Look Nº 824 - Throw Back Places #3

 Bem-vindos a mais um fabuloso post da máquina do tempo! Esta máquina diabólica transporta-nos no tempo e no espaço! Desta vez vamos viajar até ao dia 1 de Maio de 2022, ao Bad Blog Day! Voltei a um lugar onde fotografei um outfit que adorei e estava com o meu cabelo de sonho! Naquele momento, em que posava para as fotos, a minha cabeça estava cheia de pensamentos e preocupações quotidianas que, por mais importantes que parecessem, eram minúsculas em comparação com o horror da guerra na Ucrânia.

 Welcome to another fabulous Time Machine post! This diabolical machine transports us through time and space! This time we're going to travel back to 1st May 2022, Bad Blog Day! I went back to a place where I photographed an outfit I loved and I had my dream hair! At that moment, when I was posing for the photos, my head was full of everyday thoughts and worries which, however important they seemed, were tiny compared to the horror of the war in Ukraine.

Hoje, dois anos depois, estou de volta ao mesmo lugar, com uma sensação semelhante. Coincidentemente, este também é um daqueles dias em que nada parece dar certo, um verdadeiro bad blog day. É impressionante como as coisas mudam e, ao mesmo tempo, permanecem iguais. A guerra na Ucrânia ainda continua e ao que parece continuará por tempo indeterminado.
Today, two years later, I'm back in the same place, with a similar feeling. Coincidentally, this is also one of those days when nothing seems to go right, a real bad blog day. It's amazing how things change and yet remain the same. The war in Ukraine is still going on and it looks like it will continue indefinitely.

Não quero fazer um discurso tipo Miss Universo, mas é inevitável desejar um mundo sem guerras. Infelizmente, o futuro não se mostra promissor. As constantes notícias de conflitos, violência e desespero fazem-nos questionar se realmente perdemos o significado da paravra ESPERANÇA. Num mundo melhor, onde as pessoas possam viver em paz, sem medo e sem sofrimento.
 I don't want to make a Miss Universe speech, but it's inevitable to wish for a world without wars. Unfortunately, the future doesn't look promising. The constant news of conflicts, violence and despair makes us wonder if we have really lost the meaning of the word HOPE. In a better world, where people can live in peace, without fear or suffering.

Talvez precisemos de encontrar novas formas de cultivar essa esperança, através de pequenas acções de solidariedade e empatia. Embora o cenário mundial não inspire optimismo, não podemos permitir que a desesperança tome conta de nós. Precisamos acreditar que, mesmo na escuridão, existem luzes que nos podem guiar. E, talvez um dia possamos viver num mundo onde a paz e a harmonia sejam mais do que meros sonhos!
Perhaps we need to find new ways of cultivating that hope, through small actions of solidarity and empathy. Although the world scenario doesn't inspire optimism, we can't allow hopelessness to take hold of us. We need to believe that, even in the darkness, there are lights that can guide us. And maybe one day we can live in a world where peace and harmony are more than just dreams!

Hoje, enquanto revejo essas fotos e penso sobre o que permaneceu igual, faço um apelo silencioso para que não desistamos de lutar por um mundo melhor. Que cada um de nós possa ser uma pequena chama de esperança, iluminando o caminho para um futuro mais brilhante e mais justo.

Today, as I review these photos and think about what has remained the same, I make a silent plea for us not to give up the fight for a better world. May each of us be a small flame of hope, lighting the way to a brighter and fairer future.


 Já agora pergunto, qual o look que mais gostaram!!

  By the way, what's your favourite look?




Thanks for reading!!!
Marisa Cavaleiro Torres



40 comentários

  1. It’s incredible how a place can hold so many memories and emotions.
    Your reflection on the ongoing war in Ukraine is a powerful reminder of the world's harsh realities.
    As for the outfits, I must say, the look from 1st May 2022 is my favorite! The way you styled your hair was just perfect and the outfit really made a statement.

    1. I think we should always talk about war and all its horror, so that war itself never becomes a normal thing that the world has to live with! Thank you for your opinion!

  2. I liked it a lot, it's a new favourite festival for me =) We danced a lot, the music was great and I loved the location.

