Nem quero acreditar que este é o último fim de semana do mês de Maio. O que significa que vamos a caminho do meio do ano!!! Como o tempo voa! Ficamos velhas num piscar de olhos! Mas, alegrem-se que tenho para vos apresentar mais 5 magníficos looks! E como eu adoro esta rubrica!!!
I can't even believe that this is the last weekend of May. Which means we're on our way to the middle of the year !!! How time flies! We are old in the blink of an eye! But, rejoice that I have to present you 5 more magnificent looks! And how I love this item !!!

Esta semana o artigo em destaque são umas calças brancas de denim. Penso que este é o tipo de artigo que deve fazer parte de qualquer armário. Pode ser usado durante todo o ano. É uma daquelas peças básicas e versáteis e, que são o artigo favorito esta semana!
This week the featured article is white denim pants. I think this is the type of article that should be part of any closet. Can be used all year round. It is one of those basic and versatile pieces, which are the favorite item this week!

Então, digam-me lá qual é o vosso look preferido? Qual o dia da semana que preferem?
So, tell me what is your favorite look? What day of the week do you prefer?
Shop My Closet: White Denim Pants
The Monday outfit is so wonderful. I love the gold and the yellow together. That maxi dress is so beautiful. I also love your Friday look so much. I agree about white jeans. They're a great practical item.
ResponderEliminarPenso que todos os looks ficam bem a toda a mulher. Sublime elegância que elogio
Feliz fim de semana
Pensamentos e Devaneios Poéticos
Monday style is great:-)) Happy weekend.
ResponderEliminarAll of the outfit pieces and all seven of the outfits you styled with them and were wearing in the beautiful photos above look very fashionable and attractive!
ResponderEliminarMy favourite outfit pieces in the photos above are:
Monday's sheer floral overlay maxi-dress;
The pretty pink dress you wore on Wednesday, and;
The green double-breasted jacket you wore on Thursday.
The white denim pants also look nice. I do not currently own any,
but I do remember wearing some when I was younger, and
might again some day.
P.S.: Thank you for all of the comments you have left on my blog despite my not doing any posts yet this year.
P.P.S.: I LOVE your beautifully made short Marisa Cavaleiro's YouTube Channel videos!
Gostei, particularmente, do look de sexta!
ResponderEliminarSimplesmente tens aí conjuntos bem bonitos, nem sei qual gostei mais
Novo post
Tem post novos todos os dias
Sempre bela.. O ano está a passar muito rápido :)
Beijo e um excelente fim de semana.
Geniales looks me gustan los del lunes que se ve te elegante y sensual y el de viernes que se ve cómodo pero elegante. Te mando un beso
ResponderEliminarI love white denim pants but they really don't look that good on me, instead they look fab on you!
ResponderEliminarI presume that this location is still your garden right? I am so jealous I want a garden like yours!
Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger
Gosto muito de calças branca denim, mas no inverno não costumo usar. Parece que não me sinto bem, mas tenho que mudar estes hábito.
ResponderEliminarIsabel Sá
Brilhos da Moda
Nice looks
ResponderEliminarMy favorite is the Friday
kisses ♥
It's true - time flies inexorably. Only spring and summer are cooler this year, so it's hard to believe that June is so close.
ResponderEliminarYour yellow dress in the first outfit is so cute and you wear those white pants well :)
ResponderEliminarThanks for your sweet comment on my blog - I only have those 30 photos as I take photos of my outfit each day to share what I'm wearing - I wouldn't have the patience to take 30 different outfit photos in a row, haha!
Hope you are having a great weekend :)
Away From The Blue
Oi Marisa, sempre arrasando nos looks! A calça branca é realmente linda, mas amei mesmo esse vestido florido de segunda-feira ~ belíssimo! A cara do verão e da primavera. <3
ResponderEliminarLovely outfits for entire week!
ResponderEliminarMonday looks the best to me :)
Happy Sunday!
Such summery photos!
ResponderEliminarI'm so happy we've finally leaved cold and winter at our back and are welcoming the good season!
Your outfits are all very original and stylish, but I'd say that my fav is the fisrt, just because it's the one that reflect better my mood in this moment! ^^
Beautiful photos, you look very pretty and I love that light!
Fiquei encantada com o teu vestido! É mesmo muito giro!
Ontem é só Memória | Facebook | Instagram | Youtube
Escolho o de sexta, também gosto muito do vestido de segunda.
Arrasou com todos os looks.
ResponderEliminarBoa semana!
Jovem Jornalista
Até mais, Emerson Garcia