Olá, bem.vindos a mais um fabuloso post dos Looks da Semana! Preparem-se para o Halloween mais arrepiante dos últimos anos. Parece que os percevejos decidiram fazer um tour mundial, passando por França e Espanha, agora estão em Portugal, que horror!! Parece que eles decidiram fantasiar-se de monstros e estão a invadir as nossas casas como se fossem protagonistas de um filme de terror. O que é melhor no Halloween do que uma praga de percevejos? As teias de aranha podem dar lugar a teias de percevejos, que horror!! Estejam atentos, mais vale prevenir do que ter um exército de percevejos na cama, que horror!! Então, enquanto se preparam para o Halloween, não se esqueçam de adicionar um novo item à lista de sustos: a invasão dos percevejos! E que esta temporada assustadora traga mais risos do que arrepios! Já ouviram falar disto nas notícias?
Hello and welcome to another fabulous Looks of the Week post! Get ready for the creepiest Halloween in years. It seems that the bedbugs have decided to go on a world tour, passing through France and Spain, now they're in Portugal, what a horror!!! It seems they've decided to dress up as monsters and are invading our homes as if they were starring in a horror film. What's better for Halloween than a plague of bedbugs? Spider webs can give way to bedbug webs, how horrible! Be careful, it's better to be safe than to have an army of bedbugs in your bed, how horrible!!! So, as you prepare for Halloween, don't forget to add a new item to your list of scares: the bedbug invasion! And may this spooky season bring you more laughs than chills! Have you heard about this in the news?

Com a chegada do tempo mais fresco, surge a oportunidade de adicionar estilo extra ao guarda roupa. Por que não escolher um kimono como a terceira peça perfeita para este Outono? Além de aquecer, eleva o look para um nível de elegância muito superior, tornando cada passo um desfile de moda pessoal. Prático e chique, o kimono é a resposta mais fashion para enfrentar o tempo mais fresco com glamour!
With the arrival of cooler weather comes the opportunity to add extra style to your wardrobe. Why not choose a kimono as the perfect third piece this autumn? As well as keeping you warm, it elevates your look to a much higher level of elegance, making every step a personal fashion show. Practical and chic, the kimono is the most fashionable answer to facing the cooler weather with glamour!
You look great, thanks for your sharing....
ResponderEliminarLove the pop of red!
Curated by Jennifer
Oh, you wear white so well! & love your little touches of color as well.
ResponderEliminarMy favorite book? In women's fiction I like Anne Tyler's older work. Not so much now. I have always found Stuart O'Nan very prolific. Also Lucy Clarke's thrillers are some good fiction too. Her latest is THE HIKE. But the first book that ever caught my attention was the The Outsiders. Truly, I've always had it bad for the bad boy anti-hero. Recently, I have been reading Andrew McCarthy's nonfiction book A Walk With Sam. I didn't know what a great travel writer he is. Truly a talented actor and director from the Brat Pack era.
This outfit is really nice. The first thing that attracted me was the combination of the long orange jacket and the fringed top. Looking down, I felt that the pants and boots also match well, and the material texture of the pants also looks very good. .
ResponderEliminarI also like the green plaid jacket~
This outfit is really perfect~
KLOISONNE™ Worldwide Site
Boa tarde de sexta-feira e bom final de semana Marisa. Todos são maravilhosos.
ResponderEliminarUau, que nem sei qual dos conjuntos mais gostei da semana,
ResponderEliminarSempre com os melhores conjuntos
Novo post
Tem Post Novo Diariamente
Sempre lindíssima.
ResponderEliminarFeliz fim de semana
Geniales atuendos. Me gusta el de martes. Te mando un beso.
ResponderEliminarBeautiful outfits
ResponderEliminarYou can view my new post: https://www.melodyjacob.com/2023/10/decoding-instagrams-modesty-debate-are-revealing-trends-empowering-or-indecent.html
I swear you have the best closet. I wished we lived closer so we could swap clothes,
Nice looks, like always
ResponderEliminarThe red coat is amazing ♥
So many great looks! I love the red kimono
ResponderEliminarJulia x
All outfits are beautiful, by the way, Happy Blog Anniversary.
ResponderEliminarBernie, xx
The Style Fanatic
I like all these looks but I like wednesday a little bit more.
ResponderEliminarIn Italy, haven't heard anything about this bedbugs plague but it sounds pretty scary... Hope it ends soon, everywhere!
Sempre arrasa com todos os looks. Belíssimas escolhas.
ResponderEliminarBoa semana!
O JOVEM JORNALISTA está no ar cheio de posts novos e novidades! Não deixe de conferir!
Jovem Jornalista
Até mais, Emerson Garcia
I adore your second outfit!