Look Nº 822 - Pablo Neruda's... Skirt???

 Bem-vindos a mais um fantástico post do blog Marisa's Closet! Neste cenário improvável foi rodado um filme que poucos conhecem, mas que foi a primeira versão desse maravilhoso filme "O Carteiro de Pablo Neruda" - no original "Il Postino" - já estão situados no tema deste post? Pois fiquem a saber que na serra atrás de mim existe uma casa - A Casa dos Cogumelos - que segundo dizem viveu o próprio Pablo Neruda! Mas, infelizmente isso é mentira! A verdade, verdadinha é que ele não viveu lá, mas o filme  "Ardente Paciência" do realizador chileno Antonio Skármeta, foi filmado lá nessa famosa casa e por aqui, onde me encontro, a praia de Quiaios!

  Welcome to another fantastic post on the Marisa's Closet blog! In this unlikely setting, a film was shot that few people know about, but which was the first version of that wonderful film "Pablo Neruda's Postman" - in the original "Il Postino" - are you already on the subject of this post? Well, you should know that in the hills behind me there is a house - The Mushroom House - where Pablo Neruda himself is said to have lived! But unfortunately that's a lie! The truth is that he didn't live there, but the film "Ardiente Paciencia" by Chilean director Antonio Skármeta was filmed there in this famous house and here, where I am, on Quiaios beach!

Se repararem na minha saia, ela é composta de várias tiras que imitam folhas de papel, cartas, sim as cartas do filme Il Postino, se repararem algumas dessas tiras exibem uma caligradia delicada, contendo trechos das poesias imortais do poeta Pablo Neruda, imagino eu e agora vocês!. Cada palavra flutua no ar, evocando a magia das palavras deste renomado poeta.
If you look at my skirt, it's made up of several strips that imitate sheets of paper, letters, yes the letters from the film Il Postino (The Postman), if you look at some of these strips they show delicate calligraphy, containing excerpts from the immortal poetry of the poet Pablo Neruda,  I imagine and now you! Each word floats in the air, evoking the magic of the words of this renowned poet.

Esta saia, mais do que uma peça de vestuário, é uma ode à sensibilidade e à paixão pela poesia. Ela evoca não só a genialidade de Pablo Neruda, mas também a atmosfera envolvente da sua casa na Isla Negra, onde as palavras ganham vida entre as paredes da sua biblioteca repleta de livros!
This skirt, more than a garment, is an ode to sensitivity and passion for poetry. It evokes not only Pablo Neruda's genius, but also the enveloping atmosphere of his home on Isla Negra, where words come to life between the walls of his book-filled library!

Entrelaçada nesta narrativa está essa obra-prima cinematográfica "Ardente Paciência" do renomado realizador chileno Antonio Skármeta, Esta obra, mais tarde, e como já disse, seria adaptada como o "O Carteiro de Pablo Neruda", filme que nos transporta para um mundo onde a poesia se entrelaça com a vida quotidiana de uma pequena vila costeira, aqui em Quiaios. O filme trata de uma amizade improvável  entre um carteiro simples e o grande poeta Neruda, enquanto juntos exploram os mistérios da vida, amor e poesia!

Woven into this narrative is that cinematic masterpiece "Ardiente Paciencia" by the renowned Chilean director Antonio Skármeta. This work would later, as I said, be adapted as "Pablo Neruda's The Postman", a film that transports us to a world where poetry intertwines with everyday life in a small coastal town, here in Quiaios. The film is about an unlikely friendship between a simple postman and the great poet Neruda, as together they explore the mysteries of life, love and poetry!

Quem não se lembra do carteiro Mario que se torna amigo do famoso poeta exilado Pablo Neruda? Através dessa amizade Mario descobre a beleza da poesia e do amor, enquanto Neruda encontra inspiração na vida simples e nas pessoas comuns ao seu redor. É uma obra cinematográfica cativante. Pergunto eu, quem chorou a ver este filme?
Who doesn't remember the postman Mario who befriends the famous exiled poet Pablo Neruda? Through this friendship Mario discovers the beauty of poetry and love, while Neruda finds inspiration in the simple life and ordinary people around him. It's a captivating piece of cinema. I ask you, who has cried watching this film?

