The Looks of the Week #115

Olá! Bem-vindos a mais um fabuloso post dos Looks da Semana! Esta semana, um fenómeno impressionante surpreendeu os céus de Espanha e Portugal, transformando a noite em dia. Um cometa, ou talvez um meteoro, atravessou a atmosfera com um brilho tão intenso que deixou todos fascinados. Cientistas e, todos nós, ficámos maravilhados com a beleza e a raridade deste evento. O brilho foi tão forte que foi visto em diversas partes da Peninsúla Ibérica, esta espectacular visão levantou questões sobre se foi visível em outros países próximos. Pergunto aos meus leitores internacionais se viram, ou ouviram falar neste evento astronómico? Enquanto este espectáculo natural captou a atenção de muitos, quero saber se os meus looks da semana também são dignos de igual fascínio. Afinal, ambos têm o poder de iluminar os nossos dias, cada um à sua maneira, claro! Convido-vos a explorarem os looks que preparei para vos encantar com o mesmo poder de um cometa a rasgar os céus! Venham daí!

Hello and welcome to another fabulous Looks of the Week post! This week, an impressive phenomenon surprised the skies of Spain and Portugal, turning night into day. A comet, or perhaps a meteor, passed through the atmosphere with such an intense glow that it left everyone mesmerised. Scientists and the rest of us marvelled at the beauty and rarity of this event. The brightness was so strong that it was seen in several parts of the Iberian Peninsula, and this spectacular sight raised questions about whether it was visible in other nearby countries. I ask my international readers: have you seen or heard of this astronomical event? While this natural spectacle has captured the attention of many, I want to know if my looks of the week are also worthy of equal fascination. After all, they both have the power to brighten up our days, each in their own way, of course! I invite you to explore the looks I've prepared to enchant you with the same power as a comet tearing through the sky! Come along! 


Este vestido é a peça chave para qualquer estação. Seja um evento formal ou um passeio casual, ele adapta-se perfeitamente a qualquer ocasião. Com saltos altos e acessórios elegantes para um look sofisticado ou com umas botas e um bom casaco de Inverno para um estilo mais descontraído. Qual é o vosso styling preferido?

This dress is the key piece for any season. Whether it's a formal event or a casual stroll, it adapts perfectly to any occasion. With high heels and elegant accessories for a sophisticated look or with boots and a good winter coat for a more relaxed style. What's your favourite style?



Considerem este look um falhanço total, acho que foi quando o cometa passou por mim  e devo ter sido atingida por algum fragmento, este look é um desastre espacial hahahha!! 
Consider this look a total failure, I think it was when the comet passed me by and I must have been hit by some fragment, this look is a space disaster hahahha!!!



 O Animal print é a tendência que nunca sai de moda. Estas calças têm 10 anos no meu closet, e ninguém diria que sobreviveram a uma década de estilo! Adoro confrontar o tempo e ver como o meu estilo e a minha aparência evoluíram ao longo dos anos. O que acham desta combinação um pouco mais irreverente de 2024? Podem rever o post de 2014 aqui. Qual a vossa favorita?
 Animal print is the trend that never goes out of fashion. These trousers are 10 years old in my wardrobe, and no one would say they've survived a decade of style! I love confronting time and seeing how my style and look have evolved over the years. What do you think of this slightly more irreverent combination from 2024? You can review the 2014 post here. Which is your favourite?
Então, digam-me lá qual é o vosso look preferido? Qual o dia da semana que preferem?

So, tell me what is your favorite look? What day of the week do you prefer?




32 comentários

  1. You wear leopard so well! I like the way you mixed this up, bring pops of color to your wardrobe! Great fringe! Always pretty in pink. Love the looks!
    Of course, I didn't want to be found in my gown last night when we had to go to the basement due to a tornado. I did manage to be in my favorite sleep plants and found my pink sweat shirt. Thankfully, the winds hit hard, but didn't destroy anything at hour house.

    1. I'm glad to hear it was all just a big scare! Thank you for your comment!

  2. You had a nice outfit week. Spring-like, pretty and also elegant.
    Sunday's outfit is sensational, it's my favorite this time.