    Great post with nice pictures, this place looks super interesting and I like your outfit a lot =)

    1. This place is a castle, although you can't tell from these photos!

  3. Nice pink and white look, I love the different textures in the outfit! <3


  4. Assim espero. Que esse mundo possa ter paz, amor e alegria, porque temos vivido dias difíceis e conturbados.

    Boa semana!

    O JOVEM JORNALISTA está no ar cheio de posts novos e novidades! Não deixe de conferir!

    Jovem Jornalista

    Até mais, Emerson Garcia

    1. Isso é o que todos queremos, mas nem todos nós cultivamos isso nas nossas vidas!

  5. Wonderful outfit - full of hope. Like a cheery blossom. Remind me of Sakura :).
    I love all the pieces of the outfit. I think my sister had a pair of boots like that!
    The place you were to... where is it? The ruins have something to do with an earthquake? Or....

    About the war.. this is so.. sad that in our times a war still exits. Not only a war.. but too many, sadly.

    HOPE is what we have. And trying our best to be good persons,

    1. This place is what remains of a great castle in Portugal! It's in ruins because it has centuries of history!
      Your comment is very beautiful and assertive, the power relations of those in charge in this world is what causes wars, I think also the ignorance of peoples! Thank you for your comment! Hugs!

  6. So pretty in pink! Love the location! Such a fun post. Great to see you in fabulous lace. Adoring the new outfit the most! Awesome Throw Back Edition🩷

    1. The concept of this post is certainly funny, the theme not so much! Cheers!

  7. I like the style from two years ago the most.
    Indeed, unfortunately, there is no indication that the war in Ukraine is over. In addition, there are protests in Georgia, genocide in Gaza...
    The future is not optimistic...

    1. I'm not optimistic about the future either, too much greed in this horror scenario! Cheers!

  8. Inspiring words. I do agree with you. Throughout the entire human history, there has never been a long period without wars. Our grandparents lived through them, our parents lived through them and we must live through them. We must do what we can for ourselves and others. Work on developing our empathy and understanding.

    1. You're absolutely right, and it seems to me that new generations suffer from very little empathy for the suffering of others! They watch too many violent series! I don't think that's a good thing!

  9. Although there have been some changes geopolitically, genocides and crimes against
    humanity are still occurring in a number of locales around the world, including, sadly, in Ukraine. ;-((

    I pray that our united small flames of hope and of our courage to speak out can help stop the genocides being committed for money, power, control of resources and the corrupt authoritarianism that uses the pretexts and pretences of patriotic nationalism to mask the war crimes being committed.

    On a much more positive note, you looked fabulous in your outfit photos in both of these posts:

    I like both your Look No. 725 on May 1, 2022 modelling the gold coloured blouse styled with the coordinated diagonal black and white striped jacket and mini-skirt, and;
    I alsolike this May 19, 2024 post, modelling the pretty pink eyelash ruffle cropped jacket styled with the white lace blouse, white long-line bra and pink pencil skirt with floral motif. :D

    1. The worst thing that can happen is that the discourse of war becomes normalised as an inevitability! NO! War is not and never will be a normal situation! Living in war is not normal! We must rise up and protest against war!
      Thank you for your detailed opinion on the two looks!

  10. Estas muy linda te sienta ese color. Te mando un beso.

  11. Realmente, a esperança está em falta.
    Eu prefiro o look rosa. Ele é muito bonito.

  12. I can understand you well.
    You look great, the outfit is beautiful.

    1. I think we have to do something, I'm not sure, but something has to be done to stop this insanity!

  13. You wear pink so well! It definitely is your color! I agree, I'd like to live in a world without war. Hope and peace seem like a faraway wish these days, sadly.

  14. Sempre dentro do que está dentro da moda e dos gostos

  15. Ich mag Pastelltöne unheimlich gern, sieht toll aus. LG Romy

    1. Translation:
      I really like pastel colours, they look great.

      I like it too!

  16. Adorei o look é lindo e elegante é absolutamente fantástico 👍 👍 👍 ❤️

  17. Sem dúvida me identifico mais com o look rosa de 2024. Está maravilhosa.

  18. Gostei do ar histórico da produção 🙂


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