Look Nº 830 - Kill Everything

 Bem-vindos meus queridos leitores e amigos! Finalmente temos um post com banda sonora, porque o tema é tão revoltante que necessito de uma música para reforçar a mensagem que quero passar. A música chama-se "Kill Everything" de Deborah Dyer, vocalista da banda Skunk Anansie, é um grito de alerta sobre as escolhas devastadoras que a humanidade faz em tempos de guerra. Quando reflectimos sobre os actuais conflitos na Ucrânia e em Gaza, o refrão desta música "Kill everything you love" assume um significado profundamente doloroso e revelador.

 Welcome, my dear readers and friends! Finally we have a post with a soundtrack, because the theme is so revolting that I need a song to reinforce the message I want to convey. The song is called "Kill Everything" by Deborah Dyer, lead singer of the band Skunk Anansie, and it's a warning cry about the devastating choices humanity makes in times of war. When we reflect on the current conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, the chorus of this song "Kill everything you love" takes on a deeply painful and revealing meaning.

Na Ucrânia, a invasão russa trouxe um nível de destruição que parece desafiar qualquer lógica de amor ou compaixão. Cidades inteiras reduzidas a escombros, famílias separadas, a esperança substituída pelo medo constante. Os sonhos de gerações destruídos e o que resta é matar tudo o que amamos! - Kill evreything you love!

Em Gaza,  a contínua violência entre israelitas e palestinianos perpétua uma história de ódio e vingança, onde vidas inocentes são ceifadas e o futuro melhor difícil de vislumbrar. Cada bombardeamento, destrói famílias, comunidades e o refrão da música repete-se. É uma escolha trágica que mata qualquer semente de amor, paz e dignidade em nome de uma guerra sem fim à vista!


In Ukraine, the Russian invasion has brought a level of destruction that seems to defy any logic of love or compassion. Entire towns reduced to rubble, families separated, hope replaced by constant fear. The dreams of generations shattered and all that remains is to kill everything you love!

In Gaza, the ongoing violence between Israelis and Palestinians perpetuates a story of hatred and revenge, where innocent lives are taken and a better future is hard to see. Each bombing raid destroys families and communities, and the chorus of the song repeats itself. It's a tragic choice that kills any seed of love, peace and dignity in the name of a war with no end in sight!

A humanidade, ao optar pela guerra demonstra uma tendência de preferir a destruição ao invés da construção, a morte ao invés da vida, o ódio ao invés do amor. "Kill everything you love" não é apenas uma frase; é uma acusação contra a nossa incapacidade de resolver conflitos de forma pacífica. 
By choosing war, humanity shows a tendency to favour destruction over construction, death over life, hatred over love. "Kill everything you love" is not just a phrase; it is an accusation against our inability to resolve conflicts peacefully. 

"Kill everything you love" desafia-nos a reconsiderar as nossas escolhas colectivas. Em vez de destruir o que amamos, por que não lutar para preservar e proteger? A verdadeira coragem está em encontrar maneiras de resolver diferenças sem recorrer à violência em construir pontes em vez de muros, em promover diálogos em vez de conflitos!
"Kill everything you love" challenges us to reconsider our collective choices. Instead of destroying what we love, why not fight to preserve and protect it? True courage lies in finding ways to resolve differences without resorting to violence, in building bridges instead of walls, in promoting dialogue instead of conflict!

Enquanto o mundo assiste a estas tragédias, devemo-nos inspirar e agir de maneira diferente. Podemos e devemos escolher um futuro onde "kill everything you love" seja uma advertência do que devemos evitar a todo o custo. Somente assim, poderemos honrar a humanidade que reside em cada um de nós e trabalharmos juntos para um mundo mais justo e pacífico.
As the world watches these tragedies unfold, we must be inspired and act differently. We can and must choose a future where "kill everything you love" is a warning of what we must avoid at all costs. Only then will we be able to honour the humanity that resides in each of us and work together for a more just and peaceful world.

 Estas guerras de que falei são uma realidade dolorosa que nos lembra que há ainda muito para a humanidade evoluir e aprender em termos de convivência e respeito mútuo. Eu sinto a obrigação de falar nestes assuntos, já que tenho uma porta aberta para o mundo virtual, espero que quem não goste deste tema, ou se sinta ofendido de alguma forma que comente e diga o seu ponto de vista, não faça como outros que covardemente deixam de seguir este blog! Todos nós já passámos por uma pandemia, eu não quero passar por uma guerra, nem quero pensar nessa hipótese, por favor não vamos fazer com os nossos blogs guerras de opiniões divergentes, não vamos cair no Kill Everything you love!
These wars I've been talking about are a painful reality that reminds us that there is still a lot for humanity to evolve and learn in terms of coexistence and mutual respect. I feel obliged to talk about these issues, since I have an open door to the virtual world. I hope that anyone who doesn't like this topic, or feels offended in any way, will comment and state their point of view, not like others who cowardly stop following this blog! We've all been through a pandemic, I don't want to go through a war, I don't even want to think about it, please let's not make wars of differing opinions with our blogs, let's not fall into Kill Everything you love! 