    1. Yes, Sunday's look is marvellous, you've made a beautiful choice!

  3. Hi :)
    I have not seen or heard abour the astronomical event.You made me curious :). I have to ask mister google :))).
    I love the looks of the week. My faves this time are tuesday and wednesday :D.
    I really liked the travelling in time - with the trousers :)
    Hugs :*

    1. For those who like astronomical events, this one was spectacular: the comet turned night into day when it passed by! I love time travelling too!

  4. Lindos atuendos mi preferido es el del martes. Te mando un beso.

  5. Thank you very much for this beautiful post, I didn't hear anything about this astronomical event, I was busy with work. You look wonderful in all the photos. Have a nice weekend.

    1. Thank you, it was an unexpected and magical event!
      Just like my looks hahahah!!!

  6. What an incredible week for both the skies and your fashion! The dazzling comet lighting up Spain and Portugal must have been a breathtaking sight, much like your stunning looks of the week.

    1. That's exactly the analogy I made! It was a magical event, just as I want my looks to be!

  7. Oh yes strawberries with sugar are also really delicious <3
    It's always a challenge but it makes so much fun and it's good for yourself. I'm always proud if I'm doing something alone.
    Thanks, we will have fun on the street food festival =)

    Great outfits again =) I like your styles.
    The pink dress looks so beautiful, I would wear it too <3 Pink is such a great colour. I also love the animal printed pants, looks super cool. And so nice that you have animal printed bags, I want some too but I don't find them in our stores :D
    I wish you a lovely weekend too

    1. Thank you! I also love animal print on bags, trousers and dresses, it's a classic pattern and it's on trend this year, to think that these trousers are already 10 years old!!!

  8. Olá! Eu fico com o look da quinta-feira, usaria na hora, adoro estampas animal print!
    Um cometa? Não sabia! Queria ter visto! Beijos!

    1. Eu também não vi, só ouvi o barulho que fez, mas tem muitos videos no youtube. O look de quinta é o máximo, também gosto muito🥰😍😘

  9. Um acontecimento que adorava ter visto.
    Todos os looks são lindos mas escolho o de quinta feira.

  10. Die Blume im Haar ist einfach fantastisch. LG ROmy

    1. Translation:
      The flower in the hair is simply fantastic.

      Thank you, I love it too!

  11. Hello Marisa,
    Your outfits are all very stylish. I like to see your outfits. Thanks for sharing and have a good week :) ♥

    1. That's my goal, that people love to see what I publish! Thank you!

  12. Are you saying Tuesday is the disaster? I disagree. That's my favorite.

    1. Okay, I don't think I looked good in the pose I struck, but all the clothes I'm wearing are very nice!

  13. Marisa, your looks are always so inspiring!
    I love how you can turn any piece into a versatile outfit.
    Sunday’s dress is absolutely stunning, perfect for any occasion.
    The animal print trousers on Thursday show how timeless certain styles can be.
    My favorite has to be the dress from Sunday - it's both elegant and adaptable.

    1. Yes, I like to show that clothes can be worn in different ways and that a dress can be formal but can also be worn casually!

  14. Como sempre, você arrasa com os looks. Gostei de acompanhar.

    Boa semana!

    O JOVEM JORNALISTA está no ar cheio de posts novos e novidades! Não deixe de conferir!

    Jovem Jornalista

    Até mais, Emerson Garcia

  15. I heared about this phenomenon that was visible in the Iberian peninsula but I didn't got to see images of it. I can only imagine that it was spectacular. Your looks are very impressive too, I like especially the looks for Sunday and Tuesday. As for your question regarding your style 10 years appart, all I can say is that your 2014 look predicted this style evolution that we are witnessing today as good becomes great and inspiration becomes talent.

    1. Thank you, dear Flo! It was indeed a spectacular phenomenon but at the same time frightening for those who watched it, a fireball turned night into day, such was the power it reached, scientists tell us that the object / meteor will have broken up in the atmosphere and that what remained will have fallen into the Pacific Ocean! As for your thoughts on the evolution of my style, I'm speechless, what is therapy for me is also an inspiration for my readers and I think it's also therapy, because here they can dream of the vibrant colours that are the hallmark of my style!


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