As tiras desta saia que parecem ser as cartas que Neruda escreve em poesia para o amor do carteiro Mario fazem magia nestas fotos num exagerado pôr do sol na praia de Quiaios, asseguro-vos que da Casa dos Cogumelos, casa de Neruda no filme, se assiste ao mais belo Pôr do sol da zona centro de Portugal!
The strips of this skirt that seem to be the letters that Neruda writes in poetry to the postman Mario's love make magic in these photos of an exaggerated sunset on Quiaios beach, I assure you that from the House of Mushrooms, Neruda's house in the film, you can see the most beautiful sunset in central Portugal!

Look: Zara


 A Casa dos Cogumelos, onde parte do filme foi gravado, assume um papel de cenário encantador, onde a magia da natureza se mistura com a magia da poesia. Cada canto da casa parece contar uma história, cada janela abre uma visão para o mundo de possibilidades, assim como as tiras da saia revelam trechos da vida e da obra de Neruda! É como se a saia, com a sua própria narrativa escrita, se fundisse com o cenário do filme, criando uma atmosfera onde a poesia a imaginação e a realidade se encontram num abraço poético! Deixo-vos com um trailer poético da obra de Antonio Skármeta "Ardiente Paciencia"! Espero que gostem!

  The Mushroom House, where part of the film was shot, takes on the role of an enchanting setting, where the magic of nature mixes with the magic of poetry. Every corner of the house seems to tell a story, every window opens up a view into the world of possibilities, just as the straps of the skirt reveal snippets of Neruda's life and work! It's as if the skirt, with its own written narrative, merges with the film's setting, creating an atmosphere where poetry, imagination and reality meet in a poetic embrace! I leave you with a poetic trailer for Antonio Skármeta's "Ardiente Paciencia"! I hope you enjoy it! 




"I want to do with you what spring does with the cheery trees"


Thanks for reading!!!
Marisa Cavaleiro Torres



52 comentários

  1. What a fabulous post! Such a great location and a great outfit to celebrate this film and poet! You are dazzling in the sunlight. Such a beautiful skirt. Happy May!

    1. Thanks Ellie, it really is a magical place! The skirt is stunning!

  2. Belo post. Adorei seu look, bem bonito! Isso na calça são poesias impressas? Genial!

    Boa semana!

    O JOVEM JORNALISTA está no ar cheio de posts novos e novidades! Não deixe de conferir!

    Jovem Jornalista

    Até mais, Emerson Garcia

    1. Na minha imaginação são poemas de Pablo Neruda escritos pela sua própria mão!!

  3. That Pablo Neruda's skirt is simply perfect.
    I like how you styled it too
    .I love Neruda's poetry.
    It's truly immortal and timeless.
    Another timeless thing is ying and yang, black and white.
    I really like the elegance of this black and white styling.
    It's very elegant and at the same time very sexy.
    You look absolutely gorgeous.
    Wonderful styling, location and photography!!!!

    1. Thanks Ivana! This is one of my favourite looks ever! And this post, its message and the look I think they complement each other very well!

  4. Um local lindo e um look absolutamente fantástico.

  5. Did you create this outfit? It is fantastic.
    And the place... it has a sense of magic in it. Thank you for telling us all this iteresting informations. I really enjoyed readind it, while admiring the photos.
    Hugs!! :*

    1. Oh thank you so much for this comment! Let's just say I've created a story for my skirt, which from this post onwards will always be the skirt of the poet Pablo Neruda! I did the styling!

  6. To be honest, I don't know the movie.
    The style is interesting and very pretty, as is the place for photos :)

    1. The best known version of the film is "Il Postino", but the film that was shot here on Quiaios beach is the first version from 1983, "Ardiente Paciencia"! Hugs!