28 comentários

  1. MY GOD..how do you do it? So Lucious! I would be sweating up a storm. So great to see you on the sunny beach in this amazing outfit. Don't tell me..were you wearing a bra? Not in this heat we are having in the midwest! Yes, WAR is so unhealthy. Horrible! In fact. I am with you a hundred percent! Thanks for your statement! Thank you for your comments too. I hope the best for you. Peace. Love. & Understanding. But lets hope somebody kicks somebody's butt...and it starts with a U (to win). Wishing you a lovely week. May good things follow you.

    1. Thank you Ellie for this comment! I hope that civility prevails, I think that in many corners of this world people still live in darkness, the education of the people is urgently needed so that they do not believe the brainwashing they are given! And yes, I am wearing a bra ehehehh!!!

  2. O mundo é uma selva, infelizmente.
    As fotos estão muito giras.
    Isabel Sá
    Brilhos da Moda

    1. As fotos podiam estar melhor, mas estava uma ventania neste dia! Bolas!

  3. Looks praianas deslumbrantes. Deixo o meu aplauso e elogio
    Saudações poéticas e amigas.
    Poema: “ Apenas Amor “

  4. What you have written here is so very, very true. I agree!
    The lyrics to the song 'Skin (Skunk Anansie) - Kill Everything (Main version)'
    are extremely disturbing, in contrast to the pretty voice and the pretty melody.
    There certainly are a lot of horrible things being done around the world, in Ukraine, in Gaza, and elsewhere - in stark contrast to your beautiful wishes for goodness, peace and beauty to prevail and to these pretty photographs of you by the water!


    1. Hello, it's a pity that our voice is dying out in this virtual world. You're absolutely right Panty, that contrast between the lyrics and the beautiful melody is the same contrast we can make between the horrible things that are happening in these wars and the beautiful Earth we inhabit! Thank you!

  5. Yes, you said that very well.

    The photos are breathtaking, your outfit looks sensational on you.

    1. Hi, the photos could be better, but it was so windy that I couldn't even hold my hat on my head that day eheheh!!! Thank you!

  6. I totally agree with everything you've said. Humans can achieve the most remarkable things but we still want to kill each other for power and territory. It's so depressing. I love Skink Anansie - I saw them in concert when they first started out. Skin has an incredible voice. You look fabulous! I love those earrings!

    Emma xxx

    1. Hi, I love Skin's voice, it's powerful! Greed will still lead humanity into the abyss! I pray that the men of power have the discernment to lead us to peace!

  7. Wish countries can resolve their issues without violence....love your look...the accessories are super chic :-)

    1. That's my wish too, but it doesn't seem possible! We can only watch to see which path the powerful men of this beautiful Earth lead us. Thank you!

  8. Respostas
    1. It's heartbreaking to witness the devastation caused by conflicts around the world.
      Your choice of music and words captured the gravity of these situations.
      I share your hope for a future where dialogue and understanding prevail over violence. Your outfit looks stunning, by the way!

      Sending you wishes for peace and solidarity from afar.

    2. Thank you! I think we have to be very demanding with those who govern us, but having freedom of expression seems, in some places on this planet, like something out of science fiction!

  9. Estes dias que vivemos são sem dúvida bastante revoltantes...

    Gostaria de te convidar a participares na nossa campanha de sócio fundador, onde terás acesso a novidades exclusivas sem qualquer tipo de custo. INSCRIÇÃO

    Ontem é só Memória | Facebook | Instagram

    1. Obrigada pelo comentário!
      Ser sócio fundador de quê? Vi a inscrição mas é muito vago!

  10. I love your style so much. The accessory and your clothes are beautiful for this season. It makes me want to go on holiday. https://www.bauchlefashion.com/2024/06/the-beauty-industrys-best-kept-secret.html

  11. Perhaps some people felt tired of the topics and therefore stopped following your blog?
    I admit without hesitation that I didn't visit your blog during the pandemic because you wrote a lot about it and I wanted to forget... Lockdowns really cost me a lot of money and health, so I hope you won't hold it against me.
    As for wars; world peace is slowly becoming an oxymoron.
    I have the impression that because politicians cannot get along, it is ordinary people who suffer the most...

    1. Just because I don't share the same opinion as someone else, I'm not going to stop following them. I don't fight blogs! I think we should set an example of wanting a better world and understanding between everyone, even with different points of view! I realise that you haven't visited my blog during the pandemic, but my blog is my life, it's my diary, everything I think and everything I'm going through is written here! But I'll try to diversify the topics. Thanks for your feedback!

  12. These wonderful photos, in a peacefull place, with an outfit that inspires peace of mind and soul.... I hope they will inspire. It is so easy to destroy... I donnot understand why people still fight. I mean, ok, manipulation and the so well known „divide and conquer”... but unless someone holds the key if immortality, I cannot see any meaning in wars...

    Hugs :*

    1. I don't understand the meaning of wars either, why? For power! I hope that these people who promote wars in another dimension will suffer the consequences of their actions, like some kind of divine justice! I want to believe in that! Hugs!


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