Olá, bem-vindos a mais um maravilhoso post! Nada me faz mais feliz do que passar por uma estufa de flores e fazer umas fotos! Eu, cercada por tanta beleza e cores vibrantes sinto é o meu mundo. Cada clique da máquina fotográfica captura um pouco do amor que tenho por estas maravilhas da Natureza!
Hello, welcome to another wonderful post! Nothing makes me happier than walking past a greenhouse of flowers and taking some photos! Surrounded by such beauty and vibrant colours, I feel like it's my world. Each click of the camera captures a little of the love I have for these wonders of Nature!
As fotos ficaram incríveis, não acham?? É difícil negar que uma estufa de flores é um cenário perfeito para fotos instagramáveis!
The photos are amazing, don't you think? It's hard to deny that a greenhouse of flowers is a perfect setting for instagrammable photos!
Mas, além de apreciar esta beleza, é importante falar sobre um assunto sério: espécies de plantas importadas estão se a tornar, no nosso país, em espécies invasoras. Algumas dessas espécies, apesar de inicialmente parecerem inofensivas e até bonitas, estão a ameaçar a biodiversidade local, eu testemunho isso no meu jardim. Elas competem com as plantas nativas por espaço, luz e nutrientes, colocando em risco o equilíbrio dos nossos ecosistemas.
But as well as appreciating this beauty, it's important to talk about a serious issue: imported plant species are becoming invasive species in our country. Some of these species, despite initially appearing harmless and even beautiful, are threatening local biodiversity - I witness this in my garden. They compete with native plants for space, light and nutrients, jeopardising the balance of our ecosystems.

Vamos todos ficar atentos e fazer a nossa parte para proteger a Natureza! Apreciar a beleza das flores, mas sempre com consciência e responsabilidade, isto é ter uma consciência ambiental! A realidade é que eu tenho pelo menos no meu jardim 3 espécies invasoras e já não sou capaz de me livrar delas, por muito que me esforce em tentar desvastá-las, mas objectivamente, elas já estão a ultrapassar os limites do meu jardim!! Já deram conta que isto está a acontecer??
Let's all be vigilant and do our bit to protect nature! Appreciate the beauty of flowers, but always with awareness and responsibility, this is having an environmental conscience! The reality is that I have at least 3 invasive species in my garden and I am no longer able to get rid of them, no matter how hard I try to get rid of them, but objectively, they are already going beyond the limits of my garden!!! Have you realised that this is happening?
Thanks for reading!!!
You look pretty among all the flowers.
ResponderEliminarThe dress is fantastically beautiful. I now also need a piece of clothing with hole lace.
Have a wonderful new week Marisa <3
I'm glad to have inspired you!
EliminarThis is so pretty!!
Curated by Jennifer
Thanks Jennifer!
EliminarSuch a great outfit for the outing. Love the hat too. So many amazing photos. Adoring your June floral installment! Thanks so much! Happy June💙🍧🩷
ResponderEliminarThanks Ellie, you're always so kind in your assessments!
EliminarYour love for flowers and the joy you find in capturing their beauty through photography is truly inspiring! Greenhouses are indeed perfect settings for stunning, instagrammable photos. However, your point about the impact of invasive species is crucial. It's important to be aware of how non-native plants can disrupt local ecosystems and threaten biodiversity. Thank you for raising awareness about this important issue!
ResponderEliminarThank you for your pertinent comment. I have a small garden and I've realised that invasive plants are a real problem and it's happening in our green spaces! and I've felt incapable of solving the problem!
EliminarMarisa, your flower photos are breathtaking!
ResponderEliminarI'm with you on the invasive species issue.
It's crucial to enjoy nature responsibly.
Happy Monday!
Thank you for your comment! We must keep an eye on what's happening in our green spaces!
EliminarHello Marisa, you look beautiful in this white dress (I have a very similar one, but short, I like such lace for summer) and the flower photos are lovely! I love white clothes and flowers! The green hat adds charm to you. Greetings, I wish you a beautiful, successful June. Hugs!
ResponderEliminarThank you! I also love white dresses in summer, they're so light and comfortable at the same time! Love the photos too!
EliminarI love your passions for flowers, I love them too :D
ResponderEliminarThey are a mystery of nature!
EliminarSuch wonderful photos. And your outfit is wooooooow.
ResponderEliminarI love flowers. I used to have lots of them on my small balcony. And then, pollution killed them. I still have 3. Maybe 4. It is so sad.
What are the invasive plants that upset you? It is interesting to know.
There might be another problem - many of the plants we find at the supermarket or big stores may also be modified (heavily treated we already know they are).
And not only flowers - also trees or plants (vegetables etc.). We have here such great species that have been destroyed because of too many foreign species people tried to plant in their gardens (many of them gmo). We should be more careful, since the native plants are often, as you said, destroyed.
Hugs :*
Thank you for your comment! Where I live there's not much pollution, fortunately! That's not the problem, I have 3 invasive species in my garden, one gives a flower and I bought it as such, it's just that it's spread all over the garden becoming a weed, I can no longer clear the garden of it! Another is a thin bamboo cane that has quickly spread throughout the garden and has already crossed into the neighbour's yard. Another is Indian cane, another problem! If we stop maintaining the garden, these three species will take over the whole place! Hugs!
EliminarEstas muy linda a mi tambien me gustan las flores. Te mando un beso.
ResponderEliminarSão lindas, maravilhas da Natureza!
EliminarMe encanta el vestido. Besos
EliminarThis is so lovely, I love the dress on you! And I adore flowers too! <3
I'm glad you liked the outfit!
EliminarA estufa está perfeita e as flores são adoráveis.
ResponderEliminarO seu look ficou lindo e combinou com o clima de primavera.
As flores invasoras são um problema. Aqui não é diferente. Alguns espécies não podem entrar e as que já estão presentes causam danos por não terem predadores.
Há 500 anos Portugal trouxe espécies novas para a Europa, foram uma mais valia, especialmente as árvores de fruto, mas agora estas espécies que vêm de avião estão se a revelar um grande problema e, dos grandes!
EliminarYou look beautiful - I don't know if it's the flowers or the green hat... (yes, that's your color, so green)
All the colors are mine hahahh!
EliminarI agree that we need to take care of our nature.
ResponderEliminarAlien plant species and alien animal species can really mess up things for the native ones.
Something we need to consider for sure.
I absolutely love this all white dress!
A problem with a difficult resolution! In my garden I don't know what to do anymore, just mitigate the problem, I can't stop it!
EliminarBeautiful outfit and beautiful setting. I love flowers too.
ResponderEliminarJulia x
It's a passion for me!