  7. What a fascinating blend of cinematic history and literary inspiration! It's incredible how a single film can weave together so many elements of culture and creativity. The Mushroom House and Quiaios beach must hold a special allure for fans of "Il Postino," despite the poetic license taken with Pablo Neruda's actual residence. Your skirt looks like a beautiful tribute to the power of words and the enduring legacy of Neruda's poetry. Thanks for sharing this enchanting insight! Read my new blog post.

    1. Thank you very much for your comment, that's right! I like my clothes to have a story to tell, I look for poetic meanings in them. And why not the poetry of Pablo Neruda? The Mushroom House is a fascinating place, so fascinating that it's said that Pablo Neruda himself lived there!!! Taking advantage of this story, I've created this post!


  8. The skirt is fantastic. I love your outfit, it suits you very well.

  9. A sua saia é um charme.

  10. Oh you can so pull off a skirt like this Love it!

    Allie of

  11. Gorgeous as usual!

    Allie of

  12. Dear Marisa, I must say first of all that even if I know the great poet Pablo Neruda, I didn't know anything about Skarmeta's novel Neruda's postman and even less about the movie and I should feel ashamed about that since the actor that played the postman character was the Italian famous actor Massimo Troisi who was enchanted by the novel and purchased the rights, wrote the scenography and found producers to make the film in which he was also the protagonist. It was sad for me to discover in this occasion that Troisi actually died right after its completion and the film received several nominations and awards. I am sure that only a great novel could have inspired such a great actor to adapt the story and I just added its name on my reading list.
    I thank you very much for this post because you literally opened my eyes and helped me discover such a masterpiece and great writer.
    I also love the way you described your dress, very poetic and artistic, emphasizing each of its elements and fully capturing its delicate, almost ethereal beauty.

    1. Hello my dear Flo, I can also give you the following information, in 2022 a new film adaptation of this work by Skarmeta was made, it is available on Netflix, of course it does not compare with the quality of the work "Il Postino", the original title is "Ardiente Paciencia"! I didn't realise that the actor died before seeing his work critically acclaimed and winning awards! I'm very happy to have introduced you to a new writer! As for my look, I wanted it to do justice to the quality of the work of both writers and the film "Il Postino"!

    2. Thank you for these further informations, I can't wait to find the book, sadly it is not available on my usual website but I won’t give up!
      P.S: Troisi literally gave his heart for that movie. He had a heart condition and had a heart surgery before filming and he almost died during that surgery. The doctors told him he should have a heart transplant but he didn't want to pospone making the movie. He got signed great actors and director so even if he had to pospone the filming in order to restablish himself after the surgery, he was so eager to put that novel into a film that just as he said: "he made that movie with his heart".
      Now that I know there is a second movie, I am even more intrigued now 😉 Thank you again!

    3. Now I like the film even more, knowing how much effort Massimo put into it! And he's right, you can tell the film was made with heart! It's so beautiful!

  13. Uau, arrasador o look de hoje.
    Em especial na praia 🙂

  14. Great article and elegant style. Your dress is beautiful. Success for you

  15. Wow, das steht dir echt gut. Vor allem die Farben harmonieren super. LG Romy

    1. Translation:
      Wow, this looks really good on you. The colours in particular harmonise really well.

      Wow thank you very much!

  16. Sylvie Meis products are only available in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and sometimes in the Netherlands. Oh yes this sportswear is so nice, I love the colours and the comfort.

    Great post, this outfit looks super cute =) It's perfect for a boat trip or girls night.

    1. I hadn't thought of a boat trip, but it sounds great!!! Thank you!

  17. A sai é muito bonita e criativa. A estampa com o poema é um charme.

  18. Que bela praia, com essa passarela de madeira. Gosto muito do Pablo Neruda:
    " Ainda que chova, ainda que doa.
    Ainda que a distância corroa as horas do dia e caia a noite sem estrelas,
    o mundo brilha um pouquinho mais a cada vez que você sorri."
    Beijos e boa semana! :-)

    1. E eu estou a sorrir! Que lindo! Só mesmo as palavras de um Prémio Nobel!
      Acho que os comentários a este post terminaram com chave de ouro!

  19. Stunning photos and views. I love this skirt.
    Julia x


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