugerir a leitura dos posts anteriores se não puderem sair de casa, aqui encontrarão muita inspiração de moda! Então boa leitura!

 Welcome to another Looks of the Week! And what a summer week!! It's like this, in Portugal we have this wonderful sun almost all year round. But for this weekend the weather forecast is rain oh! I can suggest you to read the previous posts if you can't leave home, here you will find a lot of fashion inspiration! So I wish you a great reading!


Este conjunto que vos apresento é composto por blusa+calças - eu sei que parece uma saia - e sempre usava as duas peças juntas e, diziam-me sempre que o vestido era bonito, eu ficava chateada por não perceberem que efectivamente não se tratava de um vestido, pelo que resolvi apresentar uma única peça, neste caso as calças! Acho que ficou muito bonito também, não acham?? 

This set that I present to you is composed of blouse+pants - I know it looks like a skirt - and I always wore the two pieces together and you always told me that the dress was beautiful, I was upset that you didn't realize that it actually wasn't about a dress, so I decided to present a single piece, in this case the pants! I think it's very nice too, don't you think??





 Então, digam-me lá qual é o vosso look preferido? Qual o dia da semana que preferem?

So, tell me what is your favorite look? What day of the week do you prefer? 




25 comentários

  1. Escolha difícil, gosto de todos.

    Bom fim de semana.


  2. Looks lindíssimos. Não gostei da foto das muletas por motivos óbvios.
    Tenha um fim de semana de Saúde, Paz e Amor.
    Pensamentos e Devaneios Poéticos

  3. I love how you wear white and how you can accent it from a maxie skirt to a beautiful scarf! Stay Beautiful!

  4. Digo-lhe uma coisa- Qualquer "trapinho lhe fica bem :))
    Amei todos os looks
    Traçando os caminhos sombrios
    Beijos, e excelente fim de semana.

  5. Love the pop of green!
    have a great weekend,

  6. You have such an amazing sense of fashion Marisa! You always look amazing! Have a great weekend!

  7. Wednesday style is lookin great... Happy weekend Marisa:)

  8. Não é mesmo que tens aí conjuntos bem bonitos
    Novo post
    Tem post novos todos os dias

  9. both pants and dresses are beautiful.....

    # Stay healthy and strong

  10. Me gusta el look del martes y jueves. Te mando un beso

  11. Amazing outfits. I love the printed palazzo pants you wore on Monday. First I thought that it was a maxi skirt but then I read your text. I also really like the outfit with the green blazer.

  12. Great outfits. The most I like the Wednesday oufit ;)

  13. Terça e quinta, gosto muito dos dois.

  14. Beautiful looks, Monday and Tuesday sets are my favorites.

  15. Very nice blogsite! Thanks for providing this site. All dresses you shared in this post fit you very well. I love all of them. Happy day.

  16. Such great outfits! I love the first one with the pants - they really look like a skirt and the set does look so much like a dress worn together :)

    Hope you had a good weekend :) We made the most of the nice sunny days after a rainy week, with a local market event and a morning at the park.

    Away From The Blue

  17. As usual, all of the outfits you styled and wore during the week look fabulous!
    My favourite look is the outfit from Wednesday, featuring the white lace blouse paired with the pleated skirt and accessorised with the square-handled bag and yellow scarf.

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  18. Love all of these looks but my favorite are Wednesday and Friday! Obsessed with your green bag as well.

    Maureen |

  19. Um look mais incrível que o outro!

    Boa semana!

    Jovem Jornalista

    Até mais, Emerson Garcia


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