The Looks of the Week #116

Olá, bem-vindos a mais um fabuloso post dos Looks da Semana! Esta semana trago-vos não 5, mas 6 looks incríveis. Cada um deles representa uma faceta diferente das tendências de moda que adoro explorar. A minha paixão por roupas é evidente e faz parte de quem sou. Este gosto não surgiu do nada, foi cultivado desde a infância, quando eu observava a minha mãe e a minha tia a costurar a nossa roupa. Essas memórias preciosas moldaram o meu interesse pelas roupas. Lembro-me que quando era criança e me perguntavam o que queria ser quando crescesse. Eu respondia sempre com entusiasmo: "Quero ser costureira" Naquela época, não havia os estilistas como os conhecemos actualmente e, essa era a minha visão do futuro, inspirada pelo talento e dedicação da minha mãe e da minha tia. Eu era a melhor aluna da escola, mas o meu coração estava na moda, não na medicina ou na advocacia. É engraçado como a vida dá voltas e trouxe-me até aqui, a este blog de moda, apesar de ter feito um caminho académico completamente diferente! Espero que gostem dos looks desta semana e que eles vos inspirem a explorar o vosso próprio estilo pessoal!

 Hello, welcome to another fabulous Looks of the Week post! This week I'm bringing you not 5, but 6 incredible looks. Each one represents a different facet of the fashion trends I love to explore. My passion for clothes is obvious and is part of who I am. This taste didn't come out of nowhere, it was cultivated from childhood, when I watched my mum and aunt sewing our clothes. These precious memories moulded my interest in clothes. I remember as a child being asked what I wanted to be when I grew up. I always replied enthusiastically: ‘I want to be a seamstress.’ Back then, there were no fashion designers as we know them today, and that was my vision of the future, inspired by the talent and dedication of my mum and aunt. I was the best student at school, but my heart was in fashion, not medicine or law. It's funny how life twists and turns and brought me here, to this fashion blog, despite having taken a completely different academic path! I hope you enjoy this week's looks and that they inspire you to explore your own personal style!




Este look é perfeito para quem adora misturar conforto com estilo. Um look onde uma camisola de renda é a estrela e foi uma compra no meu closet, como podem testemunhar pelo look de 2018. Lembro-me perfeitamente bem deste look porque foi a última vez que fui ver o Cortejo da Queima das Fitas da Universidade de Coimbra, a minha universidade! Se quiserem ver este post podem fazê-lo clicando aqui!
 This look is perfect for those who love to mix comfort with style. A look in which a lace shirt is the star and was a purchase in my wardrobe, as you can see from the 2018 look. I remember this look perfectly well because it was the last time I went to see the Queima das Fitas parade at the University of Coimbra, my university! If you want to see this post, you can do so by clicking here!





A Taylor Swift deu dois concertos em Portugal, eu confesso que não sou fã, não sou capaz de trair a minha rainha da pop Madonna, mas dado o cenário de histeria que se montou à volta desta cantora, resolvi idealizar um look para ir ver o concerto desta estrela mediática, O que acham, estou à altura da Tay Tay???
Taylor Swift gave two concerts in Portugal, I confess I'm not a fan, I'm not capable of betraying my queen of pop Madonna, but given the hysteria that has built up around this singer, I decided to idealise an outfit to go and see this media star's concert, what do you think, am I up to Tay Tay??? 


Inspirado pelas ruas das grandes cidades, estes looks com este blazer de tweed são ousados e cheios de personalidade. São looks com toques de modernidade. Com vestidos, calças, este blazer estruturado com detalhes subtis acrescenta valor a qualquer um dos looks, mas também conforto e versatilidade! Trés chic diria a própria Coco Chanel 😁!!
Inspired by the streets of big cities, these looks with this tweed blazer are bold and full of personality. They are looks with a touch of modernity. With dresses or trousers, this structured blazer with subtle details adds value to any look, but also comfort and versatility! Trés chic as Coco Chanel herself would say 😁!!!
Então, digam-me lá qual é o vosso look preferido? Qual o dia da semana que preferem?

So, tell me what is your favorite look? What day of the week do you prefer?



34 comentários

  1. Oh, so hot and RED! And I love the Taylor Swift Look too! Wonderful top from 2018! Yes, you have rocked it this week! I love those bags too! All the best to a fantastic JUNE🩷

    1. Thanks Ellie, this week I've worked hard to present several fashion trends to inspire you for the whole week! Happy June, time flies, it's only the beginning of the year!!!

  2. Todos lindos e elegantes. Adorei especialmente o look de terça-feira.


  3. Every outfit is beautifully combined and looks great.
    Monday and Friday are my favorite outfits.

    1. Two very nice looks! I'm suspicious, I like them all ahahhah!!!

  4. Amei ver os looks. Tem alguns bem diferentes legais para passear em parques.

  5. Lovely - this is a sort of present/gift for 1st of june :D. It is a very playfull and colorfull session of looks of the week. I really like your choices! My faves this time are tuesday and wednesday.
    I would love to know how to create and sew clothes (even for dolls).
    Hugs .*

    1. I know how to make clothes from ready-made patterns, but my problem is that I don't know how to sew!!! I only know how to do hand stitches! I was very pleased to hear that you thought these looks were a kind of gift for the 1st of June, International Children's Day! Thank you!

  6. Me gusta el del lunes y viernes. Te mando un beso.

  7. I really like the look of "Wednesday"
    You look nice and elegant in this dress :)

  8. Tough choice this week. I like quite a lot of them. I'll say Tuesday. A happy accident, I'm sure, but the reflection in the sunglasses makes for an especially satisfying photo.

    1. That's what I'm trying to do to make your choice more difficult hahahh! Tuesday's look is very pretty and comfortable!

  9. My friend was really happy about her new cosmetic bag =)

    Great post with nice outfits again =)
    I like the yellow blouse, looks super cute.

    1. And it was a purchase in my wardrobe and I don't think you can tell it's from 2018!

  10. Der Hut schützt seine Haut super vor schädlichen Sonnenstrahlen. LG Romy

    1. Yes, the sun in Portugal is very strong, and it ages the skin!

  11. Pretty Tuesday outfit with that green shade :D

    1. Good choice, it's the most comfortable look in this round-up!

  12. Um look mais incrível que o outro. Parabéns por compartilhar.

    Boa semana!

    O JOVEM JORNALISTA está no ar cheio de posts novos e novidades! Não deixe de conferir!

    Jovem Jornalista

    Até mais, Emerson Garcia

  13. It is difficult to choose one. I like that you have your own style. xoxo

  14. That red mini dress is so gorgeous on you.
    But I do love all of these outfits.

  15. So many great outfits. I love the red dress.
    Julia x


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